Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 8

Kapri's P.O.V.


Well, the wedding is going fine so far. The actual wedding was nerve-wracking. I still can't believe that Mom picked this dress out for me to wear. What was she thinking?

It's way too tight and uncomfortable. Everyone has been staring at my chest, as if they never realized I had boobs before. I even caught Maverick looking. Stupid prick.

I can't believe he walked in on me changing earlier. I thought I had locked the door. All I could do was stand there with my mouth open like a damn fool. All of these book smarts, but I can't think fast enough to run away.

It's always like that when I'm around Maverick. The stupid jerk gets under my skin. And I can't believe he touched me like that!

Who does Maverick think he is wrapping his arm around me like that? Does the boy not know what personal space is? Or how to read a room?

Who am I kidding? Knowing Maverick, he only pushed the limits to tease me. I was probably as red as a damn tomato. He only did it to make fun of me. I know it.

Although.. Maverick hasn't brought it up since. We are well into the reception and he hasn't teased me about it at all. In fact, he hasn't said much of anything.

It's only family sitting at the wedding table. The rest of the wedding party was sat somewhere else. I've been sitting on one side of Mom, and Maverick sat next to his dad. However, our parents haven't done much sitting. Mom and Liam have been having a blast. Both of them are drunk now, and they haven't left the dance floor in a few hours.

Molly came to chat with me for a while before getting asked to dance. Even Brooke and Megan are here. I really didn't realize how close Maverick was with them.

Maverick, though, has just been sitting in his seat staring out at everyone. Sometimes I feel his eyes on me. I either ignore it, or look at him in the hopes that he'll look away. Those times.. he just holds my gaze. Maverick wasn't glaring like he usually is. He didn't look annoyed or irritated. Maverick just looked.. lost.

Maybe I'm just seeing things. Maybe Maverick feels bad for walking in on me earlier and isn't sure what to say. Maybe he just doesn't want to be here.

I do have to admit that Maverick looks really good tonight. His hair is usually styled messy, like that se.xy bedhead style that girls love. Today, though, it's combed back, making him look presentable for once. The suit that he's wearing fits him like a damn glove. All in all, Maverick cleans up nicely, but something is just off about it.

"Stop staring at me nerd." Maverick said.

Sh.it, I was staring, wasnt I?

"You stared at me." I said with my face scrunched up.

Maverick looked at me and chuckled. I've been hearing that stupid chuckle a lot lately. Does the boy ever actually laugh?

"I was just trying to figure out how much makeup they had to put on you to make you look presentable." He said.

I glared at him.

"Not what you said in the back room." I muttered under my breath.

"And here I was thinking I'd give you a bit of confidence." He teased.

"All you did was make me consider carrying around a pocket knife in my bra," I replied.

Maverick chuckled again.

"You should. Any other guy that walked in on you back there, would have taken advantage of you." He said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Most other people would have immediately said sorry and left," I argued.

"Most people would have scrambled to hide instead of standing there with their jaw on the floor," he countered.


"You didn't even fight me as I got closer. Were you secretly hoping for more? Don't tell me you're one of those losers who are secretly in love with me or something." Maverick teased. I scoffed.

"I've never been so insulted in my life," I stated.

Maverick chuckled again and averted his eyes. His chuckle sounded hollow this time. What? Was he wanting me to say yes?

I opened my mouth to ask just that, when Mom and Liam walked to our table.

"You two should get up and dance." Mom said.

"Mom, I have two left feet and you know it," I said.

"Maverick can lead. He's a good dancer." Liam said.

I snorted.

"Maverick Penton. A good dancer. Cute." I mumbled.

Maverick glared at me.

"The two of you are brother and sister now. Let's start over fresh." Mom said,

"With him?"

"With her?"

We asked at the same time.

"Yes. Now come on. Up." Mom said.

I groaned as I stood to my feet. Liam gave his son a stern look. Maverick sighed dramatically before standing up.

"It's not even a slow song. How is Maverick supposed to lead me-"

My words were cut off by the music changing. The song Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran came on. Man, I love this son. This duffus is about to ruin it all for me.

