That Boy: A Small Town, Friends-to-Lovers Romance (That Boy Series Book 1)

That Boy: Chapter 35

A few hours later, he remembers the party. “You know, we really need to get out of bed. There must be a ton of stuff to do.”

“Actually, we have nothing to do. Your mom made everything. I think she was hoping this is exactly where we would spend our time. She really did suggest that I seduce you. It might even be on my list.”

“I can’t believe she said that.” He tilts his head. “You know, come to think of it, I had a suspiciously similar conversation with Ashley today. She was a little less blunt though. She said I needed to get off my ass and do something. I think they were working in tandem.”

“So, were you going to?” I ask. Because I really need to know.

“Going to what?”

“Do something.”

“I’m pretty sure I already did.” He laughs as he traces my jawline with his finger.

I smile, remembering exactly all that he did, but that’s not what I meant. “I mean, if I hadn’t completely thrown myself at you, what would you have done?”

“Well, as stubborn as you are, I probably would’ve had to throw you over my shoulder and carry you up here, kicking and screaming.”

I give him my mad face.

“But then,” he says as he kisses my shoulder, “I would have done something like this. And something like this.” He kisses my neck. “And something like this.” He kisses my ear. “And something like this …”

Okay, I get the picture.

And I am so loving the way it looks.

A few more hours later, and we’re both starving.

For food, I mean.

It’s nearly ten o’clock, and, well, we never did get any dinner. I run downstairs to raid the refrigerator and bring up a tray of cheese, some crusty bread, and a bottle of red wine.

“Isn’t that supposed to be for the party?”

“There is so much food; I don’t think anyone will miss it.”

“Probably not, but I missed you while you were gone, Princess. You were down there much too long.”

“It only took me about two minutes.” I shake my head and roll my eyes at him while I set the tray on his nightstand.

“Two minutes too long,” he replies as he grabs me, throws me on the bed, and kisses me.

“Phillip,” I say, finally wrenching my lips away from him, “it’s taken you twenty-two years to get me into bed; two minutes should feel like a blip.”

“Twenty-two years? Don’t flatter yourself. Maybe, like, eight years.” He gives me a naughty grin. “But I’ll tell you this; now that you’re finally here, I’m not wasting another second.”


We feed each other cheese and bread and drink some wine.

Unfortunately, the crusty bread was not the best choice because, now, there are crusty crumbs all over, and I really thought I was being careful to avoid that. Since his mom is such the expert on all things seduction, I’m surprised she didn’t tell me about this. I use my hand to try to sweep the crumbs onto a plate.

“Remind me to properly thank my mother for making the food and for whatever it was the two of you talked about.”

“Phillip, I had already decided about this before I got here”—I smile naughtily—“but I am following her advice to relax and enjoy you.”

He laughs. “So, did you, uh, enjoy me?”

“Uh, yeah, very much so.” I kiss his neck and whisper in his ear, “And I think I would very much like to enjoy you some more. Right now.

I’m lying, all snuggled up with Phillip. He’s sleeping, and his breath is tickling my neck. I know I should be getting some sleep, too, but I can’t.

My brain decided to kick back on now that my body is so worn out.

I just keep thinking about how incredibly happy I am. I want to pinch myself to make sure it’s not a dream. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Part of me kind of wants to kick myself for not doing this sooner, but I don’t. I’m too happy. I feel … well, it’s hard to describe, but I’ll give it a try.

You know how sometimes you go shopping and find a great dress? You try it on, and it fits you and looks great on you in the store. So, you buy it and take it home.

But then, when you put it on because you are getting ready to go somewhere, you feel like it’s just not quite right.

Like maybe something is missing.

So, you keep looking at yourself in the mirror, trying to figure out what it could be, what it needs. You try on different shoes, another hairstyle, some dangly earrings, a rhinestone necklace, maybe even a wrap. But, no matter how you seem to mix it up, there is still something missing.

Oh, you look good, maybe even great, in the dress.

Just not fabulous.

You don’t have that glowing look because, deep down, you’re not confident in the dress.

That’s kind of how it felt with all the boys I’ve dated in the past.

Something was always missing.

I’d try to rearrange them or me or what I was doing, but no matter what, I couldn’t quite get it right. And the fix is a really mysterious thing.

I think it’s because the fix is an emotion. A feeling. It’s not really a tangible item.

I mean, I’ve made a few drunken mistakes.

Who hasn’t?

Well, okay, Phillip. But he is so not normal when it comes to that sort of thing.

He’s always in complete control.

And I have to say, it’s always been a trait of his that sort of bugged me. I’m always trying to get him to loosen up. But, tonight, I’ve learned there are many benefits to being with a man who’s in control.


Oh, sorry, I got lost there for a minute.

What was I talking about?

Oh, yeah. I was saying that I’ve made a few drunken mistakes, but for the most part, if I was with a guy, it was because I thought he might be the one. Or at least someone who I thought I might want to try to make into the one.

After being with Phillip, I can tell you that I could put absolutely anything on in my closet, and it would look perfect.

Well, except for the bridesmaid dress I had to wear for Katie’s wedding. Nothing could help that!

And not because of the outfit, but because of how I feel inside.

I am positively one hundred percent completely complete.

It’s like the line from that Jerry Maguire movie. “You complete me.” I always thought it was some cheesy movie line. I know that every girl, me included, melted when Tom Cruise spoke those wonderful words.

But, come on. You complete me? Get real!

And that’s how you feel when you don’t understand. I’ve been going through life, not even knowing that I was incomplete.

I’m telling you, this is something they should teach you in school.

I’m a college graduate, and I didn’t even know that I had been walking around all this time, slightly defective.

But I don’t care anymore because I know it to be true.

With Phillip, I am complete.

I yawn, snuggle up closer to him, and fall into a blissful sleep.

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