Tempted by Deception: A Dark Marriage Mafia Romance (Deception Trilogy Book 2)

Tempted by Deception: Chapter 23

Lia is fast asleep after the nurse injected her with tranquilizers.

Her frail hand is weightless in mine, almost like it barely exists.

Tears still cling to her long lashes that are fluttering against her pale cheeks. Even though she’s sleeping, her lips remain twisted and her brow is furrowed in discomfort.

I reach out and smooth the crumpled space on her forehead with my thumb. Here’s to hoping she doesn’t have nightmares tonight, though that’s completely wishful thinking.

Since my youth, I’ve learned to stop wishing for things, because they won’t come true. I grew up and made things happen on my own. So knowing that, how come I find myself wishing for a different outcome for Lia’s career?

Yan called me as soon as she broke her leg and was transported to the hospital. But I was in a meeting with Igor and Sergei and couldn’t answer. My Pakhan and my former potential father-in-law are displeased with me for ending my engagement with Kristina so abruptly and without a convincing reason.

Everyone in the brotherhood knows I don’t make a move unless I’ve studied its impact on generations to come. Ending the engagement wasn’t a ‘me thing’ to do, considering that Kristina is the most logical choice for my wife.

However, it seems I’m sacrificing that part of me—the methodical, logical one—more often than not since Lia came into the picture. I do have a plan, though. One that will give Sergei and Igor the reason they need, and, at the same time, give me Lia.

That plan also includes Lazlo Luciano. After the close surveillance I put on him, I have a good handle on his life and his goals. He regards most of the New York Italian families as his enemies, especially the Rozettis since he has a lifelong grudge against them. They feel the same for him because he’s made it his mission to wipe them off the face of the earth.

The grudge can be used to my advantage. It’s my perfect opportunity to get in Lazlo’s good graces without raising his suspicions.

Due to the sensitive nature of my plan, where every detail needs to be in its rightful place, I had to listen to Sergei’s and Igor’s grumbling all afternoon. That’s why I couldn’t answer Yan’s calls.

As soon as I finished, I found out about Lia’s accident and came here. If I’d gotten here even a second later, I would’ve come to collect her corpse.

I slowly close my eyes, my grip tightening on her hand before I release it and let it rest on the bed. The thought of losing her brings an ache I thought I’d never feel again after Aunt Annika’s death.

I will make sure Lia’s fate is different from my stepmother’s.

Her career is probably finished for good, though. I spoke to her attending physician and he mentioned that the nature of her fracture is impossible to recover from in the professional sense.

Which brings me to the reason behind her accident.

I stand up and brush a kiss on Lia’s forehead before I turn for the door. After her suicide attempt, I’d rather not leave her side. However, my next course of action needs to happen, if not for anything else, then for her beloved justice.

I meant it when I said that I don’t believe in justice, but I do believe in an eye for an eye.

Blood for fucking blood.

Besides, the sooner I’m done with this, the faster I can get back here and take care of her.

The moment I step out of her room, Yan, Kolya, and Boris stand erect, their expressions more closed off than usual. Kolya and Boris were with me all day, but Yan hasn’t left Lia’s side.

“Did you see it with your own eyes?” I ask Yan, not that I need a reason to get on with my plan.

“Yes, sir,” he snarls. “That motherfucker did it on purpose.”

I stare at Kolya. “Have you managed to get me footage?”

He nods, then shows me his phone. My three guards and I watch as the scene unfolds in front of our eyes. It’s not that I doubt Yan’s words, but I want to see it for myself—the exact moment when the fucker signed his death certificate.

The shocked expression on Lia’s features guts me. She must’ve known it was going to be the end as she was falling, and that pain, that desperation, makes me clench my fists on either side of me.

“Have you located him?” I ask Kolya with a calm I don’t feel.

“He’s at a club. One of our men, Fedor, is keeping an eye on him.”

“At a fucking club,” Yan snarls. “I’m going to torture the bastard to death.”

I shake my head once. “You stay here, Yan.”

“But, Boss—”

“Stay here and protect her until I get back.”

“Why can’t Boris do it? I want to kill the fucker.”

“Yan. It’s an order.”

He opens his mouth to say something, but Kolya shakes his head at him before he and Boris follow me out.

My knuckles hurt from the amount of clenching I do during the ride to confront Ryan. My guard, Fedor, calls us and says he left the club alone and he’s following him home, and since I’ve had my men watching him, we know the route he’ll take.

Kolya strategizes with him so we can intercept Ryan in the alley he always drives through. Fedor hits his car from behind and we’re already waiting for Ryan in the shadows.

Ryan gets out, cursing and checking his car. He doesn’t sway on his feet, so he must’ve not drunk a lot.

I step out of the vehicle at the same time as Fedor, who nods at me. Boris and Kolya stand on either side of Ryan so that the four of us are surrounding him.

The fucker turns around, his expression ashen as he meets my gaze. I see the exact moment when he knows he’s fucked.

People know when death is coming. Sometimes, they can feel it and hope leaves their greedy eyes. Some fight, some know it’s useless. Others fight even when they know it’s useless.

Like Ryan.

“What…what do you want from me?” He stares at me, then at my men, looking like he’s ready to piss his pants. “I didn’t do anything.”

I step in front of him, retrieving my gun with the silencer attached to it. “Yes, you did, Ryan. I should’ve killed you that night at the club. A mistake I will not repeat again.”

“No, please… I…I kept my distance… ”

“Then you decided not to catch her at the last second.”

His eyes widen.

“Did you think I wouldn’t know? I saw the sadism in your eyes when you decided you wouldn’t catch her.”

“No… Everyone witnessed it… She jumped a second too early.”

“You could’ve caught her. You just chose not to.” I point the gun at him. “That’s your final fucking strike.”

“No, please, please…” Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“We’ll start with the legs, then I’ll make you beg to be killed. Only after you’ve paid for every tear she’s shed will you be allowed the mercy of death.”

I shoot him in the tibia, right where her leg broke.

Ryan shrieks like a toddler as blood explodes from his wound. As he falls to his knees, I shoot his thigh.

He wails, his ugly voice bouncing off the buildings and fueling my need to inflict more pain. Pain greater than what Lia will be going through.

This is going to be a long night.

When I’m done with this scum, he’ll disappear as if he never existed.

Just like her career.

This is my form of fucking justice.

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