TEAM PLAYERS: Chapter 17

The house is empty when we return, and I take my shoes off in the hallway, the cold wooden floor like a balm beneath my tired feet. I follow the triplets into the kitchen, where they gulp down huge glasses of water, still thirsty from their practice.

‘My legs are still twitching,’ Dwayne says, sticking out his thigh. His quad muscle jumps, and I blink in shock.

‘Wow, you must have worked out hard.’

‘We were doing ladder drills and cone work. It’s a lot of leg work.’ Donovan explains.

‘But I’ve still got energy.’ Dwayne hooks his arm around my back, pulling me flush against his body. I can smell the scent of something fresh on his skin, mixed with his own sexy pheromone smell, which does something weird to my brain. ‘You look hot today. Hot enough to get that douchebag at Walter’s store all worked up.’

‘She had her legs wrapped around him, and her titties pressed up against his back. If she did that to me, I’d have been driving her straight to a motel.’

‘I think that thought crossed his mind,’ I say, and the triplets laugh.

Dwayne’s hand is possessive on my hip, sliding down just slightly to cup my ass. ‘You know how to work this,’ he says, squeezing.

‘You know how to work it too,’ I laugh, gazing down at the flimsy fabric of his t-shirt, which leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination. His pecs are so rounded I could sleep on them like a pillow, and his abs are tight enough for me to wash clothes against the old-fashioned way.

‘I don’t know how you’re hugging her against you like that, all sweaty from training,’ Donovan says screwing up his nose.

‘She loves it, don’t you, Maggie?’ Dwayne laughs, so unbelievably confident in himself, and why shouldn’t he be? He’s got the goods to back up his bravado.

I swat his pec, scowling. ‘You boys all need a shower.’

‘Why, when you’re just going to get us all messy after?’ Dwayne leans down, grazing my jaw with his full lips. ‘We can make you feel good, Maggie. So damned good.’

And I believe him. Just that tiny contact has warm heat spilling through me, pooling between my legs.

Past Dwayne, I can see Donovan and Daryl watching their brother intently. Is this what they do? One of them makes a move, and the other two waits to see if they’re successful. Or maybe they usually hunt alone. I don’t know why I imagine that this sharing thing is something they do on the regular. It’s just that Dwayne seems so comfortable, teasing my neck and the sensitive spot behind my ear while his brothers watch.

Two sets of intense brown eyes are taking everything in. Daryl rubs his shoulder absentmindedly while Donovan has his hand in his pocket. They look relaxed, but as my eyes slide down the length of their magnificent bodies, the evidence of their arousal is there in full force.

‘So, can we, Maggie? Can we make you feel good? Cos looking at you in this tight little dress has had my cock twitching all day.’

‘Dwayne. Chill out. Maggie’s not into that dirty talk.’

‘Maggie likes it, don’t you? Sweet on the outside and naughty on the inside. All the best girls are.’

He whispers so close to my ear that I shudder, and he knows it because I feel his smile against my skin as his hands span my waist. My mouth is so dry with anticipation that I can’t speak. Words have never been my friends. Too many times, I’ve said things that have ended up ruining relationships or wrecking moments. Maybe actions are better. They can’t be misconstrued so easily. They put a point across so much better.

I close my eyes and allow myself to relax into the moment. Three men stand waiting to show me exactly what they want from me. Three men wait to prove that they can be what I need and to find out if I can be the same for them. I slide my hands over Dwayne’s biceps, feeling the muscles twitch at my touch. He exhales in a rush against my neck, mouth finding mine, and the press of his soft lips is heaven. In the darkness, behind my eyelids, I can escape into a place where I’m not grieving for my father or pretending to know how I’m going to cope with raising a child. I can imagine that the man kissing me knows my heart and loves it and that this is more than just a physical release. I can hope that the dream these men have for a future together could really include me at the center.

As I’m drifting in my fantasy world, Dwayne lifts me, carrying me from the kitchen and up the stairs like a bride. His eyes don’t leave mine, chocolate irises almost blackened by pupils wide with lust. I touch his face, the skin of his cheek so soft, the shaven skin of his scalp rough under my palm.

I wonder who he looks like. With sloping almond eyes, broad noses, full lips, and soft brown skin, the triplets could be a mix of heritages. Who do they look like, these beautiful boys with lighthearted souls and bodies made for sin?

