Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 60

Kapri's P.O.V.


"Okay spill! Spill it all! I want to know everything! What is going on with you and Maverick? When did this start? How long has this been going on? Are you two having se.x?" Molly rushed out question after question.

I had just closed the door behind me. I didn't even have the chance to take a breath.

"Let the girl sit and eat first," Brooke said.

The girls had set the pizza and drinks down on the floor in the middle of the room. I walked over and sat down. Turns out that the bag Brooke had had alcohol in it. She and Megan poured me a drink, and I guzzeled half of it down in one go. Awkward silence fell over us as we all ate our pizza. Molly's death glare is making it hard to swallow. After probably about two minutes, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay, I can't take this." I said, throwing my pizza down.

"Good because I feel like I'm in the damn twilight zone." Molly said, throwing her pizza down as well.

I sighed, and rubbed my temples.

"Okay, so, you know how you guys told me that I should get out there more? Ya know, explore myself before going to college?" I asked them.

"We didn't mean with your stepbrother!" Molly shouted.

I winced.

"Hey, it's not that weird," Brooke said.

I peeked up at them.

"Yeah, it's kind of hot. Like in a taboo way." Megan agreed.

"It's Maverick Penton though," Molly stated, staring at me. "Stepbrother or not, he's been bullying you since elementary school."

"I know.." I said softly. "I.. didn't mean for this to happen. It just.. did." I told her.

"This whole time I knew something weird was going on with you. I just thought you and Josh were fooling around. I would never have guessed it would be Maverick Penton. How did this even happen?" Molly asked. "Wait, you knew something was going on with me? Why didn't you ever say anything?" I asked her.

"I just thought you would tell me eventually. I thought you were a little embarrassed because.. well, let's face it, Josh isn't the smartest guy we know." She mumbled.

Megan snorted out laughter, and I couldn't help but join her.

"I mean, I have definitely been embarrassed. Maverick isn't really that much better." I said laughing.

Although, he is a better kisser. By far. Those stupid, full, juicy lips.

"Then what are you doing here with him?" Molly asked.

I sighed again.

"I wish I knew." I muttered.

"What?" Molly asked.

"Okay, let's start with one thing at a time," Megan said. "You asked us if we remembered telling you to get out there. We do. And you did. We had that party... You were making out with Josh..." She said. "And then Maverick snatched you up." Brooke added.

My face heated, causing Molly to gasp loudly.

"Oh my god! That's when it happened!" She said dramatically.

"Uhm.. kind of." I replied awkwardly.

All three of them stared at me. I sighed again. I just need to tell them everything.

"Okay, here's what happened. Maverick pulled me into a bathroom so he could yell at me. I was drunk, and told him what you guys told me. Somehow, one thing led to another, and we ended up making out. Like.. really making out. Like.. hot and heavy mak-" "Alright, get on with it." Brooke interrupted me.

"Sorry," I muttered. "So, after that, I hung out with you guys. Maverick ended up coming to my room, where we... made out again."

I don't need to tell them that he spit in my mouth, do I?

"Uhm, I threw up. Then Maverick... took care of me.." I told them. "I said some things while I was drunk that I'm not proud of. After avoiding Maverick for the rest of that weekend.. He had asked me if I wanted to.. explore with him. Eventually, I agreed," I said. "Explore with him?" Molly asked, disgusted.

"Uhm, that was more of my wording." I mumbled. "But pretty much we are exploring my se.xuality together. So that I can get it out of my system before college." I told them.

"So you guys are having s.ex." Molly said.

"Well, no.. We haven't done that yet," I said.

Molly raised a brow at me.

"I-I kind of thought that.. that would happen this weekend." I told her. "Then Sally had to show up. Stupid girl. She's crazy." I ranted.

"Sally is definitely crazy," Brooke agreed.

"I still don't understand this," Molly said. "How was Maverick able to even convince you to do anything with him? Not only do you hate him, but I thought he didn't like you either?" She asked.

"I think that they've just had this se,xual tension between them for a while," Megan said.

Molly and I looked at her.

"Really?" I asked.

Megan nodded.

