Tempting the Player (Campus Wallflowers Book 4)

Tempting the Player: Chapter 40

Hendrick has already made his way backstage by the time I drag myself away from the screaming crowd. I want to soak up their smiles and screams and hold onto it forever. Through all the ups and downs, this is one of those moments I want to remember.

He’s smiling as I rush toward him. I jump and he catches me in his arms with a laugh.

“You were amazing!” He spins me around, and my body and heart soar with happiness.

When he puts me down, I ask, “I didn’t wreck your mom’s favorite song?”

“No, it was perfect. I loved it. She would have loved it too.”

I want to scream, “and I LOVE YOU” at the top of my lungs but I’m well aware this high I’m feeling right now is part adrenaline-induced. There’s also the band. After a show, we always spend some time unwinding and then packing everything up together.

“I have to help tear everything down and drink like a gallon of water.”

“I’ll wait,” he says.

“No. That’s silly. I’ll catch a ride with Eric.”

He grumbles at the mention of my guy friend. I don’t hate seeing him jealous though.

“In his car, not on his joystick.” I kiss him.

“Jesus, woman. That mouth.”

Happy laughter bubbles from my lips. God, performing is such a high. Combine that with this amazing man in front of me and I am practically floating. “You love my mouth. Now go home. You have been here all freaking day.”

“So have you.”

“Yeah, but I was just sitting around for most of it. Stop arguing with your girlfriend.”

“I’m not leaving you, but I do need to go check on a few things and thank the guys who drove in today to help. I’ll wait for you in the security tent.” He tips his head to the right where the team of security guys had a tent setup similar to the one for the band.

“Okay. I will hurry.”

“Don’t rush.” He kisses my forehead. “Do you need to go by the house first or are we going straight to the party?”

“The house, I think. Maybe. I’m not sure. I want to change. Hopefully this doesn’t take too long, but if it does, I might want to go straight to the party.” I’m talking fast, adrenaline still crashing through me. “Can I ride your joystick on the way?”

Chuckling, his eyes flash with dirty promises. “Absolutely.”

Eric and the rest of the band are talking and joking around not far from us. They sound as on top of the world as I feel. I pull away from him. “See you soon, boyfriend.”

Mackenzie is the first to step toward me when she sees me heading their way. “Thank you. Thank you.”

“For what?”

“I’ve never experienced anything like that. It was all because of you.”

“No way. They were screaming for all of us. Your voice has never sounded better.” I hug her and then Ted holds out a cold water to me.

“I told her the same thing,” he says.

It’s sweet to see him always trying to build her up. I thank him for the water and then take a long drink. The guys are double-fisting it—water in one hand and beer in the other.

Paris comes back soon after to let us know how great the show was and thank us about a dozen times. After that, the five of us start to pack up all the band equipment. Mackenzie and I focus on bringing all the cases and storage to the front while the guys disassemble the instruments.

“Has anyone seen the case for the cymbals?” Ted asks as he searches the stage.

“Oh, I think I saw it in the tent. I’ll grab it.” I carefully pick my way around the stage and then down to the tent just to the right. I find the case and take it back to the stage. Eric and Lennon are already taking stuff to their cars.

“What’s left?” I ask.

“I think this is it,” Mackenzie says as she watches Ted place the cymbals in the case.

“Cool. I’m gonna grab my stuff and get out of here. Are you guys going to the party at The White House tonight?”

“Not me.” She shakes her head. “I have to get up early tomorrow for a community service day with my sorority. Speaking of, I should go.” She kisses Ted and then comes over to hug me again. “I hope this means you’ll perform with us more often.”

“Yeah, maybe.” I squeeze her back.

She leaves and I go get my stuff from behind the stage. I hope Eric is coming back because I want to say goodbye and thank him for believing in me and constantly trying to get me back out there. Ultimately it was Hendrick who gave me the confidence, but Eric has always had my back. I grab another water from the giant gift basket and pull out my phone to text him and make sure he hasn’t left.

I’m greeted with so many notifications. Calls and texts from friends and family. My heart squeezes in my chest. I uncap the water and chug it while I scroll through a few of them.

The girls sent a video of them taken during the concert. Their backs are to the stage so you can see me, and they sing along.

And Brogan sent me two texts. One is a high five emoji and the other is a photo of Hendrick watching me sing to him.

There are so many more, but I close out of them so I can text Eric. Then I hear him out front. I take a step and stagger a little. My legs suddenly feel like I’m walking in quicksand. That’s weird.

The next step takes me to the ground. I wince at the impact on my elbow. What the hell? My thoughts are jumbled. I open my mouth to call out for the guys, but then forget why I was going to yell for them. My head feels funny and my arms and legs are too heavy to move.

Footsteps vibrating against the floor and coming closer get my attention, and I look up.

Ted squats down, looking me over. “Jane?”

“I . . .” I start to speak but my tongue gets in the way. I reach for the water bottle. Maybe if I could just get another drink. He kicks it out of my way and his gaze goes from confused to angry. “Dammit, Jane. You always fuck everything up.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.