That Kind of Guy: A Spicy Small Town Fake Dating Romance (The Queen’s Cove Series Book 1)

That Kind of Guy: Chapter 22

THE ENTIRE DRIVE HOME, we sent secretive little grins across the car at each other. His gaze raked my form with appreciation, and I glanced between his handsome face and his strong hand gripping the steering wheel. His other hand was wrapped around my thigh, anchoring me, reminding me I was his.

I swallowed. If I thought too hard about it, I’d freak out, so I didn’t think. I let myself get swallowed up by Emmett and his radiance. I let myself be his.

He parked and caught my hand on the walk up to his front door. Inside, he waited for me to slip my shoes off before he backed me against the front door and placed his hands against the door on either side of my head. I was caged in by him, and I liked it.

His heated gaze met mine as he hovered inches from my mouth. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

“Oh, yeah?” I meant to sound confident, but it came out breathless. His proximity was making my pulse race. My hands came to his chest. His warmth radiated through his shirt.

He nodded down at me. “Mhm. And I’ve been very patient today.”

I shivered at his low tone and nodded back at him.

He glanced at my mouth, and his Adam’s apple bobbed.

His mouth was so close, if I just raised myself up on my tiptoes, I could reach him. But I wanted to see what he’d do next. “You don’t have to be patient anymore.”

Heat flared in his gaze, and he covered my mouth with his. We groaned simultaneously, and his hands came to my ass before he hoisted me against him. My ankles wrapped around his back, my arms looped around his neck, and he carried me up the stairs while we kissed. He tasted like the wine we were drinking and something specifically Emmett.

In the bedroom, we kissed while we shed our clothes, and we kissed while we climbed into his bed, him pulling the fluffy duvet over us. He was so warm. I pressed myself up against him to capture some of his heat, all while my own heat pooled between my legs. His hands roamed my body, not urgently like this morning but slowly, like he was savoring me.

His hard length pushed against my stomach, and I reached for it. He groaned when I stroked him and pulled himself from my grasp.

“I want to touch you.” I reached again, but he grabbed my wrists and held firm.

“Not yet.” His mouth came to my nipple, and my eyes fell closed. “There’s something I need first.”

His tongue moved over the pinched peak of my breast while his fingers rolled the other. I made short, sharp whimpers while he worked, and my legs pressed together. His fingers met me there and circled my clit.

“Emmett,” I moaned, and he made another noise of appreciation.

“I’ll never get sick of you saying my name.” His voice was low, and he looked up at me with eyes full of fire. “Never.”

Before I could respond, he moved and lowered his mouth to my clit, running his tongue over the sensitive bundle of nerves. My head rolled back. His tongue moved slick circles over me, winding me tighter.

“Fuck, you taste so good. I’m going to do this to you every day. Every day, I’m going to remind you you’re mine.”

His words only intensified the pleasure. Mine, he had said. I liked it. I was Avery Adams, soon-to-be business owner, feminist, and independent person, and I was getting very, very turned on by Emmett laying claim over me.

“I’ve been thinking about you getting wet all over my face all day.” His voice was low as his tongue swirled my clit. He sounded like he was talking to himself, or praying. “I’m addicted to this pussy.”

I was charged, full of electricity and ready to snap, when he slid a finger inside me and rubbed my G-spot.

“You’re soaking my hand, baby.”

Pleasure rattled through me, and when he locked his mouth on my clit and sucked, I came hard around his fingers, my hips jerking against his mouth, crying out his name in the bedroom.

“I wish that was your cock,” I rasped, catching my breath. “I wanted to come on you.”

He kneeled over me and braced his elbows on either side of my head. He looked down at me with those glittering gray eyes, and I had the most spectacular sensation of seeing my life as it was this very moment. Truly seeing myself, lying here in bed with Emmett, the man I was head-over-heels for, his masculine, clean scent enveloping me, and his body pressed against mine. If I could freeze this moment, keep a little piece of it with me forever, I would.

Emmett’s chest thudded against mine.

“I can feel your heartbeat.” My voice was barely above a whisper.

His gaze locked on mine. “That’s for you, Adams.”

My heart overflowed when he said that. I lifted my head to kiss him and moved my hips so his hardness was against my soft center. He wore a pained expression, like I was hurting him.

I waited for him to press into me, and when he didn’t, my mouth hitched. “Come on.”

A flash of a laugh crossed his face. And was that…nerves? “I don’t want this to be over so soon.”

Did he mean sex, or did he mean us? Was Emmett feeling the same hesitation to end our agreement that I was?

Was there a chance Emmett was head over heels, undeniably in love with me the way I was with him?

I swallowed and took a shaky breath. “I know. Me neither.”

His expression softened, and he dropped another sweet, lingering kiss on my mouth. I shifted again beneath him, reaching down to position him, and he sunk into me, slow and steady.

I moaned against him at the delicious full stretch of his cock inside me. My breaths came out in gasps.

Emmett’s forehead dropped to the bed beside my ear, and he groaned as he slowly slid in and out of me. “Avery.”

Pleasure coiled around my spine, and my legs tingled as Emmett hit the nerve endings inside me. His fingers came to my clit and again he circled it. My back arched off the bed. I was close again.

“Another?” I sounded incredulous. “Seriously?”

His voice was a growl in my ear. “Let me love you, Avery.” His fingers worked fast, and I clenched him hard. He groaned again. “Come for me, baby. I need you to come again.”

His words registered—let me love you—but I didn’t have time to think about them, turn them over, pick through them. The pressure low in my belly expanded and I let out a moan. Emmett looked down into my eyes, and I could feel the silent scream on my face as I came around him, as my orgasm tensed every muscle. Emmett was barely holding on, from his pained expression, but he watched my face with fascination and reverence as the orgasm rolled through me in waves. I was vaguely aware of him saying good and fuck yes and that’s it as I arched and gasped.

I nodded at him with my chest heaving, urging him to let himself lose control, and his eyes rolled back into his head as he thrust harder into me. He dropped his forehead to mine. His hips jerked hard.

“Avery.” He gritted the words out while gripping me to his chest, and I felt so coveted. Like I belonged to him. “Baby.”

We caught our breaths, and as he pressed his mouth to my forehead with a hum of satisfaction, I willed myself to remember every second of this.

I never wanted to forget being in love with Emmett Rhodes.

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