Mom smirked at me. I turned to Maverick. He stared at me expressionless as he held out his hand. Reluctantly, I placed my hand in his.

Maverick practically dragged me to the dance floor. He spun around and yanked me to his chest. I hit him with an 'umph' and glared up at him.

"You could be nicer." I complained.

Maverick didn't respond. He just grabbed one of my hands and placed it on his shoulder. Then he held my other hand and wrapped his other around my waist. My cheeks heated slightly, and then Maverick started to move. "Wow, I didn't think you'd be so light on your feet," I commented.

"And I didn't think you'd be so bad at this." Maverick replied after I stepped on his toe for the third time already.

"I warned Mom. You can blame them." I said.

Maverick didn't respond. I looked up to see him looking around. He's probably worried that his friends will see him dancing with the nerdy girl. Well, I'm embarrassed to be seen with you too, buddy.

"Stop making that face." Maverick ordered.

"What face?" I asked.

"The one that makes you look like you need to take a sh.it." He said.

My jaw dropped for a moment. Then I sputtered out some laughter. Maverick raised a brow at me as if I'd lost my mind.

"Do I really look like that?" I asked, amused.

"Yes," Maverick stated.

I snorted again.

"Maybe that's why everyone steers clear of me. Noted." I said.

Maverick stared down at me with an expression that I didn't understand. He almost looks.. guilty? But that doesn't make sense. What does he need to feel guilty for?

"You have friends," he said.

"I have a friend, and that's all I need. I'm extremely good with people leaving me alone," I said.

"Really?" Maverick asked it like he didn't believe me.

I nodded.

"I'm not much a people person. I'd rather be left alone," I said.

"You're never going to get a boyfriend that way, Kap." He replied.

"Who said I wanted one?" I said with a scoff.

A broad smile spread across Maverick's face. What the hell is he so happy about?

"You should keep that attitude," he said.

"Yeah, yeah. I don't need your permission." I bickered.

Maverick chuckled but otherwise didn't say anything more.

"So," I said after a moment of silence. "The Maverick Penton knows how to dance, huh?" I asked teasingly.

Maverick rolled his honey brown eyes.

"Did you take classes, or are you just a natural?" I asked.

Maverick looked down at me before sighing.

"My mom made me take lessons when I was a kid. She said that it would impress girls when I was older." He told me.

That's.. so cute.

"Cause you needed dance lessons to get girls." I grumbled. "I am impressed, however. If I count at all," I added.

Maverick twirled us around, making my stomach flutter.

"Then I guess her advice worked," he said.

This is the first time he's said anything about his mother. I don't want to push, but I want to hear more. If he's willing to tell me more.

"So," I said awkwardly. "How long did she make you take lessons for?" I asked.

"Well, she made me start when I was very young. I think I was about six. It started out as a mother-son class. Something for us to do together. Then sh- I grew up and didn't want to anymore. That was when she tried to bribe me with girls. Ultimately, I took classes until I was 13." He told me.

"13?!" I asked, amused.

I caught what Maverick was about to say. He was going to stop because his mom got sick. She wanted him to continue without her. I can't imagine how difficult that was for Maverick. He had to keep going to keep his mom happy. Talking about it probably dug up a bunch of memories of him. He was so young too..

"Don't you dare tell anyone that. I worked hard to keep it a secret, and I will end you if word gets around." Maverick threatened.

I rolled my eyes.

"So, does that mean I'm the only one who knows? Can I use this information to blackmail you?" I teased.

"What would you even do to me?" He asked with an amused smile.

"Well, I guess I don't need money anymore. It's not like I would ever trust you to do my homework." I teased. "Fine, you really wanna know what I'd ask for? A secret for a secret?" I asked.

"I'm waiting with bated breath." Maverick said, bored.

I laughed before chewing on my bottom lip.

"Just... take me for a ride on your bike sometime. I've always thought it looked really fun, but I can't stand you so.." I trailed off.

Maverick rolled his eyes again, but he still had that huge grin on his face.

"Alright nerd. A ride it is."

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