Tempting Marcus: Hallow Falls Series (Romance Bunnies)

Tempting Marcus: Hallow Falls Series – Chapter 7

I can’t stop smiling, even when we drop my car off at the shop and then Marcus takes me to the park.  I can see that the sun has almost completely set and it looks like every single person we know is here to watch the fireworks.  He lifts a blanket from the back of his truck and then holds out a hand until I grasp it.  We walk around the mass of people that you can barely see in the blackness but I feel like every single one of them are watching us and talking.  This town is terrible for gossip.  That’s one of the main reasons that I’ve done my best to keep a low profile.  But it’s all exposed now.  We’re holding hands and walking together, making eyes at each other and there’s nowhere to hide.

Marcus finds a spot and then spreads out the blanket before holding a hand out to help me settle gracefully on the blanket.  I can’t believe that this is Marcus.  I’d never have dreamed that he was such a gentleman but he is.  Every single thing that he’s done since he picked me up has been gentle and gentlemanly.

No revving the engine, no speeding, nothing out of character and yet all out of character.  He’s never been this sweet.

We’re sitting there quietly and people talk and laugh around us.  Then his hand reaches out and takes mine and he runs his thumb across my hand.  Shivering in the warm night air, I take a deep breath.  “What is going on here, Marcus?”

“I think this is something special.  You’re special.  And I think that together we can be special together.”

I stare at him for one minute and then snort out a laugh.  “That was the most convoluted explanation I’ve ever heard.  What I think you’re trying to say is that you like me.”

Chuckling, he grins, his teeth a white flash in the dark.  “Yeah, I do like you, G.  I like you a lot.”  His eyes burn in the dark and I can feel them sizzle up and down my body.

Laughing, I swat his arm.  “Slow down.   I need to have some time to transition from you’re a jerk to you like me and I like you.”

“I’ll give you all the time you need.  I can wait forever for you.  For us.”

I snuggle up to him when the first experimental bang and delay then lights up the sky.   I ooh and aah as the show starts.  Each bang makes me jump and squeal with excitement.  Each brightly-lit, dazzling drizzle of sparkling fire makes me gasp with delight.  Marcus pulls me in tight and his big body warms me in the chilling air.  His arms come around me and my heart jumps into my throat.  Electricity builds under my skin and a soft, squishy feeling hits my belly.  I’ve never felt like this before and it’s like I’m holding my breath, waiting for something to happen.

Marcus holds me close and his lips drift to my ear, his warm breath making me shiver with desire.  I can’t stop myself from turning and his lips touch mine lightly.  It feels like I’m one of those fireworks lighting up the night sky.  I’m floating on the air and moaning with delight when he pulls back.

“You’re driving me crazy, G,” he pants, sucking in air like he’s run a mile.  I touch his cheek lightly.

“Why did you stop?”

“I don’t want to push you.  You said you need time.”

Shaking my head, I slide up against him, my breasts pressed into his chest.  “I’ve changed my mind.  I don’t want to wait.  I want you, Marcus.”

He studies me seriously.  “Are you sure?”

“I’ve never been more sure.”

The last of the fireworks, a huge spectacle of sight and sound and fury turns the dark sky into midday bright.  The finale has me gasping and jumping, my fingers over my lips in wonder.

It finally recedes to just an occasional snap and bright flash.  Marcus laughs when I throw myself at him, giggling happily.  “That was amazing!”

He helps me stand and wraps the blanket up, before carefully walking me through the dark crowd.  “Haven’t you ever been to this before?  I think they do the same show every year.”

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” I chuckle.

He shakes his head and we silently clamber between the large crowd laughing and clearing out.

A man bumps into me and knocks me off balance and I fall to my knees, gasping at the pain.  Marcus whirls back and growls at him, pushing him out of the way.  He’s a stranger and I whisper, “It’s not his fault, Marcus.  It was an accident.”

“He should have been watching where he was going.  If he had, he wouldn’t have hurt you.”  He glares at the man’s retreating back.

He picks me up and I gasp, reaching out to grab hold of his shirt to hold myself steady.  “Marcus, I can walk.”

“Not gonna happen.  Just hold on and I’ll get you home and taken care of.”

Marcus drives me home silently.  I’m not sure what changed tonight but I felt it as soon as I looked in his concerned dark blue eyes.  I just can’t resist him anymore.  Can’t keep lying to myself about how I feel about him.  I want him.  Want him so damn much that I just can’t say no anymore.  Can’t keep tearing him down to keep this from happening.

