That Baby: A Small Town, Friends-to-Lovers Romance (That Boy Series Book 3)

That Baby: Part 3 – Chapter 57

Dear Baby Mac,

You’re seventeen inches tall and weighing in at around three pounds. You’re not going to grow that much more in length, only a few inches, but as we get closer to your birth, you’re going to pack on the pounds at a rate of half a pound per week.

Since your dad can feel you kick all the time now, he’s starting to freak out a little.

The good news is, I got a really gorgeous, new car out of the deal. I’ve been complaining a little about losing my two-door sports car, but I freaking love this SUV. It’s luxurious and sleek, and it even has heated seats, which I can’t wait to use this winter.

Your dad bought us the safest car he could find because he says we are his most precious cargo.

Which is really pretty sweet.

He’s also having our home security system redone. We used to have basic door alarms, but he’s adding glass break detectors to all the windows and something that detects if they are opened.

Poor child, you’ll never be able to sneak out at night.

He also made them add a cellular uplink, so in case someone ever cut our phone lines, the alarm would still go off.

He also has baby-proofed the house.

This is something you typically don’t do until your little bundle of joy starts to become mobile.

But we now have covers over all the outlets and annoying little latches on the cabinets. I guess the good news is, when you do start moving around, we’ll be ahead of the curve.

Angel is getting bigger and bigger. I can’t believe how fast she is growing. She doesn’t look like my little baby puppy anymore. She loves to go jogging with us and whines and sits by the garage door when it’s time to go to work.

Mostly, she likes to go to work because Peggy brings her Chick-fil-A biscuits every morning. The other day, it was pretty funny. Angel puked the biscuits up all over Peggy’s purse. I thought she’d get upset, but she wiped it off, called her a little minx, and then gave her a cookie.

Although Angel isn’t allowed to get close to Devaney, when she has, she’s been so gentle. Considering how rambunctious she is, that says a lot. I know she’s going to love having you around.

She had to go to the groomers the other day after she decided rolling around in goose poop was a fun activity. They sent her home with a hot-pink bandana, and she looks so stinking cute. It fits her spunky personality.

Although I’ve known it for quite some time now, your dad just realized that Angel isn’t really an angel.

While he was in the shower this morning, she shredded the bathroom rug.

I have no idea how he didn’t notice she was tearing it into bits when the shower door is glass.

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