Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 24: Humble Beginnings

We arrived at lan's family home, but we had to sneak ourselves in so we wouldn't wake up his mom. I didn’t know much about
lan and his family, he didn’t talk about them often.
All I knew was that his dad had passed away in a car accident and her mom never got remarried.
He also had a younger sister who was still in college.
The house was a lovely two story white brick building.
The living room was filled with all sorts of pictures and memories of lan’s childhood, and I couldn't get enough of it.
lan was so, so adorable.
He played little league when he was 10, and there were pictures of him and his family when he was young scattered everywhere.
Weirdly enough, there weren't any pictures of him as a teenager though.
"Come here,"lan whispered, motioning for me to follow him up the stairs.
We made it to the second floor and he went into the first room up the stairs.I couldn't believe my eyes as I stepped inside the
room.It was lan’s childhood bedroom.
There were posters of bands on the wall, his old comic books scattered on the desk, and a lot of art sketches everywhere.
I felt like I was meeting sixteen-year-old lan.
"I would have cleaned the room if I knew you were coming,"he joked as he watched my expression.
"This is fine.It’s great,"I said as I took note of all the books on his shelves.
"I can sleep on the couch if you want,"he motioned for the bed.
It was a queen-sized bed, big enough for two.So I quickly shook my head.
"You can sleep here too, if you want,"He didn't say anything but he nodded his head a little.
"I'll find you something to change,"he said as he turned for the dresser.

He pulled out a black t-shirt with The Ramones logo on it and handed it to me.
"Will this do?"he asked.
"Sure, thanks,"I said as I took the shirt.
He then raided the bottom drawer for some boxer shorts and handed one to me.
"Sorry, it’s all I got,"
"No worries,"
I paused for a beat before asking, "Uh, bathroom?"
He pointed to the en-suite door and I made my way inside.
It was funny.
lan had seen me naked before, but I was feeling embarrassed to change in front of him. Why am I so nervous? After putting his
t-shirt on me, I couldn't help but smile at my reflection.
I love seeing his oversized shirt draped on my body and I love that I could smell his scent with every breath I took.
When I finished changing and I cleaned up a bit, I opened the door and found lan already on the bed.
He was shirtless, he wore nothing but some joggers that hung low on his hips.
His toned and muscular body was leaning against the headboard and my eyes scanned the tattoos covering his arm and chest.
"You alright there?"he said suddenly, causing me to blush and look away.
"You're not gonna wear a shirt?"I asked
"My shirt looks better on you,"he smirked in reply.
Oh gosh, I’m a goner, aren't I?
"Come here,"he patted the empty space next to him.
I made my way over and as soon as I climbed onto the bed, lan pulled me in his arms and held me tight.

My back was to his chest and his arms circled me completely.
He planted a long, soft kiss on the top of my head, and I could only close my eyes as he felt absolutely divine.
When I turned my head to the side and opened my eyes, I was facing his bare chest and I noted the Latin phrase that was
tattooed on him.
I had always wondered about it but I never got a chance to ask.
"What does this mean? Cogito Ergo Sum?"I asked finally.
"I think therefore I am.It's a Latin quote by Descartes,"
"And what's the meaning for you? I mean, it must mean something, you had it tattooed across your chest?"
"It’s a long story and it’s already late.I don’t know if you wanna hear—"
"I want to.Plus, we have all the time in the world...or at least, six more hours,"I said and he let out a small laugh.
He took a deep breath before continuing, "I never told anyone this before, but there was a time in my life where I felt so hopeless
and that life was so pointless.I was around 18 or 19.I thought about ending it all.But then, the fact that I was thinking at all about
my existence tells me that I exist.And as long as I keep having questions and thinking about my existence, I can have a reason
to keep living.So I got this tattoo as a reminder to keep thinking and keep going," I didn’t know what to say to all of that.
lan never talked to me about his past, he always said it wasn’t his proudest moments.
My heart was breaking at the thought of eighteen year old lan, alone in this room, contemplating on ending it all.
"It's stupid.It's whatever,"he said and turned his face away.
"No, I think that’s really deep,"I said quickly, using my hand I reached for his face and turned it back to me, "
"And I’m so glad you're still around today to tell me about it,"
A smile curved up his face as he heard my response.And his smile made me smile.
His hand reached for my chin and he rubbed his thumb gently on my skin.

