TEAM PLAYERS: Chapter 10

‘Maggie!’ Danna squeals when I answer the call. I close the door to my borrowed bedroom.


‘I’m so sorry about your dad,’ she says. ‘It must be a difficult time for you. I wasn’t sure if I should call.’

Why does everyone state the obvious? I guess it’s hard to find things to say when you really don’t know what will make someone not feel terrible. ‘Yeah… it’s been a shock, but I’m happy you called.’

‘I’m so happy you’re back in town. It’s been too long. We… well, I wanted to reach out before, but it was hard to know if it would upset people. Family politics are so shitty.’

‘Yeah,’ I say. ‘It’s been too long.’

‘Uncle Walter told my dad he dropped you at the house. Did you meet all the boys yet?’

Boys isn’t the right word for them. Not in the slightest. My foster brothers are all men through and through. But Danna is older than me, and maybe her men are too.

‘Yeah. They’ve been really nice.’

‘I’m sure they have been. A beautiful young girl under their roof. Why the hell wouldn’t they be?’

‘Because I’m a stranger. Because Dad left it to me to clear out his possessions like I’m the prodigal daughter. Because I could disrupt their home.’

Danna snorts. ‘That’s how women think, not men. They’ll just be thinking about your ass in bed shorts.’

I snort. The image she’s spun is probably a lot more accurate than mine. ‘True.’

‘So, can we meet? I’d love you to come up here so that I can introduce you to everyone.’

‘By everyone, do you mean your ten men?’

Danna chuckles. ‘I had a pretty good idea that Walter would tell you all about that. I’ve been the talk of the family since I moved to Broadsville.’ I love that Danna sounds amused at the gossiping about her rather than upset. I guess she’s had a chance to get used to that.

‘I think news like that is hard to keep to yourself. I’m still reeling,’ I admit.

‘Why? Didn’t you think I had it in me?’

‘I haven’t seen you in years. We were kids when we were last in contact. If I’d imagined your sex life at that point, I think it would have been weird.’

‘That is true. So will you come? I can message you the address. It’s not hard to find. It won’t take you too long to get here.’

For a moment, I consider whether it will be rude to leave this house before I’ve had a chance to spend any time with my foster brothers. I’m supposed to be fulfilling my dad’s last wishes, but Danna is family, and I haven’t seen her for years. Plus, there are so many questions that I want to ask her about her setup. Questions that will help me get to grips with how to approach this situation and these men.

‘I can come,’ I say.

‘Tonight. Come tonight, and you can stay over.’

‘Okay,’ I say. ‘That sounds amazing.’ And fast. Very fast, but after what just happened with John, I’m relieved to have the opportunity for some headspace.

We say our goodbyes, and almost immediately, Danna messages me her address and some directions. I pack up my small suitcase and make my way down the stairs hoping to find John or one of the others so that I can let them know that I’m going to be away for the night, but there is no one in the house.

Seriously. They’ve left me here without telling me how to lock up? It takes me ten minutes to walk around the house, checking windows and doors. In the den, I finally have the privacy to look over the photos. There are so many with Dad and my foster brothers — Christmas pictures, birthday, football, and graduation. I try to recognize who is who, but I’m still totally overwhelmed at the number of men living in this house, and remembering their names is a struggle. There’s a small section of older pictures – one of dad as a kid with his parents. They both died a long time ago of a heart attack and cancer, but I remember Grammy’s house and the pound cake she used to make. There are some of Dad with Uncle Walter and his other siblings, and then there are some of me. Not many. Three, to be exact. They seem faded and a little out of focus, as though they’ve been hanging long enough to be washed out by the sun. It makes me both happy and sad to imagine them hanging here for as long as I’ve been away. I really have been a constant presence in this house, even when I was absent.

I leave a simple note in the kitchen, complete with my cell number. I don’t think they’ll worry about me, but it’s polite.

At the door, I find Dad’s keys in my purse, complete with the goofy keyring he used to carry. I lock up securely. When I’m in my car, I find myself looking up at this home that should have been a part of my life but wasn’t. It’s an awesome place. Dad made his foster children a really special home.

