That Baby: A Small Town, Friends-to-Lovers Romance (That Boy Series Book 3)

That Baby: Part 1 – Chapter 25

Dear Baby Mac,

Congratulations! You are real!

And we have the proof on video! The ultrasound tech said you were showing off for us, and I think she was right. You were moving all over, kicking and punching, and you even stopped to wave at us! It was seriously the most amazing thing I’d ever seen.

You have a really big head, but the tech said that’s normal right now, that your brain is super important because it’s helping you grow and develop!

And, although I couldn’t see it, the baby book says that, as of this week, you have hair! And I’m dying to know if it will be blonde like mine or brown like your daddy’s. Your dad has amazing brown eyes with golden flecks. I have blue eyes, but when I was little, I wished I had pretty brown ones like his.

I’ve known him since I was born. Crazy, huh? There are photos of my mom holding him when she was pregnant with me.

Considering how fully formed you appeared, it’s hard to believe you’re still so small—although we’re moving up to the bigger fruits.

You are now the size of a lime.

Sorry, I just let out a little sigh.

Mommy might have, on very rare occasions, liked to do something called a tequila shooter. It’s a tasty adult beverage that you have with salt and lime.

Mommy misses it.

And caffeine and soda and alcohol and—oh my gosh, what I wouldn’t do for a beer. It’s not fair that Daddy still gets to drink them when Mommy is pregnant. Oh, and I didn’t want you to feel bad if you are a boy, so today, I bought you a cute blue onesie with a baseball on it. And little striped booties. When I showed your daddy, he said they reminded him of something called Naughty Dream Week.

Speaking of that, Daddy just took his shirt off and is getting in bed. I should probably go, uh, rock him to sleep or something.

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