Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 14

Maverick's P.O.V.


Just like I said, I waited for football practice to end. Trevor came out of the locker room, followed by the rest of the football team. Except for Hayden. Trevor hung back with me while the other guys left. "He still in there?" I asked.

Trevor nodded.

"You aren't gonna.. like.. do anything crazy.. Are you?" He asked uncomfortably.

"You act like I'm going to kill the guy," I said.

Trevor shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck.

"When it comes to your nerd.. I wouldn't put it past you." He said. "You are seriously obsessed with that girl."

I ran a hand down my face.

"Don't I know it." I mumbled.

Just then, Hayden walked out of the locker room. He looked at Trevor and I, then around the area. Hayden cleared his throat and gave us a smile as he tried to walk past us. I stepped into the middle of the hallway, blocking his exit. Hayden clicked his tongue and looked up at me.

"Something I can help you with?" He asked.

"I think you and I should have a little chat," I said.

"And we should do that because...?" He asked.

I took a step towards him.

"Because you need to leave Kapri alone," I stated.

"Kapri? You mean that hot chick with the green eyes?" Hayden asked.

I clenched my hands into fists when he called her hot.

"Yes. That girl." I gritted out.

Hayden laughed.

"Why should I do that? She's so nice." He said.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Stay the fu.ck away from her." I seethed.

"And if I don't want to?" Hayden asked.

I took another step towards him.

"I'll ruin your entire life, new kid. I mean that sincerely. Stay the fu.ck away from her." I ordered.

"Why? She your girl or something?" Hayden asked.

I looked around in frustration. That's when I caught sight of the very girl I was threatening someone over. Kapri didn't notice us at all as she walked through the school. What the hell is she still doing here? "She's my stepsister," I told Hayden as I watched Kapri disappear.

"Ahhh, I see. You're protective." He said.

"What? No." I said as I looked back at him.

"Don't worry man, Kapri is cute and all, but she isn't my first choice. I think I like that short-haired chick she's always hanging out with," Hayden said.

Trevor stiffened next to me.

"She's off limits too," he stated.

I looked at Trevor and raised a brow at him. Since when did he start having a thing for Molly? I blame Brooke and Megan for all of this.

"Another brother?" Hayden asked.

"No. But stay away from her still." He said.

Hayden looked Trevor up and down.

"If she isn't taken, she's fair game. That goes for both of them," he said.

Trevor glared at Hayden for a moment.

"Well, see you guys later," Hayden said cheerfully.

Trevor and I watched as Hayden left the school. This guy has no idea who he's dealing with. He better leave Kapri alone if he cares about his life at all.

I turned to Trevor with an expectant look.

"You have a thing for Molly?" I asked.

Trevor rubbed the back of his neck as his cheeks turned pink.

"She's been hanging around a lot, and she's super sweet. I couldn't help it," he said.

"Why haven't you told her yet?" I asked.

Trevor shrugged.

"Not sure if dating a jock is her thing. She likes older and smart guys, I guess," he said.

I shook my head.

"Okay, we will talk more about this later. And I can help win Molly over. Make sure she comes this Friday. I gotta go." I said.

"Alright. Thanks man!" Trevor called out as I jogged down the hallway.

I went in the direction that I saw Kapri walking in. I'll find that little nerd and make her tell me why she's still here. Maybe I can tell her that I ran into Hayden and he was being a real jerk to some underclassmen. She would not only be putoff by him, but she'd tell Molly too.

Two birds with one stone.

It took me a little bit to find Kapri. When I did, she was still walking down the hall staring at an open book in her hands. I jogged up beside her and snatched the book out of her hands.

"Hey!" Kapri shouted.

"The Lord of the Rings? Really?" I asked.

"Give that back." Kapri ordered.

"This is not what I expected you to be reading." I mumbled as she snatched the book from me.

"My god, you never stop being annoying do you?" She asked.

I chuckled at her. One of my favorite things about Kapri is that she's never afraid to say what's on her mind. No matter how rude, or who's listening. She doesn't care what others think of her. I wish I could be like that. "Not to you," I replied.

"What are you even still doing here?" She asked.

