Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 17

Maverick's P.O.V.


I watched Josh as he watched Kapri walk out of the ice cream shop. My blood is boiling. I could fu.cking wring his neck right now.

Josh knows just as well as everyone else in this school that Kapri is off limits. I wanted to remind him again, but I can't with Savannah around. It would only make things worse.

After what Savannah did to Kapri at our 8th grade dance, I warned her to stay far away from Kapri. Apparently, that was the wrong choice to make on my part. All that did was put a target on Kapri's back, and teach Savannah how to hide things from me. Although, from what Kapri was saying it seems that Savannah left her alone after freshman year. Savannah probably got too bored. It helped that things were going exactly how I planned at the time, so my attention wasn't as focused on Kapri as it used to be. Sh.it, I really fu.cked things up for Kapri during her freshman year.

I wish I would have paid closer attention to her back then. At the time, I was trying too hard to just put her out of my mind. I had successfully threatened every male in the school to stay away from her, so I relaxed a bit. That didn't mean I wanted her, I just didn't want to see her with anyone else.

Then I drown myself in other girls. I never even wanted them. I just.. I just wanted Kapri to get jealous over me. The same way I did when I only thought about Kapri with other guys. When Kapri didn't seem to care at all.. I tried to forget about her. I never could.

I mean, look at her. Kapri is so damn pretty. That wild black hair that would frizz out around her. The way that her smile makes her light greens sparkle. Those damn curves she was always trying too hard to hide from everyone.

Honestly, it's impossible for me to forget about Kapri. I learned that back then. I don't know what it is about Kapri that draws me in, but.. I don't think I'll ever get over this damn obsession with her.

Josh blew out a breath as he sat back down in the seat Kapri was just in. I glared at him, but he looked completely unbothered. I tapped on Savannah's thigh to get her attention.

"Go order me some fries." I ordered her.

"Okay!" Savannah said happily as she got up.

"I didn't know they sold fries here." Josh snorted.

"They sell a few snack things." I gritted out.

"Oh, cool." He said.

I leaned forward to smack Josh upside the back of his head.

"Oww!" Josh complained.

"What the fu.ck is wrong with you?" I seethed lowly.

"Me? You're the one who smacked me." He said.

"I told you that Kapri is offlimits," I stated.

"Yeah, years ago." He argued.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked.

"I thought you were telling everyone that 'cause you had the hots for her. You never made a move though. Now it's different. You guys are related." He said.

"First of all, we are not related. Our parents are just married." I said defensively.

Josh rolled his eyes.

"Oh, my bad. What a difference." He said sarcastically.

"I didn't tell you to stay away from Kapri because I have the hots for her." I lied. "I did it because Kapri is too good for you."

That part was true.

"Yeah well, you can't protect your sister forever." Josh said.

"Kapri is not my sister." I seethed.

Josh raised a brow at me.

"Look, no matter how you feel about Kapri, she is her own person. You two will never be a thing now, whether you want it or not. You're family now. So, I'm gonna go for it." he said. My eyes widened before narrowing at Josh.

"You touch Kapri ever again, and I'll fu.cking kill you." I said dangerously.

Josh narrowed his eyes back at me. I stood up just as Savannah walked over to us. She set the fries down and beamed at me.

"Here, have this one." I said as I pushed Savannah onto Josh's lap.

"Hey!" Savannah said angrily.

I ignored her as I walked out of the shop. This is a damn disaster. I need to go clear my head for a while. I didn't realize how much our parents marrying was going to affect things.

When I had started threatening people to stay away from Kapri, sure there were a few that assumed I wanted her. I was fine with that at the time. I never planned to act on my feelings, I just didn't want any of these douchebags to have her either. Not my innocent Kapri.

As time went on, most people forgot Kapri existed. Kapri kept to herself, and that worked to my advantage. Sometimes I would catch other guys looking at her. I would just give them a bit of reminding.

Especially Josh. This isn't the first time Kapri has caught his eye. Usually I'd be able to throw another willing hot chick at him, and he would forget all about Kapri. I think that I made things worse just now. Fu.ck!