There’s nothing to say.  We no longer need snarky comments or suggestive words.  All we need is here and now.

Marcus pulls into his driveway and I turn with my brow lifted.  “I need to at least check on Spud, ” he says, smiling.

“That’s his name?  Spud?” I wrinkle my nose.  “What on earth made you name such a cute dog, Spud?”

“Because he loves potato chips.”

My brows lift.  “Okay.  Interesting.”

I’ve got no idea what the hell that means and the confusion on my face must be easy to read because he starts laughing and comes around to my side of his truck, opening the door and then reaching out to put his hands underneath my hips.  He hefts me easily and carries me to the front door.

Tingles of heat burn where his fingers touch.  He lifts me down but doesn’t actually drop my feet to the ground.  Instead he pulls me to him slowly.  I’m pressed all along his big body and I can smell that strange scent that is him.  Man, musk, spice and soap mixed with a little bit of grease and gas.  My head reels with desire that I see reflected in his dark blue eyes.

“Fuck, I can’t believe you’re actually here.  Actually in my arms and not screaming at me or shooting me dirty looks as you stomp off.”

“If you didn’t do such annoying things, none of that would have happened,” I sass him back and he grins.

“Sassy all the way, that’s you.”

“Annoying and aggravating all the way, that’s you.”

“And yet you want me.”

I lean into his chest and my arms wrap around his neck as I run my mouth up and down the strong, corded muscles of his throat.  He hisses out a sharp breath and then his arms wrap around me so hard that I can barely breathe.

“I need to get you inside before I do something that will get us arrested for public indecency.”

I throw my head back and laugh as he runs through the door like his ass is on fire.  He pushes the door open and then slams it closed with his foot.  Inside the darkened house I can hear Spud barking wildly from the living room.

He sets me on my feet and then runs to get the dog, picking him up and sprinting for the back door.

“I’ll be right back.  Do not move or think.  Don’t do anything.  Just stay there.  Then I’ll take care of your leg.”

His babbled orders make me laugh again and he growls while he runs out the door.

I immediately walk over to look on his bookshelves and wall, studying pictures of him with his mother and sister.  Running my fingers along the spines of paperback thrillers.

The glass sliding door slams open and he comes jogging in, grabbing dog food and tossing it in the dog dish for Spud.  Next thing I know I’m upside down and he’s striding down a dark hall while I laugh so hard it feels like I’m going to pass out.

He throws me on a plush mattress and growls, “I told you not to move.”

“I thought you were joking.”

“I don’t joke when it comes to you, baby.”  He goes to the bathroom and comes back carrying antiseptic and bandages, all the things he needs to fix my leg.  He pushes my skirt up above my knee and the way his hot hand runs up my bare skin has me struggling to stay in control.

He takes the top off of the peroxide and pours some out onto a cotton ball.  “This is going to sting a little.”

I nod my head and he delicately touches my scraped-up knee with the cotton ball.  I hiss out a breath and he gently blows on it, his eyes lifting.  I can’t look away.  There’s something in his eyes that has me transfixed.  He finishes cleaning up my wound and then he steps back.

“I’ll run you next door.”

Hurt slams into me.  “Are you saying that you don’t want me?”

His beautiful eyes widen, stunned.  “Are you kidding me?  All I am is want for you.  But you’re hurt and I don’t want to hurt you more.”

“It’s a little scrape, Marcus.  I’ve had worse than that on a good day.  It’s no big deal.”

“I do not want to hurt you.”  He enunciates each word.

“You’ll hurt me if you send me away.”

“Dammit, gorgeous.  I can’t resist you.  I’d do anything for you.”

I lift up and my lips are just a millimeter from his.  “Then don’t.”

He backs away from me and rips his t-shirt off over the back of his head in that mysterious way that men have.  He bounces on one foot as he toes his boots off and then grabs the other before he pulls his pants and boxers off like a stripper.  It’s so fast I barely get to enjoy it.  Then he’s climbing up my body, prowling like a big cat, almost purring which sets off fireworks under my skin as his mouth drifts up and down my throat, raking his teeth along the smooth column of it.