I listen to a country station on my way to Danna’s, enjoying the familiarity of the old tunes, some of which Dad used to play in our old truck. Broadsville is a nice town. Similar to my hometown of Coopers Valley in size and population. The main street has some adorable old stores, including a florist, where I stop to buy a gift for Danna. While the flowers are wrapped, I message Danna to let her know I’m close. She asks where, and when I tell her, she instructs me to wait exactly where I am.

It feels strange to stand outside a florist in a new town waiting for goodness knows what.

After five minutes, I hear a voice calling my name.

A gorgeous man leans out of the window of a large dirt-splattered truck. ‘I’m York, Danna sent me. Wanna follow me up to the ranch?’

‘Sure.’ I dive back into my car, placing the pretty blooms on the passenger seat.

York pulls out carefully and leads me out of town, along wide-open roads until he signals into a turning labeled Jackson Ranch. The dirt road winds for quite a way before it ends in front of a large wooden ranch house. Danna must have heard the cars or seen the flying dirt that billows out behind our vehicles and is standing on the steps at the front.

Wow. She looks amazing and very, very pregnant. A fact she didn’t share over the phone and Uncle Walter neglected to tell me too. I grab the wrapped stems of the flowers and my purse and climb out of my car, feeling very self-conscious because suddenly, next to Danna has appeared a whole lot of very sexy cowboys. ‘Do you have any bags?’ York asks me.

‘In the trunk.’

He works his way around the back and retrieves my possessions as though they weigh nothing at all.  Damn, he is sexy. Serious, tall, and intense.

‘Come on. Danna and Momma have been cooking up a storm.’

We make our way across the direct driveway as Danna lumbers over to meet us halfway. ‘Maggie,’ she beams, drawing me into a huge hug that mostly involved her curling around her round belly that is pressed tightly against me.

‘These are for you.’ I hold the flowers out shyly, trying to remember the last time I saw my cousin. She was probably fourteen and going through a particularly awkward stage. Gone are the uneven bangs and the braces, replaced by pretty hair and eyes that warm me to the core. She’s curvy, too, in the best way. Pregnant women always look so good, as though they are filled with the glow of creation.

‘Thank you. They’re so pretty. How was your journey?’

‘Good. I can’t believe you’re living out here.’

‘I know… if you’d asked me two years ago where I’d be right now, I would have told you that I’d have a condo in the city with a job that required me to wear crisp white shirts, fitted navy suits, and shoes with red soles.’ She glances down at her mud-encrusted boots. ‘I still miss the idea of those shoes.’

‘Boots are way better for your feet,’ I laugh. ‘Especially in your condition.’

Her hand automatically goes to her belly, protectively. ‘The only thing that good for my feet right now is being off them. I swear that elephants would be shocked at the size of my ankles right now, and my ass… don’t even get me started.’

‘You talking about your ass again,’ a voice says. A tall man in a plaid shirt, torn jeans, and muddy work boots has ambled closer to take the flowers from Danna. ‘Looks pretty good from where I’m standing.’

Danna rolls her eyes. ‘I swear these guys… the bigger I get, the more they seem to love it.’

‘There’s just more of you to go round, sweetheart.’ He holds out his large work-rough hand. ‘I’m Samuel.’

‘This is my cousin Maggie. She was just a kid when I last saw her. Now, look at her.’

Samuel nods. ‘I’m sorry for your loss, Maggie. Dale was a good man.’

‘Thanks.’ I nod somberly but feel the heat of embarrassment creeping up my cheeks again. People say that as though I have a right to be mourning for him or a right to be proud of who he was when actually too many years have passed for me to have any claim on him at all.

‘Come on in,’ Danna says, resting her hand on my arm kindly.

We make our way slowly to the house, at Danna’s pace. I estimate that she must be at least seven months pregnant from the size of her and the way she’s waddling with her legs slightly open. ‘When are you due?’

‘I’ve got seven weeks left, officially,’ she says. ‘It’s twins, though, so they’re definitely going to come earlier. The hospital is talking about a C-section, but one of the babies has their head down. I’m hoping to find a midwife experienced in home birth and twin delivery so I can have them here with the family around.’

‘They’ll only let two of us into the hospital,’ Samuel says. ‘I’ve told Danna that it doesn’t matter. We’ll draw straws and film the whole thing. We could even live-stream the delivery.’

