The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 90

A quarter to five in the morning, Xandar was resting his head on the bed next to his mate, taking i n her scent as he stroked her hand when, suddenly, he heard her soft moan. His body shot up from the chair, and he inched his face closer to hers as he uttered, “Baby. Baby, are you awake? Can you hear me?”

Lucianne’s fingers moved slightly in Xandar’s hand, and her eyelids pressed down for a moment before they opened halfway to reveal those dazed black orbs. Her dry lips parted as she muttered,” Xandar.”

Xandar’s eyes were tearing up with relief and joy. “Baby. Oh, Goddess. You’re okay. You’re okay.” H e kissed her on her lips and she responded, albeit very weakly.

When she felt his tears and he pulled away, she asked weakly, “What’s wrong, Xandar? Are you okay?”

He scoffed. She was the one on the hospital bed. He chuckled as he said, “I am nowmy love.” He kissed her forehead, her nose and her cheek. “I missed you.”

She smiled with heavy eyelids as her hand started stroking his in retum. He kissed her fingers before saying, “I’m going to go get a doctor, okay? I won’t take long.”

“Wh-What? Wh-Where am I?” Lucianne started looking around as quickly as she could manage.

Xandar panicked. He didn’t want her to strain herself so he held her face gently in his hands and cooed, “Shh. Baby, you’re okay. You’re safe. You’re in a hospital. I’ll explain everything but I need to get a doctor to check on you first, okay?”

“Okay.” She answered slowly and softly.

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