That Forever: A Small Town, Friends-to-Lovers Romance (That Boy® (Chase & Devaney) Book 3)

That Forever: Chapter 3

I’m heading over to the student center to meet up with Dani before my afternoon classes. Had I told her about my possible plan to come to school early, we probably could have worked out better schedules, but I didn’t know we’d be dating, and honestly, with all the time I need to spend at the stadium, it wouldn’t have mattered. This semester, her classes start midmorning. She sleeps in then rolls into class. I work out all morning, have lunch, then have afternoon classes. Athletes meals are specifically made for us at the athletic facility, based on our individual off-season conditioning plans. And since Dani isn’t an athlete, she can’t join me at that table, so I’m meeting her for lunch.

I’m moving across campus quickly so I’m not late when I get a text from her, saying she’s running behind. Something to do with someone in her sorority. Hopefully, at some point, I’ll get to meet all her friends, but there hasn’t been time. And so far, there hasn’t been an event where she could bring a date.

I had visions of us being together at college—that it would be like what I had hoped it would have been in high school. Us walking hand in hand through the halls. Hanging out with our friends. Seeing her practicing cheers while I was on the field with the team. We’ve only been in school for a couple of weeks, so I’m sure it’s just a matter of getting into a new routine. Spend more time together. Of course, part of the reason we haven’t had as much time as we’d like is the whole roommates situation. Her roommate, Alyssa, broke up with her boyfriend recently and barely leaves the room. And Treyvon often has girls at our place. And although he doesn’t care, it’s awkward for me.

It’s cold out today, but the sun is shining, so I stop to sit on a bench and soak it up for a moment.

“Chase!” I hear my name called out.

When I turn my head in the voice’s direction, I find Eddie—as in frat boy Eddie, who Dani brought home for Thanksgiving in a move that almost ended our friendship for good.

But I honestly like the guy, so I give him a grin. I haven’t seen him since I got here. “Eddie. How are you?”

“Good. But I texted you and haven’t heard from you.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I’m trying to get—I don’t know—into a routine.”

“The routine in college is classes, studying, and partying. Are you telling me that you haven’t been to a single party yet?”

I shrug, not wanting to explain that I’m really not a big partier.

“Hmm. Okay, I’m just going to ask you straight up. Are you avoiding my house? Because if you are, I think we need to clear the air about Dani.”

“Uh, okay.” Shit. I should have just told him the truth.

“I thought she was cool. Did I move too fast with the whole getting pinned thing? Yes. But I thought the romance of it all—especially for a freshman—would, you know, make her a little more eager.”

“Eager?” I ask, one eyebrow raised as I consider punching him.

“You know we kissed. And to be honest, it wasn’t that great. You should also know she really was like, Come home with me, not like what you thought.”

“You were pre-engaged,” I counter.

“More like pre-sex. But you didn’t know that. And you were jealous. But cool with me. Pissed at her though!”

This makes me laugh. “I was very pissed at her. We had sort of an open relationship—thought we were being mature about us being in two places. But one of my friends told me it was apathy on my part. Have you been talking to Dani?”

“Maybe a bit.”

“Okay, then sure on the advice.”

“Simple. Just woo her. You’ve never dated, right?”

“We were together for a couple of weeks on a vacation, then the last semester thing, so, no, not really.”

“Romance her, take her on dates, make her feel as special as I know you think she is. And don’t let football get in the way. And are you sure I can’t talk you into being in my frat?”

“Yeah, I think I have enough to worry about. Especially if you think she thinks I’m still apathetic.”

“You gonna start this fall?”

“That’s the plan. Well, my plan anyway. Now, I just have to convince the coaches and the team that I’m the guy they want on the field with them.”

“And how do you do that?”

“Simple. Just like I did in high school. I have to earn their respect.”

“I take people on the golf course when I want to do that. Show them I can put my money where my mouth is, so to speak.”

“That’s exactly what I have to do every day in the weight room—show them.”

“And you’re good, right? I will admit, after Thanksgiving, I looked you up. You and Damon … had quite the run in high school, huh?”

