Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 28

Kapri's P.O.V.


What the actual hell is wrong with me? Why didn't I push Maverick away? Why did I agree to his demands?

That stupid a.ssface didn't even finish what he started.

Why do I even care about that? I should feel disgusted. I should be angry. I should.. Not be feeling this frustrated.

The truth is, I want more. I wanted Maverick to keep going. I was willing to let him do anything to me. And in a janitor's closet no less.

Something is seriously wrong with me.

"Hey cutie."

What am I even going to tell Josh?


I can't exactly tell him that I want Maverick to make me have an o****m. I can't even tell Maverick that. Actually, the words will never leave my lips. "Kapri."

"Huh?" I said as I turned my head.

I just came out of my class before lunch. I was so stuck in my head that I just trudged down the hallway. I didn't even notice Josh.

"I've been trying to get your attention for a minute now. You okay?" Josh asked.

I shook my head and gave him a smile.

"Yeah, sorry." I said. "What's up?"

"Just thought I could at least walk you to lunch since you won't eat with me." He teased. "And I need to know what your last class is, so I can come get you after." I internally winced.

"Uhm, about that.." I said awkwardly.

"Awhh, don't tell me you're ditching me." Josh said.

I offered him a small smile.

"Sorry, but something came up." I said.

"Something important, I take it," he replied.

Not important, but Josh doesn't need to know that.

"Uhm, yeah." I lied.

"Well, you'll have to make it up to me I guess," he said.

I stopped walking to look at Josh. I looked him up and down with a frown.

"I'll have to?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Josh chuckled, and shook his head.

"I didn't mean it like that." He said. "Only if you want to."

"Hmm, next time, say it that way." I said before I started walking again.

"Alright, I will. I'm sorry." He said.

"I forgive you. This time." I teased.

"Okay" Josh laughed. "So, how about Friday?" He asked.

"Friday?" I replied.

"Yeah, how about I take you out on a date?" he said.

I froze. Josh stopped walking a few steps ahead of me. He turned around, and gave me his best smile. "A date?" I asked.

"Yeah, why have you never been on one?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"Frigging Penton," Josh muttered.

"Huh?" I asked.

I couldn't have heard that right. What does Maverick have to do with this? That doesn't make sense.

"Nothing." Josh said. "Anyway, Friday? After school? We can do dinner and a movie?" he asked.

I stared up at Josh as I contemplated what to do. Josh gave me his best puppy dog face. Which I am a sucker for.

"Okay fine. That sounds fun." I said.

Josh beamed at me.

"Awesome!" he said.

Is it awesome? Josh seems really excited. So why do I feel so weird?


"Now, let's go finish what I started." Maverick said as he stood up.

My jaw dropped.

"B-but... I.. uh.." I stuttered as I looked at all the books I had out.

I can't even form sentences. I want to go with Maverick. Hell, at this point I'd let him do that to me again right here, and finish. But I still have homework to do for this extra class. On Monday's and Friday's I have to complete certain homework and turn it in. At least I don't have to sit in front of a computer screen for an hour though.

"The books?" Maverick asked. "Just leave them for the librarian."

I frowned at him.

"That's rude," I said.

Maverick shrugged.

"Isn't that their job though?" He asked.

I scoffed.

"They have other things to do, rather than pick up after some disrespectful highschoolers," I said.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to my work.

"Funny how as soon as you open your mouth, my mood completely changes," I mumbled.

"Are you telling me that your not horny anymore because I told you to leave books here?" Maverick asked, unbelievable.

"Oh, that is exactly what I'm saying," I said.

"Then I'll help you put them back." He said as he grabbed a couple of books.

I slapped my hand on top of his.

"First of all, you wouldn't even know where to put them, and they need to be put back in the correct place. Secondly, I still have work to do," I said. "School is over though," Maverick stated.

"Yes it is. I, however, am taking an extra class. I have to finish this and turn it in. Carol in the office will upload it for me after that." I said.

"Why is she uploading it?" He asked.

"Because I do not have a laptop, and she is nice enough to scan it for me," I said.

"So, if you had a laptop it would make things easier for you?" Maverick asked.

I shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess. I probably would even be able to do my class at home sometimes." I said.

