TEAM PLAYERS: Chapter 13

I don’t notice my foster brothers drifting from the room until the movie gets close to the end. When I glance around, it’s only me and Sean left. I tip my face up to him, and his green, catlike eyes. There’s something mesmerizing about the way he looks at me. “I think I have you all to myself,” he says.

“I think you do,” I whisper.

His hand rests under my chin, tipping my face. When his lips find mine, it’s like a sigh of relief. Soft and teasing, then firm and deep. Sean possesses my mouth like I imagine he’d possess my body. My hand grips the back of his neck, the short dark hair like velvet against my palm.

“I knew we’d be good together,” he whispers in my ear, sending a shiver up my spine.


“I just had a feeling. You have a spark in your eyes… something that says you can handle yourself.”

“And is that what you like?”

Sean nods, pushing back strands of my long wavy hair from my face. “I like a girl with some sass. I like a girl who has enough strength to hold me down.”

I didn’t expect Sean to be so open about what he needs, not because he isn’t confident but more because he seems like the kind of person who buries his truth beneath layers of bravado. If I could be more like him, maybe things in my life would have turned out differently.

“Did you guys draw straws in the kitchen to decide who would try to seduce me first?”

Sean grins, using his thumb to stroke over my bottom lip. “We don’t vote about fucking,” he smiles. “That’s a first-come, first-served type situation. I was just lucky enough to get to sit next to you and had balls enough to kiss you.”

I shake my head as the real Sean comes back into focus. “Fucking,” I say with an arched brow. “That’s real romantic.”

“Do you want romance, Maggie?”

Romance. Now there’s a word that feels completely foreign to me. No man has ever done anything romantic for me. I never saw my dad do anything romantic for my mom. Romance is something that only exists in books and movies. Even though I have low expectations, I can’t help the way my heart aches at the idea of being desired for more than what my body can do. To be treated like the princesses in Disney movies, swept off my feet and cared for.

And here I have Sean, the first of these brothers who say they want a harem-style relationship with me and all he’s talking about is fucking.

I’m not surprised, but I am disappointed.

“Romance is not something I’m that familiar with.”

His eyebrow raises, but I can tell he’s out of his depth. Fucking, he can do. Romance, not so much.

Would I like to fuck Sean? Absolutely. The slide of his tongue over mine was enough to make me wet but not enough to make me submit. In fact, the mention of fucking has made me adamant that Sean will be the last to have that privilege, if I even get that far. It’ll be so much fun making him wait and maybe he’ll learn something in the process.

“I think, Sean, that I’m going to find John.”

I ease myself out of his arms and he cocks his head to one side, watching me with amusement. “I see. You let me warm you up, and now you’re off to find my brother.”

“Isn’t that how these group situations work?” I ask innocently. “You’ve got to be good at sharing, haven’t you Sean.”

“Oh, I’m good at sharing,” he says. “You’ll see one day, just how good at sharing I can be.”

I bend to kiss his lips again feeling all the sass in me well up. “I look forward to it.”

As I leave the room, I don’t glance back to witness his expression, but I’m certain that Sean is smiling because nothing seems to faze that man, even rejection.

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