Behind us, Daryl and Donovan are silent. There’s a tension in the air that maybe they, too, don’t want to disturb with chatter. It’s an intensity of intention that makes my whole body fizz. Dwayne carries me to a room at the back of the house. I think it’s extended because the ceiling, which is high as we enter, lowers to the far side as the roof slopes. There are three beds, all covered with black comforters. The floor is painted boards, and posters of famous ballplayers hang on the walls.

‘Welcome to our lair,’ Dwayne says, lowering me to my feet. As I turn to take in more of my surroundings, I feel his finger searching for the top of my zipper, sliding it down. He runs a finger down my spine, slowly following the route the zipper took, sending sensation careering over my skin. He pushes my hair over my shoulder, kissing the back of my neck slowly. Donovan and Daryl come around the front, Donovan peeling the black fabric over my shoulders and easing it over my hips until it drops in a pool at my feet. Daryl caresses my stomach, my hips, my thighs, mapping all the places I have curves.

‘We need to shower,’ Donovan says, tugging his shirt over his head. ‘Maggie might have a thing for sweaty men, but I’d rather be fresh when I get close.’

The triplets have a bathroom in the corner that is essentially a wet room. Donovan stalks toward it, tossing his shirt in the hamper, dropping his shorts and boxers to reveal tight rounded glutes and thighs so muscular I get an urge to squeeze them hard. He turns, and the full glory of his cock standing proud knocks the breath from my lungs. Big and thick, it’s the same warm brown as the rest of his body. ‘Don’t do anything until I’m done.’

‘You wanna keep the lady waiting?’ Dwayne asks over my shoulder.

Daryl has slid the strap of my bra over my shoulder, and he’s running the tips of his fingers just under the cup, maddeningly slowly.

‘I’m worth waiting for. You need to get your sweaty ass clean too.’

‘Maybe Maggie would like to watch,’ Daryl says, eyes sparkling with mischief.

I’m already weak at the knees and panting with arousal, so all I can do is nod because who the hell wouldn’t want to see three gorgeous football players showering, so they’re clean enough to fuck.

Donovan is already soaping himself, big hands working a lather over his slick skin. His biceps bulge and abs ripple with his movements, and it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. And when he washes his cock, sliding his hand up and down with heavy-lidded eyes, I lean back against Dwayne.

‘Oh, Maggie likes watching for sure.’ Daryl laughs, pulling off his own shirt so roughly I hear stitches breaking. It’s like time is repeating as he follows the same path as his identical triplet, tossing his clothes in the hamper and finding his way under the running water. Donovan is already toweling himself dry, and I watch with hot cheeks as Dwayne slides his hand under my bra and uses his thumb and forefinger to stimulate my nipple.

‘You like watching my brothers?’

‘Yes,’ I say, and then moan because he’s tugging my nipple harder while his other hand slides down the front of my belly. Daryl is halfway to clean, and Donovan is already stalking back across the room.

‘My turn,’ he says, picking me up and carrying me to the bed. It’s as though I weigh nothing at all as he lays me gently down, crawling up and over me. ‘How did it feel to be with Harley and Hunter? Did they make you feel good?’

I nod, blinking slowly as he gazes at my body, mind working on what he should do first. It’s hard to know if his question is competitive or just interested.

‘What did they do that you liked? Did they lick you?’

I nod, a shudder running through me at the memory.

‘Did they fuck you at the same time?’ I shake my head, and instinctively my hand goes over my belly. Donovan nods, leaning down to kiss my lips. As he does, his thick cock rests against my skin, and I reach down to take hold of it, wanting to feel the heat of him, the velvety softness over the rigid center. He’s big. So big that I gasp.

‘Yeah,’ he hisses, his eyes closing as I stroke him up and down. ‘That’s it, Maggie. That’s it.’

‘I see your game,’ Daryl says, emerging from the bathroom, rubbing his head with the towel.

Donovan laughs and nuzzles my nose with his. ‘These boys always think they’re smarter than me but look who’s got pole position.’

‘I’m not a motor race,’ I laugh.

