That Baby: A Small Town, Friends-to-Lovers Romance (That Boy Series Book 3)

That Baby: Part 2 – Chapter 38

I glance at my phone, knowing I’ve missed most of my meetings today because of a problem here at the job site. When the contractor and I met with the inspector, he decided one of the beams in the two-story entrance wasn’t hefty enough and wanted us to replace it due to the length of the span. I called my old boss, the engineer who’d approved my structural design so that this wouldn’t happen. He said the inspector was going for overkill but suggested we do what he’d asked. Told me it was better to be on their good side than risk more arguments. So, I listened even though it’s going to put us behind at least two weeks while we wait for the new steel beam to be constructed and delivered.

When I get to the office, Phillip’s assistant, who has been handling all my appointments, asks me if everything is okay. While we were meeting with the inspector, I couldn’t very well call and chat.

“Yeah, it’s fine. We had an issue with a beam. Can you call Brenda at the office furniture company and ask if she can reschedule for tomorrow?”

“Sure thing,” she says. “There are some notes on your desk, and Phillip wants to see you as soon as you get in.”

“Tell him to come to my office when he’s free. I’ve got to rework these timelines.”

“Cute boots,” she says.

“Thank you!”

I quickly make my way to my office, knowing that she could chat with me all day and somehow still manage to keep the office running.

When I get the timeline reworked, I see that the building is scheduled to be finished just five weeks before my due date. Add another week to move in all the furniture, and I’m down to a month.

I pray there are no more setbacks.

“Danny Diamond on line four,” Peggy says over my speakerphone.

“Hey, Danny,” I say.

“So, how were the cupcakes?” he asks, his deep voice barely above a whisper.

I whisper back, “The cupcakes were fun.”

“Phillip monopolized all your time yesterday. I need to give you my present.”

“Why are you whispering?” I ask him.

“So, my wife doesn’t hear me.”

“Why don’t you want Lori to hear you?”

“Because I’m supposed to be putting the crib together.”

“Who are you talking to?” I hear Lori say from somewhere in the background.

“No one, honey. Just singing,” he lies.

“Are you not allowed to be on the phone?”

“I just don’t want to upset her.”

“Have you thought of hiring someone to do it?”

“Oh, I’ve thought of it, but Lori seems to think it’s something I should do. Like a rite of passage.”

“Can I ask you something?”


“Is Lori mad at me?”

“I don’t think so. Why?”

“Yesterday was my birthday.”

“I know. I sent a bunch of doughnuts to your office.”

“Did Lori help you with that?”

“No. Why?”

“She didn’t say anything. Didn’t text me. It’s just unusual.”

“She’s scatterbrained right now. They say it happens in the last trimester. Who knows? Shit, she’s coming. I’ve gotta go.”

When Lori and Danny come over for dinner, she still doesn’t say anything. Phillip grabs Danny and himself a couple of beers, and I get Lori a bottle of water.

“You’re not having one?” she asks me.

“No,” I say as I grab a Diet Coke out of the fridge, pour it over ice, and take a big gulp.

“You’re drinking that?” she asks with horror, like I just poured poison down my throat.

“Yeah. My doctor—who is also your doctor—told me, everything in moderation. He said I could have a pop occasionally. This is the first one I’ve had since I found out I was pregnant.”

“How’s it taste?” Phillip asks, setting plates and silverware on the table next to the bags of takeout.

“Freaking amazing. And I love Diet Coke with Chinese food. It smells incredible, doesn’t it?”

“You seem like you’re feeling awfully chipper,” Lori states flatly.

“I am. No more morning sickness.”

“I wouldn’t call what you had morning sickness,” she counters. “You gagged a few times.”

“I was nauseous and didn’t feel good. The doctor called it morning sickness, so I’m assuming that’s what it was.”

“Of course she had morning sickness,” Danny says, shaking his head at her. “Enough of the pregnancy talk. I have something more exciting.”

“What’s that?” Phillip asks, digging into the fried rice and dishing it onto our plates.

I can’t wait to dig in.

Danny pulls an envelope out of his back pocket and hands it to me.

I open what I assume will be a birthday card. One that probably has some hilarious and inappropriate joke that will make Phillip and me laugh.

But, as I open it, I see a university seal instead. Inside the card are photos of what appears to be a skybox.

“What’s this?” I ask.

“I got you a skybox. Well, I got us a skybox.”

My eyes widen in shock. I glance at Phillip; he looks the same way.

“Are you serious? You got a skybox for the Nebraska games? Ohmigawd! That’s amazing, Danny! Thank you! What an incredible gift!”

“When did you do that?” Lori asks.

“It’s something I’ve been working on.”

I jump up from the table and throw my arms around him in a big hug. “I love you,” I tell him.

“I love you, too,” he says. “Happy birthday!”

“I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you as well,” Phillip jokes.

“Well, technically, it’s mine. But you will have seats for any game you want. And, with my schedule, you’ll probably use it more than I will.”

“We’re gonna have fun,” Phillip says.

He and Danny fist-bump across the table as I sit back down.

“I can’t believe you bought that and didn’t tell me!” Lori yells at Danny.

“We talked about it before. I just didn’t want to tell everyone until it was a done deal.”

“It’s a lot of money,” she states.

“And I can afford it.”

We can afford it, you mean,” she says in a really bitchy tone.

“No,” Danny says back. “I meant what I said. I can afford it since I earned the sign-on bonus that paid for it. It also bought our house and is paying for the remodel. I don’t have to ask your permission to spend money I earned before we got married.”

“I’ve decided I’m not hungry anymore,” she says, slamming her chopsticks on the table, getting up, and walking out the door.

“You should probably—” I start to say.

Danny holds his hand up. “Don’t say it. I’m not chasing after her. She’s being a ridiculous bitch, and I’m sick of her blaming it on the pregnancy. You’re pregnant, and you aren’t behaving like that. Besides, months ago, I told her it was something I wanted to do, and she was all for it. She knows it’s been my dream since I was a kid. My parents are thrilled, and I knew you guys would love it. I’m not going to let her ruin our excitement.”

“And you shouldn’t,” Phillip says, “because a skybox is pretty exciting.”

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