Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 46

Kapri's P.O.V.


"I don't feel like this was a good enough talk." I mumbled as Maverick pulled out of the empty parking lot.

"Why not?" He asked.

I blew out a breath, and rested my head against the window.

"Why did you even do that? You could have just let me hang out with Josh. You could have went on your stupid date with Sally. She's the one you like." I grumbled. "First of all, it was not a date. Sally just.. gets overly excited." He said.

"Because she's obsessed with you," I mumbled.

Maverick rolled his eyes.

"Sally just has a simple crush. She'll get over it," he said.

"Just a crush my left a.ss cheek." I muttered.

Still, I'm confused.

"Maverick, if you and Sally both like each other... why aren't you together?" I asked.

"I told you, my heart belongs to someone else." He said tightly.

I frowned.

"But if you have feelings for her.. then does your heart really belong to someone else? Even if it does, wouldn't you want to try with her anyway?" I asked. "Do you want me to date Sally?" He bit out.

"No. If it were up to me, you two wouldn't even talk. Since she can't seem to keep her hands to her damn self," I snapped.

My face heated at what I just said. Well, there's no going back now. I said what I said.

Maverick sighed heavily.

"I don't like her, Kapri," he said.

"You... don't?" I asked, confused.

Maverick was the one who told me about his feelings in the first place. Was that a lie?

"I thought I did. I'm not so sure anymore. I think I just like hanging out with her, as a friend." He told me.

Oh, so he's not sure then.

"Maybe you just like having someone all over you constantly. A damsel in distress." I muttered. Maverick chuckled.

"How is that different than my everyday life?" He asked.

What an arrogant jerk. Although.. he has a sort of point. I already thought about that too, but...

"It's different with her," I said softly. "You like it. I can tell by the look on your face. You aren't annoyed like usual."

Maverick pulled into our driveway, and parked the car. He turned to me, but I couldn't bring myself to look at him. What I said was the truth. It confuses me that Maverick still isn't with her. Especially when they so clearly like each other. And it hurts more than I want to admit.

"I just think that I'm used to it," Maverick said.

I looked up at him confused, but he was looking past me.

"There is always a girl all over me. No matter how low or high my interest is. It's not that I like Sally that way, it's just that.. It's normal for me, I guess," he said.

Then Maverick looked me in the eyes.

"I don't want Sally that way, Kapri. I'm in love with someone else." He told me.

My heart panged.

"Why aren't you with that girl then?" I asked.

"It's complicated," Maverick mumbled.

"Oh, is it a guy?" I asked.

Maverick's head snapped at me. The look he's giving me.. I couldn't help myself when I busted out in laughter.

"Ha ha. You're so funny." He said sarcastically.

"Okay, but really. I find it hard to believe that this girl doesn't like you back. I mean, the Maverick Penton?" I teased. Maverick shook his head. There's a smile on his face, but I can still tell he's sad.

"She doesn't want me the same way I want her. It's always been like that," he said.

"Have you told her how you feel?" I asked.

What am I even asking for?

"No, I never told her," he said.

I looked at Maverick as he stared out the windshield. He looks.. defeated. I've never seen Maverick look so.. vulnerable.

I hate it. I hate that look on him. I hate it more than I hate the fact that I like him. I can't stand to see him so sad.

"Maybe you should tell her," I said.

Maverick turned his head to me. I tried my best to keep the smile on my face. Even though I feel like I'm going to throw up. "You want me to confess my feelings?" He asked.


"Yeah." I lied. "What if she's willing to give you a chance? What if she feels the same way? What if-"

"What if I'm growing to have feelings for someone else?" Maverick interrupted me.

I frowned.

"How many girls do you have to have?" I bit out.

Maverick chuckled, and shook his head.

"For someone so smart, you sure are dense," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. Get out. Go inside. Wait for me to get back." He ordered me.

"You're leaving?" I whined out.

"I promised Trevor I would help him with something after his game. I promise that's all Kapri. No Sally, or any other girls. I'll call you when I'm on my way home, okay?" he said.

"Okay," I said, pouting.

I put my hand on the door handle. Before I could open it, Maverick grabbed my chin, and forced my head back to him. Then he smashed his lips to mine.

It's been so long since we've kissed. Since I've felt his juicy lips against mine. All sense flew right out the window for me. I crawled over the center console to get closer to Maverick. I just want more of him. Just a little more.