“We did. Three of four state championships. That’s what I want to do here. Bring our team back to the glory days.”

“It’s my understanding that it wasn’t just the coaches who recruited this new class.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Yeah, Damon has a true gift. People adore him, and he’s so personable. Loves talking to everyone. We made a lot of friends at camps and during recruiting visits. And he told them we could do it together. He’s a lot like his dad.”

“But he’s a showboat. I can tell. You’re not.”

“Yeah, but it’s warranted. Damon is one hell of a receiver. Literally, when we practice together alone, I purposely throw stuff he shouldn’t be able to catch.”

“But he does?”

“Luckily for me.”

“Miss him?”

“I do. We spent a lot of time together. We enjoyed going out but didn’t feel the need to get drunk every weekend.”

“All the football players aren’t like that though, I’m sure,” he says.

“A lot of them like to party hard. I’m just so careful about everything I put in my body, like I track all the food I eat for the proper nutrients. Sugar is my big splurge, and do you know how much sugar alcohol has in it? So maybe I’ll have a few when I’m on vacation or something. Or maybe when I watch a game, I have a few beers—and I mean, a few, as in, like, two. Which, in some ways, alienates me from my teammates and frat boys like you.”

“Frats are trying to be less about partying and more about philanthropy,” Eddie says. And he says it with a straight face, but when I arch an eyebrow at him, he starts laughing. “Well, trying would be the key word. Seriously, I am there with you. I like to stay in shape, and I love an early morning round of golf on the weekends. Hate being hungover on the course. So, we have more in common than you think. What do you say, honorary member?”

“Sure—” I start to say, but I stop talking when I see Dani sauntering our way.

She’s wearing my brown leather jacket, one that is big on her, but she says it’s so soft and warm. I like it because it almost matches the color of her hair and makes her blue eyes stand out. But the best part of seeing her right now is knowing that she’s walking toward me. The boy she loves. Her boyfriend. The boy who wants to be so much more than that. And Eddie is right. I’m going to show her that. I need to.

Eddie hits me.

“What?” I ask.

“You’re staring big time.”

“Can’t help it. Since I was a kid, I know the second Dani walks into any room.”

He gives my elbow a nudge. “Bet you’re kind of glad her little brother isn’t here right about now.”

“Exactly,” I say with a grin.

When Dani comes to stand next to us, she immediately says to Eddie, “Hey, we have a mixer with you coming up.”

“Part of why I just told Chase he is an official honorary member. He can come to our parties anytime he wants.”

“Really?” Dani says, tossing her arms around his neck. “Thank you!”

“Hey, what about me?” I ask, pretending to be jealous—okay, maybe I don’t have to pretend.

Dani turns and saunters over to me, a sexy sway in her hips. She wraps her arms around my neck and plants a big, fat kiss on my lips. “You now have a date with me on Friday night.”

Eddie walks off, but he mouths to me, You’d better be there.



“I’m so excited!” I tell Chase, grabbing his hand as we walk toward an off-campus restaurant.

It has good food, where you can choose exactly what and how much of each ingredient you want. I always get a salad. Chase usually gets a veggie-and-meat-laden bowl over rice.

“Me, too,” he says, giving my hand a squeeze. “It was really nice of Eddie.”

“Well, you are going to be the star quarterback next year.” I grin.

Chase lets out a sigh. “Of course, that’s what I envision, but, you know, I’m starting over, and the competition will be tough.”

“Yeah, but with last year’s starter gone, you definitely have a good shot at it.”

He nods his head at me, but I can tell he’s not convinced, which isn’t really like him. And lately whenever I ask him about his workouts and how he does, he doesn’t seem to have much to say.

We order our food, then find a cozy booth in the back.

“How are your workouts? Do you like them? Are they different from what you did in the past?”

“Not a ton. Focusing a little more on agility than before, but defenders are fast, so that’s a good thing.”

“Are you making friends?”

