Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 11

Kapri's P.O.V.


"You look rough babe. Couldn't sleep last night?" Molly asked as she leaned against the locker next to mine.

I groaned as I looked at her.

"That obvious?" I asked.

Molly chewed on her bottom lip as she nodded.

"Why aren't you wearing the outfit we picked out? April spent so much money on it," Molly complained.

"Okay, first of all, Liam spent so much money on it," I said.

Molly gave me a bored look. She knows that the technicalities don't really matter. I just don't want to answer her question.

I sighed.

"I was going to wear it. I really was. I put it on and everything," I said.

Which was true. The outfit that they had picked out for me consisted of a pair of designer white cargo pants that I was terrified to wear. A stripped shirt with light red, green, and yellow on it, that hugged my body and was short enough to show some skin. And lastly, my new pair of baby blue converse. I actually love those and are wearing them right now.

I did put the outfit on this morning. I spent so much time staring at myself in the mirror. I just.. felt out of place. I still couldn't stop replaying Maverick's words in my head.

Truth is, I didn't wear it because it looked silly on me. I looked like a little girl playing dress up. I felt so out of place. I don't belong in that house or in those expensive clothes.

So, I decided to wear a pair of light washed skinny jeans that Molly had given me a few years ago. With a white tank top, and a black zip-up hoodie. This is what I belong in. What I'm comfortable in.

"So what happened then?" Molly asked.

I shrugged.

"I didn't feel comfortable," I said simply.

"Bullsh.it." Molly scoffed. "You loved that outfit. I saw it in your face when you tried it on. Those pants looked great on your hips, and that shirt! How could you do this to us?"

I raised a brow at my best friend.

"Us?" I asked.

"Yeah. You, me, and April." Molly complained.

I laughed at her as I shook my head.

"I'll try again tomorrow, okay?" I said.

"Oh, you're wearing that outfit tomorrow. I'm staying the night tonight so I can force you to wear it." She declared.

I rolled my eyes and slammed my locker shut.

"See you at lunch?" I asked.

Molly nodded, and we parted ways. I walked to my first class, which was History. How awful. Couldn't I have something more fun first thing in the morning?

I trudged into the classroom, and picked a seat in the front corner close to the windows. Maybe the sunlight coming in will help me wake up every day. Assuming that I can have this seat every day.

I sat down and pulled out my personal notebook. The one that I've been trying to write my essay on. I'm still trying to brainstorm. I have a few different topics of what to write about. I just.. have no idea what I'm doing. "Hi there." Someone said next to me.

When I didn't respond, the person cleared their throat.

I looked up to see a girl sitting in the seat next to me. And another girl behind her. And another behind me. I raised a brow at them as they all stared at me. Aren't these girls on the volleyball team? Why are they talking to me? "Uhm, hi.." I replied awkwardly.

The girl next to me beamed. Maybe this is their year to start new friendships? They're probably taking pity on the nerdy girl.

"I'm Emily, this is Lexi, and Becca." Emily introduced them all.

"Nice to meet you. I'm-"

"You're Kapri right?" Becca, the one behind me, interrupted me to ask.

"Well, if you would have let me finish, that's what I was going to say" I mumbled.

I really hate being interrupted. It's a huge pet peeve of mine. I don't need new friends, so if these girls think that they can treat me like some lackey, they have another thing coming. That is not what friendship is about, and I don't care how small my circle turns out to be. At least they will be true friends.

"Sorry, I just got excited," Becca said.

"Excited?" I asked.

"Yeah," Emily said, smiling. "I mean, you're Maverick Penton's stepsister, right?" She asked.

My mouth fell open as I realized what this was about. They.. just want to talk to me about Maverick. All the worrying I did over Mom, and not once did I think about how this was going to affect me at school.

Maybe this will be my opportunity to talk a little smack about Maverick.

"I guess so." I mumbled.

Emily latched onto my arm, making me jump slightly. She almost fell out of her seat to get closer to me. The other girls also leaned in.

"You have to tell us everything about him!" Emily demanded.