‘Because that’s what every girl dreams of,’ Danna mutters with another eye roll. ‘I’d rather be here with all of you than in some cold and sterile place. You guys have delivered so many calves out here, a couple of babies shouldn’t be any trouble.’

Samuel snorts. ‘Now, if I’d have said that, you’d have hit the roof.’

‘True,’ she chuckles.

We’re at the front of the house now, and Danna begins to introduce me. There are so many men and so many names that I feel almost dizzy with it all. I’m ushered inside, through a mudroom where I leave my sneakers, and into a big open kitchen with oak cabinets, two huge cord sofas, and a dining table that looks like something out of a medieval banqueting hall. It’s filled with the most delicious aroma, and a woman bustles at a massive range cooker. She turns when she hears the movement at the doorway.

‘This is Maggie. Maggie, this is Jackie. Momma to all these huge men.’

Jackie smiles and laughs. ‘They weren’t this huge to start with.’

‘It’s all your cooking,’ Danna says, resting her hand lightly on her mother-in-law’s arm. It’s so nice to see that they have that kind of affectionate relationship.

‘I’m glad to meet you,’ Jackie says. ‘We don’t see much of Danna’s family up this way.’

‘Only Uncle Walter, Aunt Claudine, and Jolene have been so far. And your Dad and the boys.’

‘And Danna’s dad,’ Samuel says with a little smirk that doesn’t go unnoticed by Jackie.

‘What about your momma?’ I ask Danna. Her face falls, and I know immediately that I’ve put my big foot in it.

‘Mom passed.’

‘I didn’t know. I’m so sorry.’

‘It’s okay,’ Danna says. ‘You’re going through the same thing right now. I still miss her every day.’

One of Danna’s men throws his arm around her shoulder and gives her a reassuring squeeze. I think his name is Zack, but I can’t be sure. ‘If there’s a girl in there, she’s gonna be named Kathy.’

‘I think the chances of there being a girl in there are pretty remote,’ Danna laughs.

‘Yeah, but the chances of me giving you twins was also pretty remote.’

Danna grins, rubbing her hand over her huge belly. ‘I still can’t believe you guys got me to agree to six pregnancies.’

‘Six,’ I gasp.

‘Yeah. One each, except the twins and triplets will have to share. I’m not a breeding dog. Zack got to go first.’

‘But you could have six sets of multiples,’ I say.

‘I’m resigned to my body being a wreck.’

‘Your body will always be perfect.’ Zack presses a kiss onto the top of Danna’s head. ‘And you’ve got a lot of hands to help.’

‘I don’t think you’re gonna get much of a look in with those babies. Mom’s gonna be all over them,’ Samuel laughs.

Jackie shrugs. ‘What can I say. I love babies.’

‘It takes a village… isn’t that what they say?’ I ask.

Danna smiles at that, gazing around the room. ‘I have my village under one roof. A little later, I’ll take you to the barn the boys renovated for our family.’

‘Sure. I’d love to see that.’

‘Why don’t you all take a seat, and I’ll start serving up,’ Jackie says. ‘Walker and Wade are on helping duty tonight.’

Two gorgeous men step forward and start to take things from the counter to the table. There’s such an easy way to the movements of this large group, as though they are physically connected. It only takes a few minutes for us to all be seated and eating.

The food is delicious, and the conversation fun. I spend much of the time moving my head back and forth like I’m watching a tennis match, trying to follow everything. What I do notice most clearly is that Danna is beaming throughout.

I thought I was going to come here and find that my cousin really had been sucked into a strange cult. I thought she was going to be submissive in this arrangement because ten men could be a totally overwhelming prospect. The reality is completely different. My lucky cousin has ten men who value her and respect her. Contrary to my preconceptions, she’s the center of this arrangement, the sun, while the men are her planets.

I try to imagine what it must be like when they are alone. Does she get tired of keeping them all satisfied? My cheeks flush just considering the intensity that would come with so many men and just one small woman.

After dinner, the boys make themselves scarce, and Danna takes me to the converted barn. It’s effectively another house, rustic and charming, fully renovated by the Jacksons. We flop on the expansive couches and smile at each other.

‘You were worried about me, weren’t you,’ Danna says. ‘Everyone is until they get here.’

‘I only heard from Walter yesterday… your arrangement isn’t something that you come across every day, but I can tell that you’re really happy.’

