Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 65

Kapri's P.O.V.


Last night was amazing. The best night of my life. Even though I had to beg Maverick to stop. It's not like I wanted to, it's just.. I was so tired. I was so weak.

I woke up when I heard Brooke and Maverick talking. My heart swelled when Maverick promised to stay by my side all day. I would never have thought Maverick would be so sweet. As soon as I felt him sit on the bed, I turned to him. Maverick has scratch marks all over his back. The closer I look, I can see them on his shoulders and arms too. I did all of that. It equally excites me and worries me. I hope he's okay. But I will definitely do it again.

I told Maverick that I wanted to do it again. Maverick scooped me up in his arms. He took me to the shower, all while kissing me.

Then Maverick gave me exactly what I wanted. This time he was slower than last night. Like he was afraid it would hurt me too much.

It didn't hurt. He could have went faster. It was still amazing regardless.

Who knew s.ex was this great? Now I see why so many college kids get lost when they start having fun.

"Kapri.." Maverick moaned.

Does se.x always feel this amazing? Is it always this fun?

I don't ever want to give this up.


We've been walking around town for a few hours now. Maverick has been glued to my side, much to Sally's disappointment. He's really been treating me like... Like we're a real couple.

We had lunch in town, and went into every single shop. Maverick kept his word, and bought me everything I wanted. Yes, I did take complete advantage of it.

"I can't wait to see you in this little bikini you bought." Maverick whispered in my ear.

I smiled as I turned to him. That was when I caught Sally's eye. For the hundredth time today. She's glaring at us like she has been this whole time.

"Who says you're going to see me in it?" I asked him.

Maverick smirked at me.

"What else are you going to wear in the hot tub?" He teased.

I bit down on my bottom lip.

"Maybe I planned to wear nothing at all." I said shyly as I batted my eyelashes.

Maverick's jaw went slack, making me giggle. I've been flirting with him hard all day. I can't help it. He's been totally ignoring Sally for me, finally! And.. I.. Well honestly, I want to have s.ex again.

It's all I've been able to think about all day. Even after we did it in the shower. I wanted to do it again. I teased Maverick while he dressed me. I kissed all over him while he tried to dress himself.

It was like I couldn't keep my damn hands to myself. And it was so much fun. I could tell that Maverick wasn't sure how to handle telling me no either. I don't know if it's because he didn't want to tell me no, or if he's never had to let a girl down easily before. Maverick is definitely the type to just ignore girls, or be mean to them. That confuses me a bit more though.

I know that Maverick and I have a deal. I know that we live together. But.. does that mean he has to treat me so differently? Or is Maverick treating so much nicer because he wants to?

I wish I knew where I stood with him.

"Hey there." Molly said as she slid onto the seat next to me.

We all just stopped at a small cafe to warm up for a bit.

"Hey, you having fun?" I asked her.

"Yeah, what about you? Why do you keep getting that look on your face?" She asked.

"What look?" I replied.

"You just... keep getting this.. look. I don't know. Are you okay?" Molly asked.

"Uhm, yeah." I said with a raised brow.

Molly looked around to make sure that our friends were all still in line.

"Listen Kap, uh, we all heard you guys last night." She started.

I paled.

"No time for embarrassment right now." Molly rushed out. "I can only assume that you lost your virginity last night?"

"Uhm.. y-yeah." I replied softly.

"What are you so scared of then? You two are just.. fooling around, right? Besides, he's here with you right now. Giving you attention, and ignoring Sally. What's going through your mind?" She asked.

"I-I.. don't know.." I said. "I.. I just don't understand, I guess. I don't get why Maverick is still.. all over me. He helped me shower, get dressed, all while I tried to.. uhm, go again. He told me no in a sweet way, then did all of this.. I just.. How am I not supposed to have feelings for him if he does stuff like that? Maverick isn't really the type to care about his partners after, so.. Why does he treat me so much better? Am I different? Is it because we live together?" I ranted.

Molly patted my shoulder.

"I don't know, but I will say.. I think Maverick has feelings for you too." She told me.

"Why would you say that?" I asked, annoyed.

Molly snorted.

"Why do you sound so annoyed?" She teased. "I'm just saying. You were right. This," Molly said, looking at Maverick. "This is not the Maverick we know."

I followed her eyes to Maverick. He turned his head, and winked at me. My heart fluttered.

"He totally likes you back, Kap," Molly said.

"Pft, yeah right."

I groaned loudly at the sound of Sally's voice. Sally plopped down in the chair across from me. Leaving no open space around me. Figures.

"Maverick doesn't have feelings for anyone. Especially not you." She said to me.

"He doesn't have any for you either, Sal," Molly told her sweetly.

Sally rolled her eyes.

"You two don't know Maverick the way I do." She said.

Jealousy instantly struck me, making me frown.

"The only reason he's ignoring me right now is because he's curious what the nerdy girl is like. That's all you are, Kapri. A curiosity. Nothing more, nothing less. After Maverick gets bored with you, I'll be here waiting." Sally said smugly. "Where you'll stay waiting because Maverick will never want you again." I said.

Sally glared at me.

"I know you two slept together. You talk about him getting bored with me, but what was your excuse? You might have left, but.. You're back now. Tell me Sally, how far has your relationship progressed?" I asked her.

"If you would have stayed away from him he'd be mine by now." She seethed.

"What?" I asked, confused.

Just then, a cup of hot coffee was set down in front of me. I looked up to see Maverick smiling down at me. God, I hope he didn't hear any of that.

"Saved you a seat here, Mav," Sally said brightly as she patted the seat next to her.

Maverick turned his head to her. He rolled his eyes, before grabbing a chair from the empty table beside us. Then he pulled it next to me, and sat down.

I smiled at him before my eyes flickered at Sally. She's glaring at me again. I smirked at her.

Payback is nice.

Maverick grabbed my hand, and brought it to his lips. He kissed my knuckles while the rest of our friends chatted. Then he leaned forward to capture my lips. His kiss was quick, but still made my toes curl.

My eyes flickered at Sally's again. She's watching us like she has been all day. With a very angry look that makes me giggle slightly.

How mad can she even be? This is no different than how she always is with Maverick in front of me. The only differences are that I haven't been the one all over Maverick, he's been all over me. Still, it's extremely satisfying. Maverick moved his lips to my ear.

"What's with that smug look on your face, nerd?" He asked.

I giggled as his breath tickled me.

"This is just.. nice. Really nice." I told him.

"Which part?" He whispered in my ear. "Me being all over you, or Sally being angier than I've seen her about it?"

I snorted as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Maverick pulled away to kiss my nose. His hands rested on my thighs.

"You being all over me for sure," I replied.

"Liar." He teased.

I giggled, and Maverick started to rub his hands up and down the sides of my thighs.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"You've asked me that like a hundred times today, Maverick," I said, annoyed.

"Don't get an attitude with me Kap. I just want to make sure you're okay." Maverick replied.

"Maverick, don't you think I would be yelling at you if I werent'?" I asked with raised brows.

Maverick chuckled, making the room brighten.

"Yeah, that's true. I'd probably never hear the end of it," he said.

I stared up at his handsome face. His honey brown eyes shine even in the florescent lighting, not just the sun. I wish I would have noticed sooner how dreamy Maverick really is. I wish I would have gotten to know him before I was forced to. Maybe.. Maybe if I could have gotten to him sooner.. Maybe then I could have him right now. I wouldn't hurt him the way this other girl has. There would be no Sally. No other crazy girls at school. It would just be us.

"Maverick," I whispered.

"Yeah baby." He replied.

I think I'm in deep trouble.

"I don't feel so good," I said. "Take me back to the cabin."

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