‘Nothing about this is going to be fast,’ Donovan says. He moves down my body, his lips grazing my neck, my clavicle, the valley between my breasts. The heat of his tongue on my nipple has me arching my back, and when he sucks… oh, when he sucks, I moan loudly enough to make him smile against my skin.

‘She likes that,’ Daryl says, finally dry enough to climb onto the bed next to us.

‘Take over,’ Donovan orders, moving lower to taste my navel and then slide his tongue down the middle of my belly until it’s poised over my panties. He waits, then begins to slowly push them over my hips.

‘You know that guy at the motorcycle shop was thinking about doing this to you…’ Donovan says. ‘When you straddled that bike, and your pussy made contact with his ass, his mind went to eating you out.’

‘You don’t know that.’ My hands find the top of his head, half wanting to urge him on, half wanting to slow him down and hear more of his filthy words.

‘I know because I’ve been thinking about it all day too. Wanting to see this pretty pussy, wanting to know what you smell like, what you taste like, how you’ll quiver when I do this.’ He bends close, inhaling before the point of his tongue flicks my already swollen clit. ‘Fuck,’ he mutters as my legs close around his head, the sensation too much for me to bear. He forces my knees apart, spreading me wide.

‘Look,’ he tells Daryl, just as Dwayne is tossing his towel over the chair in the corner.

Donovan trails a finger from the small patch of curls at the apex of my thighs, over my clit, and between my labia until he reaches my entrance. ‘She’s leaking already, and I haven’t even done anything yet.’ He brings his finger to his lips, licking my arousal, his eyes rolling.

‘You don’t understand…’ He shakes his head. ‘The taste of you makes me crazy.” He fists his cock, tugging hard, once, twice, three times. ‘I’m going to make you come, then I’m going to fuck you so good you’re going to see stars.’

‘Donovan’s a poet now.’ Dwayne laughs until Donovan grabs his hand and makes him repeat what he just did. When Dwayne’s finger slides between his own lips and his eyes roll too, I have to close mine. I can’t watch this without getting lightheaded, especially when Daryl’s lips are mouthing my nipple, his tongue circling, then dropping lower to suck hard. His hand squeezes my other breast, and I have to grip the comforter to anchor myself.

‘Feel like writing a sonnet yourself now, don’t you?’ Donovan says.

‘You gonna eat that pussy or just talk about it all day?’ Daryl says.

I guess that’s enough to urge Donovan on because there’s no more talk, just a hot mouth between my legs that makes me groan. Gone is the shyness I felt when Justin first opened my legs. He never talked about my body or told me I was beautiful. He made me feel good physically, but the whole experience was empty of appreciation. These men, for all their filthy gruff talk, make me feel sexy. This process of submitting to them makes me feel amazing.

There’s freedom in this. Shaking off my self-imposed chains feels so good I fear it’s becoming an addiction. Is this how people become sex addicts? They use it to fill a hole where love and faith should live?

Before I can think any more about it, Dwayne has rounded the bed to kiss me.

And what a kiss it is. Soft and tentative, sliding into deep and sensual. My hand goes to the back of his neck, needing some control of this part as his brothers worship the rest of me. Dwayne slowly peels my hand away and presses it into the bed over my head, then the other. ‘I think we’ll keep these here.’

There would be no resisting him either. His hands are huge, and he’s strong as an ox, dark eyes smiling down at me as though he’s daring me to try before he kisses me again. Between my legs, Donovan sucks hard on my clit, and my hips jerk so violently that a hand is pressed against my stomach to keep me immobile, then two hands grip my ankles, holding them tight. There’s no moving in this position. All I can do is give in to the sensations and let these men hold me hostage while they feast on my body. It’s this knowledge that takes me close to the edge, tumbling over as Donovan sucks again. My knees draw together, trapping his head as I groan into Dwayne’s mouth.

‘Fuck,’ Daryl mutters against my skin. ‘That is hot as hell.’

I don’t have time to register the shift of the bed until Donovan’s cock is nudging at my swollen entrance and Dwayne’s is stroking over my lips. Damn, are they seriously going to do me like this? Hunter and Harley took turns, and that was overwhelming enough, but taking two men at once is something else.

Dwayne’s hand rests over my cheek, his thumb stroking over my bottom lip. ‘You gonna suck me now, Maggie?’ he asks, at exactly the moment that Donovan slides into my slick pussy.