‘I am,’ Danna says, curling her legs up. ‘This isn’t the life that I ever would have imagined myself living, but I’m happier than I ever thought would be possible. It’s funny how you can stumble in a different direction and end up exactly where you’re supposed to be.’

‘It’s amazing,’ I say. ‘The guys all seem really great.’

‘They are. I’m not going to say it’s always harem bliss in here. They’re brothers. There can be lots of sibling bickering, but I leave them to work it out between themselves. We all have past experiences that rear their heads periodically, but we love each other enough to keep pulling in the same direction. And it’s awesome that they are all so different. It brings so much to the relationship.’

‘I wanted to ask…’ I trail off, blushing at the thought of voicing my most personal question.

‘How it works in the bedroom?’ Danna grins. ‘It’s the question everyone wants to ask, but most don’t pluck up the courage to.’

‘Yeah… sorry if it’s too much…’

‘It’s okay.’ Danna rests her hand on my arm and squeezes. ‘We’re family, and I’m not shy talking about my sex life. Me and the boys are together. That means we do everything together.’

‘Wow.’ I feel my eyes bulging. It’s even more flabbergasting hearing it from Danna now I’ve met all those hulking men.

‘It is wow… every time.’ She wiggles her eyebrows, and we descend into noisy giggles that take me back to the fun we used to have in our childhood.

‘So how’s it been meeting all your foster brothers?’ There’s a definite insinuation in that statement. I guess she has ten men, so eleven wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility for her. What’s one more?

‘It’s been strange. I didn’t even know they existed before yesterday. Walter told me, then took me round to the house and left me there.’

‘They’ve been okay with you… respectful?’

I nod, fiddling with the seam on my jeans, wondering how much I should confide here. It’s not that I don’t trust Danna. I have no reason to doubt her, but it’s been such a long time since we spent any time together. I’ve never been good with confiding anything. I’ve seen secrets spilled at school and reputations ruined. Then again, if I don’t ask for her advice, I don’t know who else I have. Mom has her own agenda. She’s going to be looking at things from her point of view. I can already hear her saying, ‘Sell the house and use the money to set yourself up.’ But is that the right thing for me to do?

‘They’ve been great so far… except… I overheard them talking.’

Danna leans forward, her eyes widening with intrigue. ‘About what? Were they saying filthy things about you because I wouldn’t blame them? You’re hot!’

‘Not filthy… they were talking about you, actually.’


‘Yeah… about your setup and how they should be doing the same thing for me.’

Danna throws her head back and whoops, clapping her hands with glee. ‘I knew it! I had this feeling when Uncle Walter told me you were coming back to town.’

‘Why would you have a feeling?’

‘Because of the way your dad raised them. It’s similar to the Jackson’s… and my friend Laura is in a similar arrangement with her stepbrothers, the McGregors. Boys raised in close family units don’t want to lose those relationships. This is so exciting!’

‘But they don’t even know me!’

Danna rests her hand on my knee. ‘The idea of it comes first. In my case, it was something I wanted and something Jackie wanted for her sons. They came around after they fell for me. In the case of your foster brothers, the idea is there. They’ve seen you and obviously liked what they’ve seen. The rest is just about hoping that you’ll all get along. And work. No relationship exists without work.’

‘But finding one good guy is hard enough… eleven isn’t going to be possible.’

‘Your dad was a good guy, wasn’t he? He raised good men.’

‘My dad didn’t speak to me for years. To be honest, I have no idea what kind of man he was.’

Danna tips her head to the side and shrugs. ‘Family is complicated. And hell, I guess none of the semantics matters if you’re not interested in the idea.’ She rubs her chin, and her eyes narrow. ‘But you wouldn’t be telling me if you weren’t interested, would you? You wouldn’t be asking all of these questions if the idea didn’t float your boat.’

‘I don’t know for sure that they all want it. They took a vote, and I didn’t overhear the result conclusively. Also, I don’t know what I want. I’m nineteen years old. I can barely deal with school and classwork, let alone serious relationships. When it comes to love, I’m pretty bad at working out who is good and who is bad, and I’ve gotten myself into a bit of a situation.’

‘What?’ Danna looks me over and then gasps. ‘Are you pregnant?’