"Personally, I think it's been super clear. I think Maverick has always wanted to fu,ck you. I'm not surprised at all," she said.

Really? Maverick always wanted to sleep with me? Is that why he was kind of pushy about it at first?

A slow smile spread across my face. At least a part of Maverick has always lowkey wanted me. That makes me too happy.

"What the hell is that?" Molly said shocked.

I looked at her to see that she was talking to me.

"What?" I asked.

"That!" Molly shouted as she pointed to my face.

I raised a brow at her.

"That smile! What is that smile! I've never seen you smile like that before." She rushed out.

My face flushed again.

"You might as well tell them," Brooke said.

Molly's head snapped at Brooke, then back to me.

"Tell us what? And why does Brooke know what it is?" Molly asked.

I rubbed my temples again.

"I accidently told Brooke all of this before. But it was just because I was confused, and she was my escape from Maverick that day, and I didn't know what I was doing, or how I was feeling, and I was freaking out okay!" I rambled. The girls blinked at me. Molly's jaw went slack. Brooke gave me a small smile. Megan pouted at me.

"Oh honey." Megan said.

"Oh my god," Molly said softly.

I looked at the two of them.

"You have feelings for him," Molly stated.

I averted my eyes as my face heated up.

"Yeah, I do.." I admitted softly.

"It all makes sense now," Molly said. "How you two seem closer lately. You not being as annoyed towards anything Maverick, like usual. Why you hate Sally so much. You've been jealous of her! Oh my god, this is why he's always taking you home and bringing you to school." She stated everything as the realization settled in.

"I wouldn't be jealous if Sally would just keep her damn hands to herself," I grumbled.

Molly just stared at me with wide eyes.

"So, are you two, like, dating now?" Megan asked.

I scoffed as I shook my head.

"Maverick doesn't know that she likes him," Brooke told them.

"Really?" Megan asked, shocked.

I shook my head again.

"Why would I tell him? It's Maverick Penton. Like he would take my feelings seriously." I said annoyed.

"Oh my god... They're exactly alike." Megan whispered loudly to Brooke.

I looked up in time to see Brooke nod in response. What does she mean by that?

"I can't believe this.." Molly said.

"Yeah, well, neither can I. It's not like I wanted this. In fact, I hate it. Do you see how crazy that dillhole makes me?" I ranted.

"I think you should tell him how you feel," Megan said.

Everyone's heads snapped at her.

"What?" She asked.

"Are you crazy?" Molly asked her. "What good would that do?"

"What if he feels the same way for her?" Megan said.

"He doesn't," I stated.

They all looked at me.

"Maverick told me that he's in love with someone else," I muttered.

"He what?" Megan asked.

"This was just supposed to be se.xual anyway. You guys can't get mad at him." I said.

Which is true. It's not Maverick's fault I caught feelings for him. I knew what this was from the beginning.

"Besides," I said. "What good would it do? It's not like we can ever be together. We're siblings now. We shouldn't be doing what we're doing as it is. What do I expect him to do? Tell our parents? What about when we go to college? I have no idea where Maverick even wants to go." I rambled. "It's better this way."

I looked up to see my friends all staring at me sadly. Even Molly looks sad for me. I smiled at them, trying to lighten the mood.

"Hey, it's alright. I mean, look at where we are now," I said.

"Yeah, this place is great," Molly muttered.

"It'd be a lot better if Sally weren't downstairs." Megan added.

I laughed.

"That's true. You should have seen her all over Maverick while we waited for you guys," I said.

"What did Maverick do?" Brooke asked.

"Nothing like usual. That was what started our fight when you guys got here." I told them.

"Seeing you pour a jar of pickles on them was hilarious." Megan said with a loud laugh.

"That was pretty funny." I said laughing.

"Is Sally really that bad?" Molly asked.

"She's a leech." I said annoyed.

"And we left her downstairs with the guys," Molly said.

I looked up to see her looking at the door.

"Worried about something, Mol?" I asked.

Molly's cheeks turned red as she turned back to me.

"Okay," I said amused. "What's going on with you and Trevor?"

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