The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

The next morning, Lucianne walked in with Juan and Hale for breakfast. As soon as she stepped into the dining hall, the Lycans and werewolves in the room bent their knees by a few inches and lowered their heads in their direction. Juan, Hale and Lucianne stopped in their tracks and turned around. They looked at each other in confusion when Xandar was nowhere to be seen. Xandar was the only person who could make the whole room bow like that but he wasn't in the room yet so why was everyone bowing?

“Uhh... think it's for you, Lucy.” Juan whispered. His suggestion made Lucianne flinch internally. Some of the people were already looking her way from the corner of their eyes, wondering if she was going to allow them to stand anytime soon.

She bowed at the crowd in return before resuming her standing position, and said in the same powerful voice she used the previous night, “Please, stand when I stand, to signify that we stand through every prosperity and hardship together.” Everyone lifted their heads and stood upright in admiration of what they had just heard. (This novel will be daily updtaed at were surprised oohs and aahs at Lucianne’s words that breathed humility and regality. No one they bowed to had ever offered a bow in return. Lucianne was the first.

“Wow!” Christian's voice came from behind Lucianne. “If my cousin weren't bonded to you, I would've been the first to suggest he abdicated the throne for you to take it.” She turned around to see him approach her with a cheeky smile. And Christian, with an arm stretched diagonally across his chest, tilted his head slightly as he greeted her, "My Queen.”


Lucianne smirked, “Good morning to you too, Christian.”

She got back to talking to the wolves, and was relieved that they still spoke like they normally would as allies and friends. Zeke, Tate and Juan then asked her if there were any updates on the rogue that was being held captive. They were less worried knowing that he was still unconscious until later in the afternoon.

Suddenly, everyone in the hall bowed a second time. Lucianne turned to see Xandar taking large strides towards her with smiling eyes and a visible upward curl of his lips. He slid his hand into hers before he faced the room and...bowed in return?? When he stood, his loud voice rang loud in the hall, “As our Queen has said, stand when we stand because we all stand together, through everything.” There was admiration when Lucianne said those words. But there was only shock and confusion when Xandar replicated them. Still, they obliged while throwing each other doubtful glances. Did the King really say that?

He gazed at his mate lovingly before uttering in his husky voice, “Good morning, beautiful.”

“In a good mood this morning, I see.” She teased.

“Mm.” He kissed her on her forehead before stating, “It got better when I heard about the new formality you've started. Another first.”

It was clear that he was talking about her idea of bowing back to the people. Seemingly unperturbed, Lucianne narrowed her eyes and asked, “Christian told you, didn’t he?”

“Yes, my Queen. I definitely did.” Christian then joined their conversation, (This novel will be daily updtaed at’As much as I love and respect you, my Queen, I didn’t trust you to tell the King. Knowing your level of humility, you would downplay what really happened. And uh cuz...” he looked at Xandar, “I meant it when I said you should consider abdicating your throne to her.”

“Christian,” Lucianne started, “Why do I get the feeling you've exaggerated what really happened?”

Before his cousin could respond, Xandar chuckled and said, “I don't think so, babe. After I said what you did earlier, I could've sworn I heard at least twenty different voices in this room asking each other whether I just copied my Queen.”

Lucianne then asked in discomfort, “Xandar, is it even appropriate to ask everyone to address me as that? I'm technically not a Queen.” Christian then told Xandar, “I can have her coronation arranged by tomorrow, cuz. Just say the word.”

“No! That's not what I meant!” Lucianne frantically exclaimed.

Christian then chuckled, “Relax, my Queen. I was only joking. There really is no hurry.”

Xandar took Lucianne’s hands and his lilac eyes looked affectionately into her worried black orbs, “Lucy, the title doesn't indicate that we have to rush into anything. We're taking this slow. Before wanting to refuse being called our Queen, at least consider the fact that you've already spoken and commanded like a Queen last night and this morning. So you backing out is going to disappoint a lot of people, not just me and Christian.”

Lucianne narrowed her eyes, “You two set me up. That was the plan. You two are devious! You put me in a position where I couldn't refuse.” Xandar then kissed her forehead, finding her look of realization absolutely adorable, “You could have refused. You could have run away or broken down in fear. But you didn't, you spoke like a true leader, and commanded like a noble ruler.”

Lucianne then retorted, “First of all, you know me well enough to know that I wouldn't run or cry in front of everyone. And if I wanted to run, your tight grip on my hand last night would've destroyed my plans in doing so. Two, we got lucky that I was able to speak like that last night. For a whole minute, (This novel will be daily updtaed at couldnt move or speak. I was petrified.”

Christian then muttered to himself, “Hm... didn’t seem like that though.” Xandar continued to smile as he persuaded, “Come on, sweetheart. You were great! You did it this morning, too. I'm sorry I missed it but I'm sure it was equally, if not more, phenomenal.”

Before Lucianne could speak, Christian butted in, “It was definitely more phenomenal. And it

was better than any speech you gave in the last eighteen years, cuz.” 1 Xandar then exclaimed enthusiastically, “See! Christian thinks so!” Lucianne was about to retort again but Xandar pouted, “Baby, it's not that bad. Just think of it as someone calling your name.”

Lucianne said sarcastically, “Right, why didn’t I think of it? The title of a Queen sounds just like my name.”

Christian deliberately ignored her sarcasm, “Exactly! That's the spirit, my Queen!”

Lucianne threw him a frustrated glare but Xandar brought her attention back to him as he said seriously, “Lucy, you are more than worthy to be our Queen. Didn't you see how many people you inspired last night? How many spirits were lit up? Forget about the Lycans if you want to for now but didn’t you feel the renewed sense of hope from the wolves when you spoke the way you did?”

Lucianne silently recalled the audience the previous night. The wolves definitely looked thrilled and happy when she spoke, and the cheers from them were deafening after she finished. As she reminisced about the many happy and excited faces in the crowd the previous night, a smile subconsciously graced her features.

Xandar then said softly and sincerely, “You're giving us hope, Lucy. More importantly, you're giving them hope, the werewolves. You don't need me to tell you that your kind has been overlooked for far too long, so much so that many had given up hoping for any help from us. (This novel will be daily updtaed at you're changing that for them. Don't think of being called a Queen as being addressed by a royal title. Just think of it as being a beacon of hope and symbol of change for all of us, but more so for them. How about that?” Lucianne took a moment to look at the wolves in the room before she looked back at Xandar

and uttered, “Okay.” Xandar smiled radiantly and pecked a kiss on her lips as he said assuringly, “You'll do great, Lucy. You'll see.”

Despite being moved by his words of encouragement, Lucianne looked at the cousins in mock sternness before she declared, “But this does not mean I'm letting you two off the hook

for what you both did to me last night.”

Christian then raised his hands in front of his chest and said in mock fear, “It was all Xandar's idea, my Queen. I had no choice but to oblige.” Xandar put on his mock look of hurt, “Really? We get caught and you throw me under the bus? Where's your sense of loyalty to your best friend, cousin?”

Christian responded without hesitation, “Did you even hear her last night? She will not stop until every last threat is neutralized. I don't want to be on the receiving end of her wrath with you, cuz. You're on your own.” 3

Lucianne couldn't help but chuckle at the cousins’ harmless bickering. The atmosphere between the three of them eased considerably. Suddenly, her eyes glazed over as she received

a mind-link from Juan, “Lucy, could you ask the King and the Duke to spare five minutes with us? It's about the rogue Lycan from the Jewel pack.’

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