“Sure. I mean, sort of. I knew coming in midterm would allow me a jump on players who came in the fall, but because most everyone has been here, they kind of have their own routines, you know. Workout partners, and all that. But let’s talk about something more fun. Like how coming here midterm means I get to be with you.”

“And how do you feel about that?” I ask, feeling a little nervous.

He tilts his head at me and studies my face. “I think we’re both busier than we expected, and we aren’t getting the alone time that I thought we might, but seeing your face every day definitely brightens mine.”

“Does yours need brightening, Chase? Talk to me. Tell me what’s going on.”

“I’m fine, Dani. Just adjusting to it all. I’m sure you had a routine last semester, and now, here I am.”

“Well, I’m excited I get to introduce you to all my sorority sisters at the mixer. We’ve got to find you something adorable to wear.”


“Yeah, the mixers are usually themed. This one is valentines, but specifically, the guys are supposed to wear white with red accents, and the girls will be in pink. And now that I know you are coming, I have the perfect outfit.”

“Now that I’m coming?” he asks, looking a little confused.

I lean closer to him and whisper in his ear, “What I’m wearing now is much sexier than what I would have worn without you there.”

“Hmm,” he says, leaning in and giving me a kiss. “Now, I actually do want to go. Maybe you should give me a preview.” He glances at his watch. “Maybe before class?”

I lay my fork down and say, “I’m done. Let’s go.”

We’re barely in my room before he starts kissing me desperately. Like I can feel that Chase has missed me. And I feel the same.

“I love you,” he murmurs against my mouth between kisses before picking me up, then sitting on my bed with me in his lap.

I don’t get to respond because he deepens our kiss, and then I forget about love and start to think about wants, needs, and desires. I have the presence of mind to check my watch as he slides his hands up my shirt.

“We have to be quick,” I say when he moves his lips from my mouth down to my jaw, then to my neck.

“I was ready for this the second you walked up to me and Eddie,” he says, stopping for a moment to catch my gaze.

“Me, too,” I tell him, unbuttoning his pants.

Everything moves quickly after that. And I suppose that’s why they call it a quickie. Lots of pent-up passion, frantic kissing, and a ticking clock pushing things along.

When it’s over, I wrap my arms around his neck, lean into his broad shoulder, and let out a contented sigh. It doesn’t matter if our encounters last minutes or hours. All are equally amazing. But I am crazy in love with this boy.

I lift my head and look at us. Still joined together but a disheveled mess. His shirt is half-unbuttoned, pants unzipped and down just enough. My hair feels tangled from his hands being in it, but I’m still mostly dressed. And very thankful I wore a cute little plaid skirt today.

“We should probably …” I tell him.

“Yeah, we should,” he says.

We’re barely put back together when Alyssa gets back from class.

“Hey, what are you guys doing here? I thought you had class.”

“Yeah, we do. And we’d better get going! See you later,” I yell to her as Chase pulls me out of the room.

“That was close,” he says, smacking my butt.

“But so worth it,” I say.

“Agreed. See you tonight. I’d better run. I’ve got to get halfway across campus in, like, three minutes.”

“I have my sorority meeting tonight,” I remind him. “Breakfast?”

He gives me another kiss. “I think we need to make this lunch date a regular thing,” he says, and then he’s off.

I wander slowly to class with a grin on my face.

But once I get there, I realize that’s sort of how things have been since we got here. Sex has been fast. Half-undressed. And I miss just lying in his bed, my face on his bare chest, listening to his heartbeat and feeling him run his fingers through my hair. Talking about everything or saying nothing.

I’m supposed to live in the sorority house next semester, and I was strongly considering it, just from a sisterhood standpoint, even though Jadyn offered me a place in the condo building she’d bought. But I’m not going to anymore. Chase and I need our own space. We need to be able to come home at the end of our day and be together. Sleep together—and in this case, I’m not talking about sex—and wake up together. Because even though we usually still talk to each other before we go to sleep at night, it’s not the same. But the thought of sleeping with him while my roommate or his is in the same room just isn’t appealing to me. I’m used to sneaking over to his house. I’m used to us having that time alone.

But desperate times might call for desperate measures.

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