"I was waiting for Trevor to get out of football practice." I said.

"And why aren't you with Trevor now instead of bullying me?" She asked casually.

I smiled. This girl has no idea how much I'd rather be bullying her than anywhere else.

"Well, I was. Then we saw that new guy Hayden bullying a few lone nerds. Trevor kind of lost his sh.it defending them. I took him outside, but came back in to get his stuff. That's when I saw you," I told her. There. That ought to give Molly a good impression of Trevor. He can thank me later.

Kapri stopped walking and I stopped with her. She turned her body to me, and crossed her arms under her chest. Does she not realize that that action pushes her boobs up, or is she doing this to me on purpose? "Why are you lying to me? What'd you do? Fu.ck someone in the janitors closet?" She asked.

I stared at her for a moment, stunned. Kapri saw right through me. Or is she already that close with Hayden?

"Why would you think I'm lying?" I asked.

Kapri blinked at me.

"You were too excited to tell me," She said.

"What?" I asked.

Kapri turned and started walking down the hall again.

"You're never excited to tell me anything. Usually we bicker. While we danced at our parents' wedding, we had a casual normal conversation, but you were never excited. So, why are you lying?" She asked. Damn. I was so close. At least she didn't not believe me because she thinks Hayden is a nice guy. I might have gotten angr-

"Besides, Hayden doesn't really strike me as the type to bully anyone," Kapri said.

I grabbed Kapri's arm above her elbow and shoved her into a wall. She glared up at me. I stepped closer to her, pressing my body to hers.

"And how the fu.ck would you know anything about Hayden?" I asked angrily.

Kapri raised a brow at me, not the least bit intimidated.

"Uh, probably because the first time we met I was arguing with some girls who tried to bully me. Because of you I might add." She stated. "If he was a bully, then he would treat me the same way that you do."

I moved my face closer to hers. Kapri's breath hitched. I'm less than an inch away from pressing my lips to hers. I bet it would feel so amazing to taste those plump lips of hers.

"No one will ever treat you the way that I do, Kapri. I'll never let that happen." I said lowly.

I probably mean that too. I'll most likely never let anyone love Kapri the way I do. First of all, I'm verging on pyscho territory.

Kapri gave me a confused look. I know that my words confuse her. Hell, they confuse me.

"I'd certainly hope no one would ever shove me up against a wall and do whatever they wanted with me." Kapri seethed.

I know that Kapri meant that to sound like a bad thing.. but it didn't. Kapri must have realized it too. Since her face started to turn red. I, however, loved hearing those words leave her lips.

"Do whatever I want with you, huh?" I teased.

"That's not what I-" Kapri tried.

"Just what did you think I was going to do, nerd?" I asked, amused. "Don't tell me that you have secret fantasies about your stepbrother." I whispered in her ear.

"D-don't be ridiculous," Kapri said.

I chuckled at her as I looked down her body. I frowned as I remembered what she'd been wearing all day. I meant to scold her about this. Well, now is as good a time as any.

"What the fu.ck were you thinking wearing something like this?" I asked her as I tugged on the bottom of her shirt.

Kari slapped my hand away.

"What's that supposed to mean? Do I look bad?" She asked.

I wanted to tell Kapri yes. Just to be an a.ss. Just to make sure she doesn't wear it again, but.. with the way that Kapri asked.. I'm sure it was hard for her to wear this all day. It's not really Kapri's style. And let's face it, she looks amazing. "I didn't say that." I said. "You're showing too much skin."

Kapri scoffed.

"You date girls who show way more than this." She argued.

"I don't fu.cking care Kapri. Don't wear this again." I ordered.

"Or what?" She asked with a scoff. "I can wear whatever I want."


"What's your damn problem, anyway? You don't have to look if you don't like it, you jerk," she said.

That's the damn problem! I like it too much!

Kapri pushed me off of her and turned to walk away. I grabbed her wrist and yanked her back to me. She glared up at me, but didn't fight me.

"I'm sorry, okay?" I said. "Let me make it up to you."

"How?" Kapri asked.

I beamed.

"How about I take you for that ride on my bike?"

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