All too soon, Maverick pulled away from me. I couldn't help myself when I started to kiss down his neck.

What the hell is wrong with me? Maverick shows me a little bit of attention, and I suddenly can't control myself? How embarrassing.

"Kapri.. As much as I like this.." Maverick trailed off as his hands slid under my skirt to grip my a.ss.

I moaned against his skin.

Did Maverick touching me always feel this good? Was I always this hot, this ready for him to do whatever he wanted?

"K-Kapri.. You're making it really hard to say no," Maverick said.

"So say yes." I whispered in his ear.

A shiver ran through Maverick's body.

"I can't baby. I promised Trevor. But I will come back for you later." He said.

My heart fluttered when he called me baby.

I sighed, and slid back into my own seat. I looked up at Maverick with a pout. He only smiled at me, and tucked some of my hair behind my ear.

"I'll be quick," he said. "I promise."


Quick my left a.ss cheek. It's been hours. It's passed 10 o'clock.

Maybe Maverick won't be coming home.

If that's the case though.. Ugh! I'm just so pent up. That damn kiss from earlier is all I can think about. I've been trying everything to get my mind off of it too. Nothing's working.

So, I pulled out the small vibrator that Megan had given me. I opened the box, and pulled it out. This is called a bullet. It's smaller than I was expecting. It has a cord that attaches to a remote, and it's pink. I put some batteries in it, and turned it on. Whoa. The highest setting.. That's.. intense..

I stripped out of my pajama shorts, and lay back on my bed. If this works to help me rid my mind of Maverick, I own Megan big time.

I closed my eyes, and placed the bullet over my cl.it. I'm still wet from that damn kiss earlier. That stupid.. hot.. kiss. Maverick's full lips.. The way that he gripped my a.ss. He tasted so good too.

My body started to heat up, and small moans started to tumble from my lips.

Mmmm, Maverick.. I want him so badly. I want him to come home and touch me more..

This.. thing is only building me up more. How did Maverick touch me to make me c.um? Didn't he put his fingers inside of me?

Just then, my phone started to ring. I jumped slightly, and grabbed it. Without thinking, and without turning off the bullet, I answered.

"H-hello?" I answered.

"Hey nerd." Came Maverick's voice.

I melted slightly, reminding me that I still had a vibrating bullet pressed against my cl.it. I bit down on my bottom lip as a small moan slipped out. Damnnit, I hope he didn't hear that. "What was that?" Maverick asked.


"N-nothing." I said as I reached for the remote.

"Nothing? Doesn't sound like nothing. It sounded like a moan to me," he said angrily.

I finally got the remote, but in my haste, I accidently turned it up, causing me to moan out loudly. I clamped a hand over my mouth as my face heated. Oh, he definitely heard that. "What the fu.ck are you doing, Kapri? Is someone there with you?" He asked pi.ssed off.

"N-no." I said.

"I'm hanging up to facetime you. You better fu.cking answer right away," he ordered.

Maverick hung up before I could say anything else. Before I could turn the vibration down, Maverick facetimed me. I picked up right away, and tried to appear normal.

"What the hell is going on? Why do you look like that?" Maverick asked.

Even all pi.ssed off, he's se.xy as hell. Just looking at him right now has me getting wetter. I just want him to talk to me more.

"M-Maverick.." I stuttered out softly.

"Is someone there with you?" He asked.

Maverik sounds jealous. There's no way he would be when it comes to me though. Still, right now, it's nice to pretend.

"N-no. I p-promise." I breathed out.

"Then why do you fu.cking look like that?" He asked.

I moved the bullet across my cl.it, but didn't answer. What is wrong with me? I'm masturbating to a very angry Maverick like some kind of sicko.

"Let me see." Maverick ordered.

"Huh?" I asked.

"If no one is really there with you.. let me see." He said.


I really don't want to show him.

"Let. Me. See," Maverick ordered again.

Another moan slipped past my lips. I switched the camera around, then back to me quickly. Hopefully he didn't see what I'm doing.

"Kapri." Maverick said chuckling.

Hmmm, that sound.

"Don't tell me that you were too impatient to wait for me?" He teased. "Don't stop Kapri. And don't c.um. I'll be home in ten minutes." Then he hung up.

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