Then his hands drift down and start tugging at my silky blouse.  “Fuck, I cannot tell you how much I’ve dreamt of seeing what you hide under these damn blouses.”  He slowly, carefully peels the shirt open and sucks in a deep breath.  “Holy shit,” he breathes.  His fingers come out to run lightly along the curve of my red lace bra.  His fingers are stained slightly from his job and the sight of his dirty hands running along the red lace makes me moan.

“God, that’s hot,” he growls.  He pulls the strap down and his mouth closes around my exposed breast, lashing at my nipple like he can’t get enough.

My fingers wrap up in his long hair and I tug and pull with every suck and nibble.  He growls and sucks harder, the pain making me groan and arch my back, pushing my breast up into his mouth deeper.

Then his teeth sink into the top of my breast and I scream, clawing at the sheets.

His head pops up.  “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

I shake my head wildly.  “More.  Don’t stop.”

He slips down my body and then slides to the floor beside the bed.  His hands push up the tight skirt until he gasps in deep.  “Look at that,” he whispers.

His head dips and he runs his lips along the front of my red panties.  “So damn pretty and perfect.”

I moan and push my hips up into his face and he chuckles darkly, his hand pushing my hips down and holding me steady.  He slips a finger in between the elastic and my skin and lifts until he can run a finger along my slit.

“Oh my god,” I whisper, tensing, so tight that I can’t move a muscle, shuddering weakly, my eyes sliding shut.

“Do not close those pretty eyes, G.  I want to see every damn thought in your head as I bury my face between your pretty thighs.”

His dark head dips down again and his hand pulls my panties tight and they snap right off my hips.

Gasping, I lift my head.  “Those were my favorite pair of panties, dammit, Gray!”

“My name is Marcus.  Not Gray.”  His tongue runs a long stripe up my pussy with no warning and I bounce my hips off the bed.  Pleasure streaks through my pussy where his lips touch me and my fingers tense and pull at the sheets.

His tongue runs rough circles and stripes up and down my lower lips, tapping at my clit and nibbling, sucking all of my pussy lips and then nipping my clit.

My head whirls and it feels like hot fire sizzles through my veins.

“Please,” I whimper desperately.

“Please what?” He runs that finger along my slit again, backing away and leaving me empty and hungry for so much more.

“Please don’t stop.  Don’t stop,” I cry out, my fingers digging into his scalp, the soft locks of his hair twisting in my fingers until I hear him hiss.


He pushes two fingers inside and it feels like my pussy is stretching tight around his thick fingers.

“I feel so full.  So full…”

His finger curls inside me and strokes some spot along my walls that makes stars burst behind my eyelids.  My body shakes, legs trembling wildly and then everything goes black as flutters turn into wild spasms inside my slick walls.

“Yes, yes, yes!”  I scream and cry, my back bowed so hard that I’m almost bent in two.

I come down from the high with him licking frantically.

“I want it all, G.  Want to have every last bit of you as mine.”

Then he moves up my body, sucking, nibbling and kissing until he lines up his huge cock with my slit.  Sudden nerves hit me and I tense up.

His eyes dart up, searching my own wide eyes.  “Are you alright, G?”

I nod my head stiffly and his warm body backs away from me slightly.  “If you’re not ready for this, gorgeous, I can wait.  I’d gladly wait forever for you.”  A slight smile curls his lips.  “It will drive me crazy and fucking have me walking funny but I’d gladly do that for you.”

“I don’t need to wait but I-I should tell you something.”

“What?”  I can’t look him in the eyes.

“I’m a-a-I mean I haven’t ever…”.

His dark blue eyes widen and he stares at me.  “Are you a virgin, gorgeous?”

I nod my head and his lips slowly stretch into the biggest smile I’ve ever seen.

“You saved that sweet little pussy all for me, gorgeous?  I think that has to be the best gift I’ve ever been given.  We’re gonna take this slow and you’re gonna be in charge.”

He rolls until I’m on top of him, my legs splayed out on each side of his hips.  Then he lines his thick cock up with my core and grins cheekily.

“You’re on top, G.  Show me how much you want me.  How much you want this.”

His thick head starts to split my lower lips and I can’t breathe it feels so strange, so amazing.

Slowly, I slide down an inch at a time, feeling more and more of his thickness inside me, filling me until he hits the thin barrier of my virginity.

I take a deep breath and slam down, feeling it rip apart.

“Dammit!”  He throws his head back, groaning as I land on his lap, his dick buried deep inside me, my ass resting on his thighs.

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