Team Darkoss: Rise of a Dark Lord

Chapter 4: Forever Darkness

“Stand by for attack!” commanded Myst. She was no fool. For Myst has an army of her own. Hundreds of Lake Island soldiers, elves, men and women armed to the teeth, came to their queen’s aid. Alongside with Gallahon, Nina and Trenton, the three prepared themselves for combat.

“Bring forth the dragon’s head!” commanded Dralord. The Draconian soldiers brought a huge steel and iron made dragon’s head, large and heavy enough to break down the city gates. Fire was burning from within the head, like a real dragon. As the dragon’s head banged against the city gates, it left a small gap in the gates but not wide enough for the Draconians to get through. The Lake Island soldiers had a chance to fire their arrows through the small gap and slay some Draconians. They’ve prepared their bow and arrows and fired, impaling the Draconians. Gallahon, Nina and Trenton rushed towards the gates.

As the dragon’s head bashed through the gates with massive force, it let out a stream of flames, burning some of the soldiers alive. The Draconians managed to get into the city, starting to kill every soldier they could. The Lake Island soldiers plus Gallahon, Nina and Trenton had close combat with the Draconians. It was a blood bath, Draconians and Lake Island soldiers killing one another. If Myst had known about this attack beforehand, she would’ve been better prepared.

Dralord had walked through the city gates and started to make his way up. As Gallahon turned, he noticed Dralord and knew where he was going. As the soldiers continued to fight the Draconians alongside Trenton and Nina, Gallahon raced towards Dralord. Gallahon raised thy sword, but Dralord knew Gallahon had crept up behind him. Dralord turned and blocked with his axe. Dralord kicked Gallahon off, but Gallahon swung his sword at him. Dralord clashed his axes against Gallahon’s sword.

“You don’t think that we’re here just to kill the queen do you Gallahon? After I kill her, you’ll be next. Airloc will be most pleased.”

“You can send Airloc my regards after I deliver your dead corpse to him!” Dralord and Gallahon fought with each other, sword and shield vs. two axes. Dralord was deadly with his axes as he showed Gallahon his mastery of the axe. It seemed that Gallahon and Dralord were both evenly matched. Dralord was doing his best to try to make a break in Gallahon’s defenses but Gallahon was not giving him one. Gallahon slashed his sword, but Dralord jumped over Gallahon and behind him. As Dralord slashed his axes, Gallahon stepped back, avoiding the first axe and blocking with his shield against the second axe. Gallahon kicked Dralord down. As Gallahon went into impale Dralord while he was down, he rolled aside, missing Gallahon’s blade. As Dralord got up, he swung his axe hard. Gallahon blocked it with his sword.

“Who are you?” asked Gallahon. “What are you? You’re not like any of the other Draconians.”

“Surprised Gallahon? Strength of the Draconian plus the intelligence of a human makes me the ultimate fighting soldier!” Dralord said just that as he came swinging his axe, putting massive force behind his swing. Gallahon blocked with his shield, but the force of the swing knocked Gallahon down. As Dralord threw his axe down, Gallahon blocked with his sword. The blade of Dralord’s axe came about an inch from Gallahon’s face. Gallahon used the horns on his shield to impale Dralord. As the horns impaled Dralord’s side, he fell to the side. But Gallahon forgot about Dralord’s other weapon that he held in his hand, the dragon’s talon. As Gallahon got up to attack Dralord, Dralord cut Gallahon’s leg with the dragon’s talon. As Gallahon limped back in pain, Dralord made his way up to the castle.

As Dralord made his way up the stairs, Myst swung her staff at him. Myst’s staff had a blue water drop shaped stone at the tip of her staff. When Myst swung her staff, a water stream magically appeared through the stone. The stream of water was so powerful, it knocked Dralord down. Gallahon thought that Myst needed his help fighting Dralord and ran to her aid. Gallahon, still bleeding from his wound on his leg, attacked Dralord. As Gallahon jumped up with his sword, attempting to strike Dralord while he was down, Dralord caught Gallahon with his feet and kicked him onto the staircase. Dralord got up quickly and ran back up the stairs.

Myst swung her staff again but Dralord ducked the water stream this time. Dralord managed to wound the queen’s leg with a swift strike of his dragon’s talon. Gallahon got up and as soon as Dralord went in for the killing blow, Gallahon came up behind Dralord and whacked Dralord with his shield. This gave Myst the time she needed to retreat into her castle. Gallahon swung his blade at Dralord, but Dralord avoided his swing. As Dralord swung his axe at Gallahon as Gallahon rushed towards him, he ducked and stabbed Dralord’s side with the horns on his shield. Dralord yelled in pain as he avoided Gallahon’s second attack and kicked Gallahon in the back, knocking Gallahon down a fleet of stairs giving Dralord the time to retreat.