"Does he really work out in the mornings?" Lexi asked.

"Does he wear boxers or briefs? I bet he's a boxers kind of guy." Becca swooned.

"I bet he's just such a sweet brother. Under that bad boy exterior he's probably a big teddy bear." Emily gushed.

What the fu.ck? What is it about Maverick that makes girls act like this? Has he drugged the entire school? Posioned the town?

"Uhhhhm.." I drawled out as I grabbed Emily's hand and set it back on her lap. "I don't know much about him honestly. He isn't home much." I said.

I could have lied. I could have just answered their questions with whatever I wanted. Hell, I could have told them all that Maverick secretly likes di.ck as much as they do. But then they would just ask more questions. I do not come to school to gossip about my stepbrother. Or be bothered by anything to do with Maverick.

We aren't even family. He said so himself. Stupid jerk kept me up alll night crying with just a few simple words. Although, I did start my period this morning. That probably has a lot to do with me getting so emotional.

"Oh." Emily said. "Where does he go?" She asked.

I turned back to my notebook.

"You'd have to ask him that." I said.

Figures that they wouldn't want to make new friends. They just want to try to get closer to Maverick. How unfortunate for them that I am not the person they need to get close to do see him.

"Do you think we could come over after school? Maybe he'll come home if he finds out his new stepsister has a few hot friends over." Becca asked.

I turned around to give her an incredulous look. Then I gave the same look to the rest of them. All three of them are staring at me like there's nothing wrong with what they're trying to do. "Are you three crazy?" I asked casually.

Emily snorted.

"What? No." She said laughing.

"Really?" I asked with a raised brow. "Cause you all seem a little off."

Emily's laughter died down as she realized that I'm not joking. She looked me up and down and rolled her eyes. Then she turned around in her seat to face forward.

"We just wanted to make friends with the nerdy girl." Emily said.

"Yeah, we thought you could use it." Becca mumbled behind me.

"So sorry for trying to be nice." Lexi added.

Now it's my turn to snort.

"Being friendly my a.ss. If you guys are going to try to use me, you could at least be honest about it. Don't try to guilt trip me because you three can't be real. Isn't that gaslighting?" I said.

All three of them scoffed at me. I just turned my attention back to my notebook. Everything I said was true, and I refuse to feel bad about it.

"Come on girls. It's a little stuffy over here." Emily said.

All three of them stood up mumbling under their breath. Once they were all seated on the opposite side of the room I threw my head back. I took a deep inhale through my nose, which you can hear in the quiet of the room. "Ugh!" I groaned. "So much better! You guys were right, it was way too stuffy with the three of you over here." I said turning to them.

Emily gave me a sour face as the other two grumbled under their breath. I smiled sweetly at them before deciding to let it go. I've never cared before what anyone thinks of me, and I'm not going to start now. The same kids have been teasing me since I was a kid. Since all their parents told them how my father left me and Mom. This is nothing new.

If these people think I'm just going to take it lying down then they got another thing coming. I can be mean too. It helps that I'm witty. So, if they want to start sh.it with me on the first day, this early in the morning after me not geting any sleep, that's on them. "This seat taken?" Someone asked me.

"Is anyone sitting there?" I asked.

The voice chuckled.

"Guess not." He said.

I could see that the boy sat down out of the corner of my eye.

"Hopefully it doesn't get too stuffy with me here." He teased.

I looked up at the boy. I've never seen him before. He must be new. Honestly, he's pretty cute. The guy looks like a total jock with that build, but has a sweet smile on his face. He has golden blonde hair that is shaved at the sides and a man-bun at the top/back of his head. His gray eyes are sparkling with amusement as he stares back at me.

"As long as you don't ask me for my stepbrother's number, it should stay pretty airy." I said.

The boy chuckled.

"I'm Hayden, I'm new here." He introduced himself.

"Kapri," I replied.

"Kapri, what a cute name. It's very fitting," Hayden said.

My cheeks heat slightly. The teacher walked in to start class. Maybe this year won't be so bad.

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