"Okay, so how long until you're done?" Maverick asked.

"Maybe another ten minutes," I said.

Then I looked up at Maverick.

"Do you think you can keep your mouth shut for that long?" I asked.

Maverick chuckled at me.

"I will be quiet, I promise" he said.

Maverick kept true to his word. He stayed silent as I worked on my homework. It was actually... kind of nice. We didn't speak, but having someone to just be with me while I worked was nicer than I thought it would be. Maverick even kept his hand on my knee most of the time. Not in a se.xual way like he had been. It was more.. comforting. Which is really confusing and odd.

"Okay, I'm done." I said.

Maverick stood up and grabbed a stack of books. I tried to tell him to make sure that they were put back in place, but he ignored me. Still, I watched him make sure that every book was back in it's rightful place.

I smiled as I watched him. Is Maverick Penton trainable? Or is he just really horny?

Probably the ladder.

"Alright, let's go get these turned in." Maverick said.

Maverick grabbed my hand, and pulled me through the halls to the office. I say pulled, but honestly we just walked. I have to tell myself that he was pulling me around, because otherwise, why am I still holding his hand?

We handed Carol my papers. She gave Maverick a disapproving look, but smiled at me. After she told me that she would handle the rest, Mavrick and I were off.

I slid into the car, and rested back on the seat. It's kind of strange that I don't seem to ever get nervous around Maverick. I know what's about to happen. Yet, I feel completely at ease.

Maybe it's because we don't like each other. Perhaps Maverick was right. Maybe exploring with him would be better than other random people.

Maverick started up the car and began driving.

"Where are we going? Home?" I asked.

Maverick chuckled.

"No, not home." He said.

"Hmmm, ice cream again?" I asked.

Maverick smirked.

"Do you want ice cream?" He asked.

"Kind of," I replied.

"Alright." Maverick laughed. "How about after?" He asked.

"Okay." I replied happily.

"I'm going to take you somewhere special. Since it's still kind of warm out it'll be perfect. It'll probably be the last time we get to go before it snows." He told me.

"Now I'm intrigued," I replied.

Maverick and I made small talk while he drove. Honestly, it was kind of surprising that we were able to talk so casually. Considering we can't stand each other. And it all feels so... natural. Maybe I'm just good with people.

After about 15 minutes, Maverick pulled onto a dirt drive. Then a few more minutes and we were surrounded by trees. It looks beautiful right now with the leaves starting to change.

"Are you bringing me out here to kill me?" I asked.

Maverick laughed.

"Yes I am." He said.

"Oh good, I don't have to worry about finishing my college essay," I replied.

Maverick laughed again. He's been doing that a lot on the way here. I can't help myself when I want to make a funny comment. I've never heard Maverick actually laugh before, and not so much either. It's.. nice. Really nice. I even get to see that single dimple. Maverick stopped the car, and put it in park. Then he turned it off, and got out. I got out, and looked around at the forest as Maverick shuffled around in his truck.

When Maverick slammed the truck closed, I looked at him. He had a blanket in his hands. Maverick walked over to me and held out his hand. I placed mine in his, and he slowly pulled me forward.

I watched Maverick as he walked a step ahead of me. The evening light is shining on his face. Maybe I can see why girls swoon over him so much.

We walked for a few minutes before coming to a clearing. I gasped as I looked around at the area. You can see that this area is full of flowers in the spring and summertime. Most of them are dead now. With the leaves changing colors though, it still looks beautiful. "Wow." I said.

Maverick shook out the blanket and sat down. He patted the spot next to him, and I sat with him.

"How did you know about this place?" I asked.

"My father owns it." He told me.

I looked at Maverick to see him looking around with a far-off look in his eyes.

"This is where he proposed to my mom. We used to come here for picnics all the time. I haven't been here in a really long time." He told me.

My heart warmed. This place is special to Maverick. I'm not sure why he chose this place to bring me to. Especially with what he intends to do, but.. The simple fact that he brought me somewhere that means so much to him..

I couldn't stop my body from reacting. I threw myself into Maverick's arms, causing him to fall back. I moved to straddle his lap.

Then I smashed my lips to his.

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