The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

Sasha's doubtful voice rang through Livia's phone call, “You sure she didn’t know who you were? You were straddling on her ex-mate for Goddess sake!"

Like Livia needed reminding. And for the third time Sasha's asking, Livia was running low on patience as she said, “It didn't look like she knew. She looked lost but she was also trying to figure i tout.”

Livia sighed before peeping through her curtains to see if anyone was outside her house. She then uttered in a worried tone, “Nothing would happen to me, right? I mean, Greg only said he'll come for me if I tried to hurt her. I didn't do anything. It was a coincidence! An unfortunate coincidence!”

Sasha scoffed, “Honey, are you hearing yourself right now? You're saying you're afraid of the wolf?"

Livia sighed. It was as if her best friend wasn't listening to a word she had been saying, “Sasha, I'm more afraid of the Duke. You know he has those underground connections! I don't! I'm practically defenseless against him! And I can’t tell mom and dad. They don’t know about my... experience with him so they'd ask how I came about knowing that he had such connections.”

"Hmph. Useless rake of a Duke. A disappointment. A traitor.” Sasha then got to the part which she really wanted to talk about, “Is the King disgusted by the wolf yet? Did his eyes wander somewhere else because he was bored of her?”

Livia snapped, “Sasha! We haven't solved my problem yet! Focus!” Sasha was taken aback but said, “Liv, you said it yourself. He won't come for you as long as you leave the wolf alone. Since that was what you did, he won't act on his threat. The only reason he'll come to see you would probably be for... something else.”

Livia knew she meant sex, and she got excited as she exclaimed, “You think he'll come back?”

“Don't get too excited, honey. Until the wolf is out of the picture, our men can't see us yet. They're still blinded by that irksome thing. Now,” Sasha slumped into her posh couch in her bedroom as she asked, “If we're done with your problem, let's get to mine. Did the King seem bored with the wolf?"

Livia hesitated before saying, “I don't think you want to know, Sash.” Sasha stubbornly insisted, “If I didn't, I wouldn't have asked, Liv."

Livia sighed. She already knew how this was going to go but she didn't want to lose a person whom she could talk to about these things so she said, “The King is still looking at her like she’s beautiful or something. And his eyes only wandered to me for a few seconds when he noticed the wolf was looking right at me.”

Sasha pressed, “That's impossible. He must have looked somewhere else.”

“If he did, I didn't see it.”

There was a moment of silence as Sasha breathed heavily in jealousy as she hissed, “The Lycans

will never accept her as Queen. Sooner or later, she'd have to go. Our species is superior to theirs. There's no way in hell we'll accept a wolf.” 1 Livia remained silent until Sasha prompted her to respond. Livia tried to be as delicate as possible when she said, “l don't know about that, Sash. The murmurs and chatters about her in the restaurant were...kinda good. There was even a child who liked her so much that she gave her a drawing. I couldn't see it though so I can't tell if it was any good but the wolf seemed happy with i


“She mentioned that when the little girl asked.”

“She did?’ Sasha wondered if the filthy wolf finally came to her senses and would leave the King, making her job of breaking them up so much easier.

“Yeah. I mean, everyone knows there's technically no Queen yet.” Sasha smirked and concluded, “And a wolf like that will never be one.” “Uh, no. You're misunderstanding, Sash. The people around me were saying that the wolf was just being humble when she said she wasn't our Queen. It looked more like she denied the title because she’s not officially crowned yet.”


“Sash, calm down. She didn’t demand it. She just said she wasn't the Queen.”

“Oh, so you're defending her now, too?”

"Girl, you asked me the story. Do you want me to lie about what I saw or tell you the truth?”

Sasha took a breath to calm herself before speaking in a voice still laced with jealousy and anger,” So, after she said she isn't the Queen, then what? Did everyone agree?”

“Most of them didn’t believe her. Some of the others looked disappointed for a little while...”

“What do you mean “for a little while?”

“Well... after the wolf told the child that she wasn't the Queen, the King immediately assured the child that... she will be one. The wolf will be made Queen one day. And the little girl seemed happy about it.” "WHAT?! HE CAN'T DO THAT!"

Livia rolled her eyes at her friend's reaction, “He's the King, Sasha. Whoever he mates gets the crown. Everyone knows that.” Livia really couldn't see what Sasha and her Kylton cousin, Kelissa, saw in that man. “NO!” Sasha shouted at the top of her lungs and there was an annoyed knock on her bedroom door before her brother's irritated voice rang through it, “Sasha, keep it down! The whole neighborhood can hear you screaming!”

She rolled her eyes at the closed door and continued speaking to Livia, “We need a plan, and we

need it fast!”

“Whatever it is, keep me as anonymous as possible. I want the Duke to hurt me but not in the way h e meant when he broke into my house.” Livia's phone vibrated, and she pulled it away from her ear to see that she had another incoming call so she took the opportunity to end her conversation with Sasha, “Hey, Sash. I got to take this other call. Talk to you next time, okay?” She hung up even before Sasha could respond. After tapping on the answer button, Livia addressed the caller, “Hey, heiress, what's up?”

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