Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 90

Kapri's P.O.V.

The last couple of months have been great. For the most part, I still have the same exact fears, and I feel even more like a coward these days.

How can I keep something like this from Mom? I mean, it's not like I'm jumping to tell her I'm having se.x, but.. I want to tell her about Maverick so badly. I want to tell her how amazingly he treats me. I want to gush to her about how in love with him I am. I want to gossip about how dumb and sweet he is..

I'm just way too scared. I don't want to give Maverick and I another obstacle to overcome. We deserve a break, right?

It's all just too much. I really should just tell Mom. It would take something off my large plate. One less thing I have to be stressed about. It's bad enough that I'm constantly worried about my father, and where he's at. Maverick doesn't think I know, but I overhear him and Liam talking. Someone they know was involved in helping that man get out of jail. I don't know who, but I have at least picked up that much.

What worried me the most, was that no one could find my father. Shouldn't like, the police know where he is? I thought that people who got out of prison had to be on probation or something? Was I wrong about that? So, where is he? Is he hiding on purpose? Are the police just not telling Liam? What's going on exactly?

I feel so tired lately. I'm way too stressed. I even threw up yesterday morning.

I really need to talk to Mom. I can't keep taking on this stress. Especially when exams are right around the corner.

Ugh! I just want some popcorn.

"Should we do something after school today?" Megan asked.

The four of us are in the bathroom at school. All our classes have just ended, and I'm sure that Maverick is waiting right outside the door for me. I can't wait to see him.

"You guys know I'm not allowed to go anywhere. Mom will kill me." I told them.

"Let's go to yours then. I'll sneak over some booze." Megan said.

"I'm down for that," Brooke said as she smiled at Megan.

I still have no idea what is going on between the two of them, but I know that Brooke has been smiling a lot more lately. I'm happy for them. Whatever is happening, it must be good. "Sh.it." Molly said from one of the stalls. "Do any of you have a tampon?" She asked us.

I set my backpack down, and started to look through it. I should have some in here somewhere. Where are they? I just restocked after my last-

I froze.

My last period..

When was my last period..?

L-last month, right?

Was it last month?

I don't remember..

""Here," Megan said.

I'm not.. No, there's no way. Maverick only came in me that one night. A lot yeah, but.. I'm om birth control. I took the plan B pill. There's no way..

"Kap.. you okay?" Brooke asked me.

This isn't happening. No way. It's not possible.

Someone put their hand on my arm. I looked up, still dazed, and connected eyes with Brooke. Her eyes were full of concern. "Are you alrght? You look pale. Are you feeling sick again?" She asked.

Again.. I was sick yesterday morning. Is this why?

Tears filled my eyes.

"Whoa.." Brooke said as my tears began to fall.

"Kap.. why are you crying?" Megan asked me.

Molly burst out of the stall, and marched up to me.

"Crying? What's going on?" She asked.

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. I don't even know what to say.

"Should we go get Maverick?" Megan asked.

"No!" I shouted a little too quickly.

All three girls stared at me.

"I.. I.." I trailed off as I stared at them with my mouth open.

"You what Kap?" Molly asked.

I tried to push words out, but I just couldn't force them. I looked from the girls, to the tampons in my bag. This is not happening.

Molly yanked my bag from me, and looked into it.

"There's nothing in here," Molly said. "Just books, and pens, and tampons."

When Molly said tampons, a small sob tumbled from my lips. I clamped my hand over my mouth in surprise. All the girls' eyes snapped at me.

Megan was the first to catch on.

"Oh.." She breathed out.

Then Megan looked around, and grabbed my hands.

"Brooke and I will convince Maverick to let us take you to the coffee shop, okay? I'll stop to get you a test on the way. You can take it there with all of us." She told me. "Uhm, what?" Molly asked.

"Come on Brooke," Megan said.

"Maverick is going to want to see her." Brooke said.