‘How the hell did you guess that?’ I ask.

‘I saw you touch yourself here when we were in the kitchen,’ she says, resting her hand low on her belly. ‘I thought maybe you had a stomachache, but it’s such a pregnant woman thing to do. How far gone? You look tiny.’

‘Six weeks,’ I say. ‘I only did the test a few days ago.’

‘And the father?’

‘He isn’t interested.’

‘Stupid fucker,’ Danna says viciously. ‘I just don’t get these guys who want to fuck around but then aren’t prepared to step up. This is a life, for fuck’s sake.’

‘It’s complicated.’

‘Have you told your foster brothers? I guess a pregnancy might change their thinking regardless of how you feel about everything.’

‘I told one of them. He shared it with the rest. They know.’ I find my hand drifting to my heart as I think about what they said. ‘They don’t want my child to grow up without a father.’

‘Damn,’ Danna says, nodding with a knowing look on her face. ‘You don’t have to tell me anything more. You’ve got eleven amazing guys there. Eleven guys who want to step in for a child whose own father isn’t interested. Whether they want to be your lovers or your brothers, does it matter?’

‘Yeah, but doesn’t it strike you as odd… like why the hell would anyone want to saddle themselves with another man’s child?’

‘Look at Jackie. She took in ten children who were born to other women. And your dad. He didn’t care whose sperm was involved in making those boys. All he cared about was giving them a home and the love that they needed to thrive. If your foster brothers are saying they’re willing to do that too, maybe it just means they’ve learned great lessons from your dad.’

‘Maybe,’ I say, mulling over Danna’s words. ‘I just… I never thought I’d be in this situation. I imagined… well, I imagined what most girls imagine. Meeting a guy, falling in love, getting married before starting a family. You know, the perfect romance.’

Danna cocks her head to the side and shrugs. ‘I think I’ve come to learn that perfect romances don’t come shaped by cookie cutters. Maybe you need to learn that too in your own time.’

‘I don’t have time, though, do I?’ I gaze down at my belly, imagining the growth of the child within fast-forwarded over the next seven and a half months. That time is going to fly by, and I need to be ready. It’s not fair for me to selfishly plan for my life when my baby needs stability.

‘You have time. I came here for a week and knew that this is where I wanted to spend my life. I felt these men touch my heart, one after another.’

‘And your body,’ a voice says from behind us. The triplets William, Walker, and Wade amble into the room, grinning.

‘Didn’t your momma teach you to knock?’ Danna says with a scowl. ‘Sorry, Maggie.’

‘We didn’t hear anything,’ one of them says.

‘Except that we touched your heart,’ another one smiles.

‘And then Wade here had to go and lower the tone.’

‘Wade is always lowering the tone,’ Danna smiles. ‘So, Maggie is asking me about how our thing works. Is there anything you want to tell her?’

The boys slump down on the couch opposite, their legs spread wide. With blond hair and light brown eyes, they’re striking to look at, but it’s their broad shoulders and big hands that would set my heart fluttering if they weren’t already married to my cousin. ‘Well, it wasn’t our first choice of home setup,’ Wade says. ‘But then Danna seduced us all, and men are foolish when it comes to women and sex, and the rest is history.’

Danna snorts with laughter, and Wade’s brother thumps him on the shoulder. ‘That’s our wife you’re talking about.’

‘Yeah, I know,’ Wade says.

The other triplet leans forward. ‘I think what William is trying to say is that it started with our momma and Danna cookin’ up a crazy idea, and then Danna trying to get us all on side, but it’s ended up being the best setup we could have hoped for. Danna’s amazing. Our family is settled. The ranch is in safe hands, and we have babies on the way. We couldn’t ask for more.’

‘Doesn’t it get tough to live with your brothers like this… don’t you get jealous?’ I ask, fascinated to hear it from their side.

‘Would I like more alone time with Danna?’ William asks. ‘Hell yeah. There is hardly ever a time for us to have a one-on-one conversation, but the pros definitely outweigh the cons.’

I nod, feeling reassured for my cousin. It’s not only her that’s happy with the unusual relationship they have. Each of these men seems to appreciate the benefits, too. Danna takes my hand and gives it a squeeze. ‘You know what, honey. It’s all going to work out. I have a feeling in my bones.’