“Release the Dragon!” commanded Dralord as he was still bleeding. Gallahon weakened Dralord so he could not continue fighting. Two Draconians waited outside the city beside a massive cage that contained a real live Dragon. When the two Draconians heard Dralord’s command, they’ve opened the cage and the Dragon flew up into the sky. It flew over the city walls as it let out a loud roar and spat out a stream of fire. Trenton and Nina saw the fire and avoided from being burnt alive. Gallahon got up as he witnessed Lake Island soldiers and Draconians alike being burnt alive. It was a horrifying sight for Gallahon’s eyes. The absolutely horrible way to die. Terror struck Gallahon as he witnessed the death of so many soldiers to a point where he just could not stand the sight. But then, something strange happened to him that Gallahon did not expect….

As Trenton and Nina fought the Dragon with the help of the surviving Lake Island soldiers, Dralord sought the opportunity to complete his mission. He may be wounded and weakened, but Dralord will see to it that his mission is complete, kill the queen. The Lake Island soldiers fired their arrows at the Dragon as it was flying. The Dragon swooped down low and grabbed a handful of soldiers with its clawed feet and rose back up high in the sky. The Dragon let go of the soldiers and they came plumbing down from the sky. Nina stood her ground as the Dragon flew back down. As it landed, Nina attacked it head on. As the Dragon went in for a bite, Nina jumped aside and cut its face.

Trenton ran and jumped his way to the top of the buildings. As Nina ran under the Dragon, slashing its stomach, it flew back up into the sky. Trenton ran across the rooftops as the Dragon was flying low, breathing a stream of fire. When it was about to ascend into the sky, Trenton jumped towards the Dragon and impaled his swords into its side. Trenton started to climb up to the Dragons back using his blades. As the Dragon flew, Trenton was up on its back and held his ground.

He ran up to its head and impaled his blade into its head. The Dragon then fell from the sky and slide across the ground on impact. Trenton then jabbed his other blade into its eye to finish it off. The Dragon was dead. Trenton jumped off the Dragons corpse and yanked his swords out of its eye and its head. Upon exiting the castle, Dralord saw Trenton had just slain the Dragon. He then turned to Dralord and starred him down with anger in his eyes. But Dralord did not fight, instead he ran away. Dralord retreats in hopes to fight another day. Either that or he was too afraid to fight Trenton Elvinwood.

Aquanna saw that the fight was over from one of the towers of the castle and went down stairs. Aquanna ran through the gardens and into the great hall. She entered the great hall only to find something unsettling. Trenton stood in front of Myst’s throne with Myst still sitting in it.

“What’s wrong Trenton?” Aquanna asked. Trenton looked at her but said nothing. He just starred at her with sadness in his eyes then turned back to Myst. Aquanna walked over to see her mother…. Sitting dead in her throne. Blood was all over her chest and face. Aquanna was horrified. She gasped at the sight of her dead mother.

“No!” Aquanna sobbed as she kneeled. “No. No!” Aquanna was broken. She kneeled on the floor and cried into her hands. “No!” She kept saying as she cried her broken heart out. Trenton kneeled beside her and put his hand on her back. Gallahon and Nina came into the castle only to witness a sad moment. They went over to Aquanna and Trenton. Nina kneeled beside Aquanna and so did Gallahon. Aquanna went over to Gallahon and cried into his chest as Gallahon held her.

“I’m so sorry Aquanna.” said Nina. A stream of tears rolled down Aquanna’s cheeks. Gallahon placed his head on Aquanna’s shoulders as he hugged her tight.

“It’s okay Aquanna, its ok.” Gallahon whispered in her elf ear as he continued hugging her. “We’re here for you. Everything’s going to be fine.” Everyone was sadden at the loss of the queen. The day had been won, but at a terrible price.

The next day, a funeral had to be arranged. The Lake Island royal guards carried Myst’s body through the city on a stone made stretcher. Her face was all cleaned up. Not a spot of blood was sighted on her body. Aquanna followed them, wearing a black dress and a see through black silk mask over her face. Gallahon, Nina and Trenton followed Aquanna. The people of the city mourned at the death of their queen as they passed. The royal guards took the body out of the city. The queen’s body was to be buried in the temple of the dead. It was important to the people of Lake Island to bury their dead within a temple.

For the temple is sacred. They believe that once the dead are buried within the temple, that their souls will not be condemned and will live on forever in the holiest of places, with the gods. The doors to the temple had opened and they went inside with Myst’s body. It was dark and gloomy within the temple. Statues of the skeletal beings wearing black robes were inside the temple as well as outside. The Lake Islanders believed that the skeletal beings were a god who takes the souls of the dead to join the other gods.

Stone coffins were placed between the columns that held the structure up. An empty stone made coffin was in place. The royal guards placed the body within the coffin nice and neat. Her arms were wrapped around her chest and her feet close together. Her face was so beautiful, as if she was sleeping. The royal guards topped the coffin with a stone made cover. Aquanna was still sobbing that her mother was dead. It was a sad day for all of them.

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