Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 62

Maverick's P.O.V.


I could hear the girls giggling before I even made it to the door. I waited just a moment. I hate having to break up their time, but my patience is running out. I want Kapri. "So, Maverick is a better kisser than Josh?" Molly asked.

"Way better. Now I know why girls are always talking about him. It's disgusting." Kapri said, giggling.

I smiled as I listened to them.

"Do you think that you just think that because you like him?" Molly asked.

I froze.

"I don't know. I don't think I had feelings for Maverick the first time we kissed. I mean, I had feelings for him, I guess. I'm just not sure they were positive," Kapri grumbled. I told Trevor that he was wrong.

"Now I see why Molly was always saying you and Maverick just needed to fu.ck." Megan said, laughing.


"Huh?" Kapri asked.

"Uhm.." Molly said awkwardly. "So, I may or may not have mentioned a few times that the tension that has always been there between the two of you.. was due to se.xual frustration." Uh...

"You think that Maverick and I have always wanted to sleep together?" Kapri asked.

"I think that the two of you really know how to get under each other's skin. Maverick bullies you a lot, which is a bit odd, don't ya think? Kinda like he does it just to have an excuse to talk to you. And you love the attention no matter how much you deny it." Molly said.

"That's... not true." Kapri mumbled.

But it is. It's completely true. I've always loved you Kapri..

I knocked on the door, and opened it softly. All the girls looked at me from the floor. I locked eyes on Kapri, and smiled at her.

"I'm tired, leave." I told everyone.

"Rude," Megan muttered.

Brooke only sighed, and started to pick up their stuff.

The girls all shuffled out. All three of them gave me a warning look on their way out. And then Kapri tried to follow behind him.

I snatched her wrist, pulled her back, and slammed the door shut. I pushed Kapri against the door. I boxed her in, and pushed my body into hers.

"And where do you think you're going?" I asked her.

Kapri chewed on her bottom lip to try to hide her smile.

"You said you were tired, and told us to get out." She replied.

I shook my head at her.

"Not you. Never you. You always have to stay." I told her.

"But I'm not tired." She said, pouting.

I ran my thumb across her bottom lip as I stared into her eyes.

"Me neither." I said.

Kapri's eyes glazed over. I want her so badly. After this fu.cked up day. After our constant back and forth, I just want her.

I smashed my lips to Kapri's before she could say anything else. Kapri wrapped her arms around my neck. Her fingers pushed into my hair. I groaned into her mouth.

Kapri parted her lips, and slipped her tongue into my mouth. My hands roamed down her body until I grabbed her a.ss. I lifted Kapri up, and she wrapped her legs around me. I moved my lips to her neck.

"Good girl." I whispered against her skin.

Kapir shuddered.

"Your body always knows exactly what to do. It always reacts to me." I said.

I licked the length of Kapri's neck. I turned around with her in my arms. I lay Kapri on the bed gently. Then I started to kiss down her body.

I had just dipped my tongue under her tank top, just scraped across her hard n****e, when there was a knock at the door.

I ignored it at first. I don't care who's out there. I'm busy right now.

The knock came again, and again, and again. Just like earlier. Which makes me think it might be Sally.

Fu.cking perfect. Now I'm really going to ignore it.

I looked up into Kapri's eyes. She's looking at the door, but I can tell she doesn't want me to answer it.

"Moan." I ordered.

"What?" Kapri asked, confused.

"Moan." I ordered again. "Loudly."

Then I ripped her tank top down her body. My lips wrapped around one of Kapri's nipples. She gasped as she wrapped her hands around my head. "Louder baby." I ordered.

Kapri moaned louder. I twisted her other n****e between my fingers. Kapri's moans grew louder and louder.

And then someone started banging on the door again.

Kapri sighed, and pushed me away from her. I stared into her eyes as someone knocked again.

"I'll ignore it." I told her.

"I can't. It's too distracting." She said, pouting.

"I can keep you focused." I teased.

Kapri rolled her eyes at me. She pushed my face away, and sat up.

"Who is it?" She called out.

