That Sik Luv

: Chapter 31


I pull her body back into mine; her back thudding against my chest as he rings out a shot to the wall of the confessional.

Just as I’m making my move to take the gun, a knife appears. Briony quickly swings her arm, slashing the wrist of the deacon through the grated window.

She brought my knife.

He screams in agony from the other side of the confessional as his grasp on the gun slips. I catch it midair as my other arm wraps around her waist. I stand, still holding her to my front as my dick stands tall, firmly planted inside her.

I turn the gun on him through the broken grate separating the chamber and pull the trigger, shooting him point blank, watching his head snap back as I bury the bullet. A mess of brain, blood, and flesh blows out the back of his skull, splattering along the wooden walls as he falls back, his limp body sagging awkwardly against the bench beneath him.

Briony screams in horror.

Wrapping my hand back over her mouth, she shakes against me, her wide eyes set on the deacon deprived of life as I press her against the wall before us. She squints her eyes closed, not wanting to bear witness to the reality before her.

“Look Briony!” I demand, kneeing her legs open wider as I thrust deeply into her from behind. “Open your fucking eyes!”

She gasps as her palms slap against the wall, bracing her from the force. Her eyes snap open, falling back on the deacon.

“They don’t want you! You’re fucking worthless to them!” I fist her hair, holding her head against the wall, trying to wake her up to the reality before her. “They never wanted you! You aren’t one of them! They want to eliminate the likes of you from their world. You pushed too far. You’re a force they can’t handle. You just kept fucking pushing!”

The words fall from my mouth like venom. Pain sears throughout my emotional core at the deep unresolved wound this reopens. These are the words I’ve told myself from a past life that seems like a lifetime ago. That young man, so lost and confused after the set-up they knew I’d never conquer.

They marked me a murderer. Branded me the enemy because Callum Westwood knew a life that included me could never work. I was his greatest mistake. His greatest downfall.

Cold lies the innocent woman in the middle of the dirt of the alleyway alongside me. A world she never chose for herself, either. I was nothing but a mess of blood and broken bones, laying aside the wide blue eyes set on me. The bluest eyes I’d ever seen, staring straight back into mine, haunting me as they still do. The lack of life behind them did nothing to cease the tears that poured out into that pool of blood beneath the dark head of hair that knotted in a mess beneath her shattered skull.

We were just two separate souls trapped within the unrelenting confines of their sick and disturbing world, meeting separate destinies, separate hells. I swore to those blue eyes that she hadn’t died in vain like my mother. I promised I’d bring them down, one by one. I swore to her I’d find the daughter they ripped from her arms before ending her life like she wasn’t even human at all.

Briony’s tears snap me back into the moment as she continues silently sobbing against my embrace.

She’s always needed me, just as I’ve needed her. I’m her truth. Her voice. The weapon she wields to use as needed. My protection and loyalty to her will never cease. Not until we get what’s rightfully ours. Sweet, dark, ruthless revenge.

“Anyone,” I whisper roughly into her ear as we both stare at the mess of the man before us.

She shifts on her feet, her ass rubbing against my front, spreading her arousal across my lower abdomen. I get hard again at the sight.

I pull out slightly, then thrust myself even harder into her, lifting her to her toes. “My proof before you. I’ll end anyone who denies you the chance to live.”

My release is pending. Being inside of her while taking lives has me harder than a rock, my dick surely leaking inside her already. She’s got such a tight hold on me. The grasp of her snug, pliable cunt just clinging to my shaft. Her hand slowly slides from the wall down between her thighs, more than likely supplementing her own pleasure and release.

My head falls to the wall beside hers, my hand holding the gun as I brace myself against the wood paneling of the confessional at the overwhelming sensation.

“Thinking about him?” I ask through gritted teeth. “Is it Saint that has you gripping this dick inside you?”

“I couldn’t if I tried,” she replies breathlessly.

I slam up into her, feeling my piercing running along the inside of her walls.

“You’re lucky, you know that?” I lick the side of her neck before sucking on the skin there, biting into her flesh. Her throat hums with a moan, tilting her head for me to continue. “Lucky I figured it out. You were protecting me. I could’ve killed you for even voicing the words.”

I pick up the pace, my hips roughly smacking against the skin of her full bouncing ass, fucking my counterpart in the house of her Lord at the bloody proof of my obsession.

I’ve never found myself so completely enthralled by one being in all my life, especially now, after knowing what she tastes like and how she feels around me. She’ll never leave me. I won’t give her that option. Either she chooses me back or we both leave this earth in two dark cavities, dug out next to one another.