I would never have guessed that Kapri becoming my stepsister would have an effect like this. Does this mean other guys are going to start hitting on her? Is she going to get a boyfriend?

No. Kapri doesn't even go out. She wasn't even interested in Josh. Right?

Fu.ck. I have to know. I want to hear it from Kapri's luscious lips that she doesn't want anyone.

I started my bike, and drove home. I stormed into the house and marched straight up to Kapri's room. I burst through the door, and nearly had a damn heart attack when four girls started screaming. "Jesus fu.ck!" I yelled over them. "It's just me."

Kapri threw a pillow at my face, which I caught.

"What the hell, Maverick! I told you to stay out of my room!" Kapri shouted.

I looked at Megan and Brooke's smirking faces. Great, they stayed. Along with Molly. Brooke and Megan just better keep their damn mouths shut about my feelings for Kapri. Even though I've never admitted it out loud, my closest friends quickly figured out that I'm in love with Kapri. Megan and Brooke spent a lot of time trying to convince me to go after her. I obviously never did.

"I need to talk to you. Now." I said.

"Why?" Kapri asked.

"I'll tell you when you come with me," I said.

Kapri rolled her eyes before standing up. My eyes roamed down her body as she walked towards me. I love that Kapri only wears a tank top and small shorts to bed. She doesn't even have a bra on. Kapri walked past me, and I shut her door as I followed her out. I internally groaned as I saw her jiggling a.ss cheeks poking out of her shorts.

"What do you want? I have friends over." Kapri said as she turned to me.

Kapri crossed her arms under her boobs, pushing them up. God, this girl is too innocent. It's no wonder why I have to fight guys off of her.

"What the hell was that sh.it with Josh earlier?" I asked.

Kapri frowned.

"Was your friend hurt that I wouldn't let him walk me home?" She asked.

"I couldn't give a fu.ck less how Josh feels." I said as I stepped closer to her.

Kapri took a step back, putting her back to the wall. I took another step forward, pushing my body into hers. I love trapping her like this. Even if it's bad for the both of us.

"I want to know what was going on between you two," I stated.

Kapri's light greens look up at me. It took every ounce of my willpower to not kiss her in that moment. How can just one look from her almost bring me to my knees? "You saw," Kapri said. "He asked to walk me home. I said no. He wasn't taking the hint. My friends saved me." She explained.

"And what hint was that?" I asked, bringing my face closer to hers.

Kapri gulped, but didn't respond fast enough for me. I grabbed a handful of her hair, and yanked her head back. Kapri groaned and my co.ck twitched.

Damn, when am I going to learn to stop doing this?

"What. Hint?" I asked again.

Part of me hopes that Kapri doesn't answer. I'm already itching to punish her. I don't even have a reason, I just want to spank her until she screams out my name. "That I was totally creeped out," Kapri gritted out.

That.. wasn't what I was expecting to hear.

"Creeped out?" I asked, amused.

"Yeah. I mean, he was touching me, and not taking no for an answer. He didn't even know my name. He could have given me some damn space." She complained. "I guess I shouldn't expect anything different from someone who hangs around you." "And what is that supposed to mean nerd?" I asked, still amused.

She didn't want him. She really didn't. It's stupid how happy that makes me.

Kapri scoffed.

"Look at you." She said, looking down between us.

I have my leg between hers, pressed against her covered pu.ssy. My lower half is pushed into her, pinning her against the wall. One of my arms is resting against the wall, while the other is gripping her hair. "You don't know what personal space is, and I wish you'd take the hint too." Kapri said.

I smirked at her.

"You don't seem as put off as you did with Josh," I said.

Then I leaned down to Kapri's ear. Her body shivered, and I smiled devilishly. I nipped at Kapri's earlobe, making her gasp. She fisted my shirt with both hands. I pushed my leg up and Kapri gasped again. "In fact, you seem to kind of enjoy it." I whispered in her ear.

"A-as if." She whispered back.

I smiled again and pressed a light kiss to her cheek before pulling back completely. Kapri stumbled forward slightly at the loss of me. I hate how happy that made me.

"Just watch yourself around Josh. He's a player," I stated.

With that, I walked away, regretting pressing my lips to Kapri's soft skin.

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