"Uhm..." Sally's voice came through the door.


"Listen, I know you guys are... in the middle of something, but.. Uhm, I just.." Sally sighed. "I just had a fight with my father, and found out that my aunt died. I just.. wanted to talk to Maverick. It's okay if that can't happen, I just.." She trailed off. Kapri looked at me. I just stared at her unmoving.

"I'm staying with you," I told her.

"Her aunt just died." Kapri whispered.

"You're my only priority," I said loudly.

Kapri grabbed my hands in hers.

"Go." She said.


"I don't exactly want you to go either, but.. Her aunt just died. She's stuck in this house knowing that no one here likes her. You're her only friend." She said.

Kapri blew out a breath before looking at me again.

"I don't feel great about telling you to go hang out with the girl that's into you, but.. I would feel worse knowing she was upset like this, and not doing anything to help her." She said.

"A-are you sure?" I asked her.

"No, but.." She said shrugging.

Kapri sighed.

"Just... don't go to her room with her.." She said softly.

I grabbed Kapri's face between my hands. I started placing kisses all over her face. Then I kissed her lips.

"I promise I'll be quick. Wait for me." I said.

"Always.." Kapri said softly.

I kissed Kapri one last time. Then I got up to walk to the door. Sally is on the other side in the hallway. She looks like she's been crying, and I feel really bad.

I looked over my shoulder at Kapri. Is she sure this is really okay? This isn't some kind of trap, is it?

Kapri gave me a small smile and a nod. I took a deep breath before shutting the door. Then I turned to Sally.

"Let's go talk in the kitchen." I told her.

"Can't we just go to my room? What if someone comes down there?" She whined.

"What would it matter? We're just talking." I said dangerously.

Sally pouted at me, but I ignored her. I walked down the hall, down the stairs, to the kitchen. I can feel Sally right behind me. I pulled out two glasses and some alcohol I found in a cupboard. "So, your dad's sister?" I asked as I slid a glass to Sally.

Sally sniffled as she took the glass.

"Yeah." She said.

"Was it those guys? The ones that are after your dad?" I asked her.

Sally nodded.

"Daddy thinks that they'll come after me next. He said as soon as I come back, I'm getting a bodyguard." She said, annoyed.

"That's probably a smart thing," I said.

"He might not let me go back to school," Sally said. "Maybe if you meet with Daddy you can tell him that you'll protect me." She suggested.

I shook my head.

"Why not?" Sally asked, annoyed.

"Because my dad would never allow it. You know our dads don't get along. Not only that, but I'm not giving Kapri another reason to think there's more going on between us than there really is." I stated.

"I'm sure if you explained things to Kapri-"

"No." I interrupted her. "Sally, I care about you. I do. We can still be friends, still hang out at school. I'll protect you the best I can, but.. You need to put some space between us. We are not dating. I let you hang on me because I thought it made you happy-" "It does make me happy," Sally interrupted me.

I gave her a stern look.

"I think that it's doing you more harm than good, Sal. You need to stop. Not just because of Kapri, but because I think that it gives you hope. I'm already struggling with my own personal sh.it, Sal. I need you to actually be my friend, and understand that," I said. "You're right. I'm sorry." She said.

I looked at Sally as she hung her head.

"You weren't close with your aunt, but.. are you okay?" I asked.

Sally scoffed.

"I'm glad she's dead." She stated.

Here comes the real Sally. The one that she hides from everyone. The one that I feel sorry for.

"Now she can't slap me. Or starve me because I'm getting fat. She can't lock me in anymore closets, or t*****e me ever again. I hope that they made her suffer." She seethed.

I put my hand on top of Sally's as a few tears fell from her eyes.

"She can't hurt you anymore, Sal. It's over now." I said.

Sally closed her eyes.

"You should just let me help-"

"No." She interrupted. "Daddy would never allow that."

"Because he would go to jail," I argued.

"Maverick," Sally sighed. "can you just.. stay with me for a little while. I just need some comfort."

My eyes flickered to the stairs, then back to Sally.

"Only for a bit."

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