Tempting the Player (Campus Wallflowers Book 4)

Tempting the Player: Chapter 38

The night of the Spring Fling concert, the girls stop by to check on me. I’m a bundle of nerves. The band is on the stage warming up, but since I can’t be seen with them, I’m hiding in a tent where we can all hang and relax before going on tonight.

My friends are the perfect distraction from all the worry and trepidation I’m feeling. They brought coffee and cookies. They tried to bring me tea for my throat, but the order got screwed up. It was a sweet gesture anyway. The four of us are sitting in folding chairs we pulled into a tight circle.

“Are you nervous about going out there?” Dahlia asks as she takes a chocolate chip cookie from the bag.

“Terrified,” I admit.

“Security is intense. I think you’re going to be just fine.” Daisy tips her head toward two guys standing at the door blocking anyone trying to get back here.

“Not about that.” She’s right. Hendrick has this place covered. He’s barely left my side since my car was vandalized. I wasn’t sure if I should perform, but he spoke to the university police and they gave them all the resources they could. Then he got Logan to send two more of his guys for tonight. Hopefully it’s complete overkill but I’m thankful for it anyway.

I blow out a breath and tuck my hair behind my ears. “The longer I’ve gone without singing, the more I feel like people are waiting to judge my voice. I should have gotten it over with months ago. Is anyone even going to be excited to see me at this point?” The last time I sang in front of people was Halloween almost six months ago.

“Are you kidding? Your voice is sensational,” Dahlia says. Always the first one to stand up for me. God, I love her. “Everyone is going to be so excited. They will lose their shit, for real.”

“She’s right.” Daisy gives me a reassuring smile. “Everyone at Valley thinks you’re amazing. You’re our very own resident Hollywood star, and we’re thrilled to watch you shine.”

“I love you guys.” I tip my head over toward her and she does the same until the tops of our heads touch for a brief moment.

“We love you too,” she says.

“And I love these earrings. Wow.” Vi leans forward from my opposite side and eyes my emerald earrings with a friendly kind of envy. “If you ever take those off, I’m totally going to try to steal them.”

“Hendrick gave them to me for my birthday.” I re-tuck my hair behind my ears to give them all a better view. “So, hands off.”

“They’re gorgeous,” she says as she sits back in her chair. “And I will wait to steal them until after you break up.” She winks so I know she’s teasing, but then adds, “Kiiiidding. You two are so hot together. I can feel the sexual chemistry. The air crackles when you’re in the same room.”

“You can’t break up with him or Felix will be heartbroken,” Dahlia says.

We all laugh. Those two do seem to have a special kind of bromance.

“I’m so serious.” My friend smiles. “And I would be sad too. I think he’s great for you.”

“He is.” I hope I’m great for him too.

When the band is finished warming up, they join us in the tent. Paris is feeding us before the show, and we have a little time to relax and prepare before people start crowding around outside.

The girls say their goodbyes. I’m sad for them to leave, but I really need to get my shit together in the next hour.

“Party at The White House tonight after the concert,” Vi says. “We can celebrate your first of many more amazing performances this year.”

“I’ll be there.” I hug her and then Daisy. “As long as I don’t embarrass myself and need to hide for the rest of my life.”

“We’ll be the ones screaming our heads off in the front row,” Daisy says as she pulls back.

When Dahlia steps forward, I say, “If I pass out or mess up the lyrics or anything else embarrassing, promise me you’ll pull a fire alarm or something.”

“I promise.” She squeezes me. “But you’re not going to need me to do anything. You’ve got this.”

I walk them as far as the tent door and then backtrack to talk to the band. The guys are all ready to go, but Mackenzie is touching up her makeup with a little compact hand mirror.

“You guys sounded great. Sorry I couldn’t help with setup,” I say as I join them.

Eric’s leg is bouncing in a steady rhythm. He’s scrolling his phone but looks up as I take a seat next to him. “It’s cool. Are you ready?”

“Yeah. As ready as I’m ever going to be.”

Lennon unscrews the cap on a bottle of Fireball, takes a drink and then passes it to Eric. It’s their tradition before performing. It goes to Eric, Ted, Mac, and then she hands it to me. I tip the bottle toward them and then take a small sip.

“Pizza is here,” Ted says and motions toward a guy standing at the entrance with a stack of pizza boxes. One of the security guards takes the pizza, actually opens the boxes to check like he thinks someone is going to poison us, and then sets them on the closest table.

We crowd around a table and eat together in amicable silence. A nervous excitement hangs over us. Mac barely eats, Ted drums one hand while shoveling pizza in with the other, Eric stands and eats, and Lennon is the only one that seems at ease.

When we’re done eating, we all stay sitting around the table. I’m just about to start warming up my voice when one of the security guards calls for me, holding an embarrassingly large gift basket.

“Fan mail?” Eric asks with a snort.

“Nobody even knows I’m here,” I say as I stand.

“Paris.” Eric’s voice doesn’t hold any jealousy at the idea that the Panhel president sent only me a gift basket, but I catch a flash of unease on Mackenzie’s face. Paris is paying the band, but I wouldn’t let her or them give me a cut for the small amount of time I’m going to be on stage tonight. I guess this was her way of saying thanks.

The guard waits for me to approach him.

“Anything good?” I ask, trying to lighten the weird feeling in my chest.

“Chocolates, peanuts, candy, and some water,” he recites as he looks over the large basket. When he places it in my outstretched arms, I can barely see over it.

“Thanks,” I mutter and take it back to the table. The guys and Mac are up, everyone starting to get ready to go on. I look through the basket, finding exactly what he claimed. I take one of the waters and then pluck the note from the front.

Simple cardstock with only my name scribbled across it. I tuck it back into the basket and then unscrew the cap of the water. My phone pings in my pocket.


Hey, girlfriend. Got time for a quickie?

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