Wade shakes his head. ‘Beware, Maggie. Danna’s feelings usually get us all into trouble.’

Danna’s about to respond when my phone begins to ring in my purse. I pull it out and glance at the caller ID, not recognizing the number. ‘Hello.’

‘Maggie?’ The voice on the other end is deep and slightly familiar.


‘It’s John. I just wanted to check you were okay. Did you get to your cousin’s?’

‘Oh, hey John. Yeah. I’m here now.’

‘That’s good,’ he says. ‘Are you coming back tomorrow?’

‘I am. I’m going to leave after breakfast.’

‘Okay. We’ll all be here. Lunch is at 1 pm.’

Lunch? How domesticated. ‘Okay. I’ll be there.’

I hang up the phone feeling a little awkward, all eyes in the room on me. ‘They’re checking up on you. That’s a good sign,’ Danna says.

‘Those are basic human skills,’ William says, rolling his eyes.

‘You’re right, but you’d be surprised at how many guys don’t possess those skills. You guys have been raised properly by your parents. Some men don’t have that good example.’

‘Danna’s right,’ I say, thinking about Justin and the way his fist cracked against the wall. His instinct on hearing that he’d created life was to bloody his own knuckles. The hairs stand on the back of my neck as the memory slips through me like black ink.

More of Danna’s men start arriving at the barn, their eyes hollowed from a long day of ranch work. Danna must see it, too, because she begins to shuffle into a standing position, heaving herself up by resting her hands on the fronts of her thighs. Being pregnant with twins looks like hard work.

For the first time, I consider the possibility that I could be carrying more than one baby. I don’t know much about Justin’s family to know if there are multiple births. The thought sends a shudder of bleakness through me that I immediately feel guilty for. None of us can help being conceived. No one deserves to be carried by a mother thinking negative thoughts.

‘I’ll take you back to the house to get you settled into one of the spare rooms. I’ve prepared the one I stayed in when I first arrived. It’s so pretty.’

‘Okay, thanks.’ I stand, too, feeling the eyes of ten men on me. ‘It was great meeting you all, and thank you for your hospitality.’

‘You’re welcome back any time,’ York says. ‘Danna’s family is our family.’

I nod in acceptance, feeling humbled down to my marrow. As I follow Danna to the main house, I wonder at how this set of circumstances has brought so many new people into my life, just at a time when I need the support.

Danna huffs and puffs her way up the stairs, and I look on guiltily, wishing I didn’t have to put her to the trouble. The room is as lovely as she described. There’s even a simple glass decanter of water and glass on my bedside table. Exactly what I need to take my vitamins.

‘Is there anything else you need?’ Danna asks after explaining where the towels and toiletries are.

‘I think I’m all set.’ I’m not usually a tactile person, but I’m struck with such an overwhelming feeling of gratefulness for my cousin that I put my arms around her. She hugs me back, tugging me against her belly, which is much firmer than I imagined.

‘I’m really glad you’re here,’ Danna says. ‘The Jacksons have taught me the importance of family. I mean, I knew before. Mom and Dad were always there for me when I was growing up, but the extended family had drifted. It’s different now. We’re all making more effort. I don’t want you to go disappearing again. Promise me.’

‘I promise.’ As I’m pulling away, I feel a thud against my stomach, and Danna laughs.

‘I think one of the babies was agreeing.’

‘Seriously. That was a kick? They must be turning your insides to jelly. Can I?’ Reaching out my hand, Danna takes it and presses it to her belly. Another hard kick thuds against my palm. ‘Wow…’ I’m actually so overwhelmed that tears spring to my eyes.

‘It’s amazing, isn’t it?’ Danna says.

‘Amazing,’ I echo.

‘Your baby will be doing this in a few months,’ she says. ‘I started feeling them at seventeen weeks. You know, I have a spare baby book downstairs if you’d like it. It’s awesome to read about the development week by week.’

‘That would be great. Thanks.’

Danna reaches out to hug me again. ‘You’re going to do this, Maggie. Not only that, you’re going to be an awesome momma.’

More tears burn behind my eyes and in my throat. She’s the first person to say it—the first person to think it, too. ‘I hope so,’ I say.

That night, as I toss and turn in the bed where my cousin’s new life started, I try to imagine if any of what Danna said could be true.

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