‘Ohhhhh…’ He’s so thick I feel like he’s stretching me open, his hand pushing at the inside of my thighs, so my hips widen enough to take him.

‘That’s it, Maggie.’ Donovan tests his thrusts, slow and shallow at first, then long and deep, and my eyes roll, mouth opening enough for Dwayne to stroke my tongue with the hot head of his cock. Daryl takes my hand and wraps it around his cock, fucking into my fist as he licks my nipples like they’re popsicles.

This is so much rawer than last night. There is so much happening at once that I can’t worry if I’m being coordinated or if I’m doing it right. In fact, this is not really about my actions at all but all about the triplets’. They know what they want, and they know how to get it, and I love the clarity that comes with letting go. They’re in charge here, and I can just relax into that, knowing that whatever they need, they will take. And whatever I need, they will give.

Daryl’s cock is slick in my hand, Donovan’s swelling inside me to an impossible size that sends both pleasure and ache through me. Dwayne tastes salt and sweet on my tongue as he holds my face gently, angling his cock forward with restraint so that I don’t gag.

‘Fuck,’ Donovan says, his grip on my hip tightening. He’s close, but I’m closer, tumbling over the precipice of pleasure as Daryl’s slick finger searches out my clit. The pulsing of my pussy is what finishes Donovan, his cock swelling in waves as he comes inside me. Dwayne isn’t far behind, filling my mouth with everything he has to give.

Last of all, Daryl waits for both his brothers to step back and give me space. He lies next to me, cradling my body against his. ‘You okay, Maggie?’ His chocolate brown eyes search mine, his strong hand stroking back my curls from my sweat-slicked forehead.

‘Yes, but you didn’t finish.’

He smiles a quick smile. ‘Has it been too much, you know…?’ His hand slides over my belly, and I shake my head. Even though Donovan is big, he was careful in the way he fucked me, taking everything in a slow and measured way that pushed all my buttons. ‘I’ll be gentle,’ he says, rolling me so that my back is nestled into his front. I’m so slick from Donovan that Daryl pushes in with no resistance, his rumbling moan of pleasure tickling the back of my neck. Donovan and Dwayne move to watch us, stroking over my body and bending to kiss my lips as their brother wraps me in his arms possessively. ‘You feel so good,’ Daryl says. ‘Like warm chocolate pudding.’

Dwayne chuckles lowly. ‘That’s his favorite dessert, Maggie. It’s the greatest compliment he can give.’

I smile, my eyes rolling back in my head as Donovan licks his finger and searches out my clit. Although it feels good, I know I won’t be able to come again when my body has given way to so much pleasure already. It feels like that for a few seconds, my clit so stimulated it almost feels numb. Then Daryl draws back and moves in shallower thrusts, and Donovan concentrates his rubbing just above my clit, and I know this is it. The most pleasure I’ve ever received. I want to curl in on it and just be still, maybe hide under the covers and dwell in this space where lights flicker behind my eyelids, and my body feels white-hot and ice blue all at the same time, but there’s no hiding from these men. Their eyes are on me, all their focus is now on bringing me into a place that feels scary—a place where I might really start to believe that what Danna has could be mine.

I come so hard that Donovan’s hand is crushed between my thighs, and my pussy clamps down so tight that Daryl cries out, following me into oblivion just as I think I can’t take anymore.

Dwayne laughs, not in a horrible way but in a bubbling, I-can’t-hold-in-my-delight-any-more tone that has my heart smiling. Daryl’s arms stay around me, even as his cock softens inside me. My thighs are a sticky mess, my body too, but nobody cares as they draw the comforter over me and stroke my hair. And I drift into a reflective time where I think, did that really just happen? 

It did. It really did, and there’s no guilt in my heart like I felt with Justin. No reservations because how could there be when Donovan tells me that I’m amazing and Dwayne kisses my hand gently as though I’m precious, and Daryl’s hand slides over my stomach as he whispers in my ear, ‘you’re creating life, Maggie and it’s a beautiful thing.’

I want to tell them that this is a beautiful thing. The way they’ve made me feel. The way they are together. As I fall asleep, surrounded by the triplets, another little piece of my heart wonders if this could be real.

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