Her moans groan louder and she drops her head forward against the wall alongside mine. I lace my fingers through her hair, pulling her head back up to keep death in her line of sight. The message must be cemented into her warped little mind. Nothing will stop me from protecting her from the men who think they own her. Nothing and no one will get in the way of ensuring my little doll is mine to keep.

As I’m lost inside of this woman yet again, I feel the sharp pain of a blade tearing through the flesh of my arm.

“Fuck!” I spit out in disbelief as I take a step back, pulling out of her.

She quickly turns to face me and pushes me firmly in the chest. I sway back before stabilizing myself in the tiny box, only for her to swing that fucking knife at me again.

My chest caves as I bend, avoiding the stabbing until my calves bump into the bench, causing me to fall back into the seat.

Briony jumps me, straddling my lap while my cock still lies erect and wet with her arousal between us. She holds the knife up to my neck, and I drop my head back against the wall, gazing at her through my lashes, catching my breath as my lips pull into a devilish smirk of disbelief.

“You don’t get to take from me anymore,” she growls, pressing the tip of the blade into the flesh of my neck. “No one does.”

She doesn’t realize this fiery passion only activates my crazy. That the wild buried deep within her is finally emerging before me. I need the infliction of her pain just to come. Crave it like the darkness I thrive in.

Raising to her knees, she turns the blade until the tip of it is pointed up beneath my chin. It’s adorable really. The idea that she can actually overpower someone who doesn’t fear death. But, I’ll entertain it.

“Why are you here?” she asks, squinting to see me in the dim light. “How could you know?”

I swallow, knowing she’s too smart to not question it.

“Because you needed me. And because it’s literally become my job.”

She scoffs, “I didn’t need you. I had this under control. And why is it your job to protect me, Aero? What aren’t you telling me?”

A chuckle leaves my nose before I raise the gun to her temple. I cock a brow before gripping her wrist in my hand, roughly twisting her arm behind her back until she whimpers in pain, and drops the blade to the floor behind her with a thud.

Leaning forward, I press my black-painted face to hers, our foreheads sealing together.

“Don’t go getting too confident yet, darling. You have much to learn,” I growl, tightening my hold on her wrists. “And it’s not my job to protect you. It was never my job to protect you.”

Her eyes crease in the corners as she attempts to study my face. I drop the gun to my side on the bench.

It was my goal to have her protect herself.

Before she can ask any more questions, I bring my other hand around her ass, slapping the soft skin with a firm hand, before pulling the damp underwear to the side again.

“Now sit on this dick and make a fucking mess of me in this house of lies,” I command, pulling her forward.


I don’t even let her finish whatever was about to come out of her pretty little mouth. I need inside her again before I knock this fucking wooden box over.

Running the head of my cock along her creamy vulva, coating my piercing, I collect her arousal and push the tip back in before pulling her hips down on it, settling myself deep within her warmth where I belong.

She gasps as I stretch her slowly, pausing to embrace my own euphoria. Her upper arms settle on my shoulders and her hands wrap around the back of my head, finding my hair. She runs her fingers into it before grasping on tightly.

A feral growl leaves my throat. “Milk the cum out of your cock, Briony.”

Moaning, she raises to her knees on the bench, then slowly sits back down, swallowing the thick root of me before pulling my head forward against hers by my roots. She lifts on my lap again, her chest heaving beneath the uniformed shirt.

“What was your job, Aero?” she asks, stalling her descent.

Dangerous eyes find hers as I decipher the scenario before me. She’s really pushing me.

“What was the fucking job?” she asks again, sounding more demanding.

My mouth finds hers before she dodges my lips by turning away from me. My teeth graze the sharp line of her jaw, and I bite down, sinking my teeth into the soft flesh, causing her to hiss at the same time I thrust up into her.

I release her from my bite, my hands finding their way around her petite little throat.

“The job is what it’s always been,” I say, tightening my grip, feeling the blood surge through her jugular.

She cries out as I quicken our pace, leaning back and thrusting my hips up into her until I can get as deep as I need to.

“W-what—“ Her mouth tries to form words, but she can’t. I won’t allow any more questions about how we got here.

“To watch you bloom. Before me.” My throaty groans have me pausing to gather myself as I feel her dripping down my length, down to my balls, making my thighs wet with her. “Bloom beneath me. Fuck. Around me.”

She screams out as her pussy clamps down, the spasms, choking my cock. Her head sags forward against mine again, and I loosen my hold on her neck and allow her to fall to my chest. With a few quick, stiff thrusts, I lose myself, following her orgasm with my own.

Her questions will continue because she’s not sure she can trust me. She’s smart to not. I’ll bring her down so badly until I’m the only one left beside her.

Her curiosities will continue until she can wrap her beautiful head around my reasons.

Reasons that might make her run.

And running from me is an undertaking she’ll never achieve.

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