"Oh.. right." Megan replied. "Well, while we are out there, you work on calming down. Unless you'd rather do all of this with him instead?" She asked me.

I shook my head frantically.

"No, no." I rushed out. "Please. I.. can't."

I can't face Maverick with this. I could be.. carrying his baby right now! Oh my god, I'm so fuc.cked.

Megan grabbed Brooke's hand, and they rushed out of the bathroom.

"What's going on, Kap? Talk to me." Molly said.

I went to the mirrors, and tried my best to fix my face up.

"I.. I don't know when the last time I had my period was." I rushed out.

I looked at Molly through the mirror. She's just blinking at me. She probably has no idea what to say right now.

"Have you and Maverick.. not been using protection?" She asked gently.

I splashed some water on my face, and patted some paper towel to dry myself up.

"Uhm.. N-no.." I answered.

Molly's eyes nearly bulged out of her head.

"Not ever?!" She asked.

"Don't yell at me!" I yelled. "We were careful! Most of the.. time..."

"Most of the time?" Molly asked.

"Well, there was one time that.. we... Well, he came inside of me..." I trailed off.

Molly's jaw dropped, and her eyes widened again.

"Multiple.. times.." I admitted.

Molly looked up, like the heavens were going to show her how to respond.

"B-but I'm on birth control, and I took a plan B pill the next morning!" I rushed out.

"Kapri.. that doesn't always work." Molly scolded me.

"I-I know, but what are the chances... Oh my god.. I'm part of the chances." I said as I started to panic.

Molly grabbed my shoulders, and gave me a shake.

"Okay, relax. You don't even know for sure. Let's just do what Megan said. Okay?" She asked.

I nodded, and Molly began to smooth down my hair.

"That means that you have to get it together. Maverick is going to be able to tell with you," she said.

I nodded.

"You're right," I said.

I took a few deep breaths. I don't really have a lot of time, so I really need to s**k it up.

"Okay, I'm ready." I said.

Molly forced a smile, and looped her arm through mine. Then she walked us through the door. When we walked out, Maverick was a few feet down the hall on the phone. I let out a shaky breath. Maverick and I connected eyes. "He told us you can't go." Brooke said.

"That means it's up to you." Megan said. "We told him we just wanted to have a little bit of girl time, and that he could even sit outside in the parking lot for us."

Mavrick ended his phone call, and started to walk towards us.

"Stay relaxed Kap. You got this." Molly whispered to me.

Maverick walked right up to me, and planted a kiss on my lips. I melted right there.

"Megan says that you want to go have coffee with the girls, but you were too afraid to ask me." He said.

I nodded.

"I knew you'd say no," I said.

"Well, something came up, so I guess I'm going to say yes now." He said.

"Wait, really?" I asked.

Maverick nodded.

"I don't like it, but.." He trailed off. "Just let me take you there, and stay there until I pick you up."

"Okay," I breathed out. "Deal.

"I almost wish you could pull over so we could have a little fun." I teased Maverick.

Funny how a few minutes alone with Maverick, and I feel completely better.

"Don't temp me, nerd." Maverick said, chuckling.

I looked at him as he drove down the road. His hand firmly gripping my thigh. The street lights twinkling in his eyes as he drives by them.

"I love you so much," I said softly.

Maverick grabbed my hand, and brought it to his lips.

"I love you too, baby." He said. "So much."

Maverick pulled into the parking lot of the coffee shop. He put the car in park, and turned to me. I unbuckled my seatbelt, and practically hopped into his lap.

"Please be careful, Kapri. Don't go anywhere alone. Wait here for me." He ordered.

"Yes daddy. I will wait for you, and be careful, and yada yada yada." I mocked him.

Maverick leaned in to capture my lips.

"Be safe, got it?" he said.

"Got it." I replied.

I got out of the car, and ran to the girls that were waiting for me outside. I waved at Maverick as he drove away.

"You ready?" Megan asked.

I gulped.

"As ready as I can be."

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