"Llove you, Emma,"
My mind went blank for a split second.
I wasn't expecting that at all and I never knew how four little words could hold so much meaning.
My chest felt warm and big and butterflies were flying in my stomach.
I couldn't stop myself from smiling even when I bit my lip.
The only thing I could do at this point was to look up at him and say, "I love you too, lan Hayes," The next thing I knew, his lips
found mine and he kissed me with such tenderness and passion.
lan and I kissed so many times before already, but this kiss right now felt different.
It was like our souls were finally freed after being in cages for so long.
We made out for the longest time, just savoring each other through touches and kisses.
I loved running my fingers on his chest and rock hard abs.
He wouldn't stop kissing the sweet spot on my neck and fondling my breasts.
We only had hours left for each other and we wanted to make sure that we're making it count.
We made love that night.
I could finally use the words ‘ made love’ because now I finally knew what it meant.
It was different from just having sex because we both knew it came from a place of love and trust between the two of us.
I finally fell asleep to the sight of the sun rising behind lan’s gorgeous face.
I couldn't keep my eyes open for another second.
For a long time, we lay facing each other but none of us wanted to sleep.
We were tired but we didn’t want to blink and miss anything.
It was...the sweetest thing that I had ever experienced in my life.

When I opened my eyes next, the sun was already high up and bright.
I looked for signs of lan’s body next to mine, but there was nothing but air.
I jerked up and looked around the room—I was completely alone in there.
Faintly, I could hear the sound of my phone buzzing from my purse.
I staggered up the bed and grabbed the vibrating device, and I almost choked on air as I saw the time, it was 9.35 AM.
I had dozens of missed calls and messages all from Tiff and Carrie.
They wanted to know if we were still going to drive back today at 10 AM.
I quickly called them up and told them everything was fine and that we were still going to go according to plan.
I shared my location with them and they were on their way to pick me up.
After our little regroup, I put my phone away and went to the en-suite to find my clothes.
I thought about changing out of lan’s shirt, but I didn’t wanna take it off, ever.
So I wore my jeans and kept his t-shirt on me.
I tied the bottom part of the shirt together so it wouldn't be too baggy over my body."Emma? You in here?"
lan’s voice called out from the bedroom.
I walked out instinctively and found him standing there.
He was already dressed, wearing a plain white shirt and jeans.
When did he take a shower and how come I didn’t hear it? "lan, why didn’t you wake me? I have to leave in...twenty minutes,"
I said as I scrambled to get my things together.
"And I'm stealing your shirt, by the way,"
"Keep it,"he chuckled.

"I didn’t wanna wake you, you look so tired.And I was hoping you’d miss the time and stay for another day.Shameless of me.I
know,"I smiled at his words.
Truth be told, I was hoping the same thing.
"It's okay.I understand the feeling,"
"I wish I can keep you around a little longer.My mom really wants to meet you,"
"Your mom?"
"She's downstairs making breakfast.Do you wanna come and say hi?"
lan’s mother? I would love to meet her, ask her questions, and maybe see more pictures of lan as a kid.
But is that wise considering...? "Should I? Did she know about us...?"
About me being a high school student and you're my teacher! "No.I didn't tell her who you are exactly,"he paused for a moment
before continuing, "I told her we met at a bar in Emory and she just assumed you're a student there.I went along with it.I don’t
think telling her the truth’s gonna make things better,"
"I agree,"I nodded and took a deep breath.
"Will twenty minutes be okay?"
"We'll take it,"lan said with a smile. I went to check myself on the mirror one last time before heading downstairs.
I was meeting his mom and I wanted to look presentable.
After doing everything I could to save my hair, lan and I headed downstairs to the kitchen where his mom was busy making some
"Mom, this is Emma.The girl I've been telling you about,"
He’s been telling his mom about me? "Hi, Mrs.Hayes, you have a lovely home,"
"Please, call me Kirsten.

And it’s so good to finally meet you.
lan hasn't stopped talking about you since thanksgiving,
Kirsten Hayes was a lovely woman in her fifties, but she could absolutely pass as thirty-five.She had a warm smile and she was
a hugger.She left her eggs and went over to me, giving me a great big hug.
"Sit down, please.Do you like eggs?"she motioned for the kitchen stool and I followed after her.
"Sure,"I didn’t know how to say no to such a nice lady.
"She can’t stay long, mom.She has to leave in twenty minutes," lan replied.
"Not before having breakfast,"
Kirsten wasn't taking no for an answer.
She grabbed a plate and placed it in front of me, "Here you go, dear,"
"Thank you,"
I said as I turned to lan who gave me a defeated look.
"lan, be a sweetheart and get her something to drink,"
Kirsten said to lan and he complied.
He went to get an empty glass and walked to the corner of the room where the fridge was.
"So tell me, is he treating you ok?"
Kirsten whispered to me as lan was away.
"Yes, he’s absolutely great,"
I smiled reassuringly.
"Good.I'm glad,"

"You know, you're the first girl he ever brought home and let her stay for breakfast,"suddenly we heard a voice called out and all
of us turned around.
A young girl, around my age or maybe older, with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes was standing behind me.
She looked familiar, like the girl version of lan.
"I'm sorry?"I said to her.
"Hailey,"lan scolded the girl as he returned to the counter with a glass of water.
"What? It's true,"she stuck her tongue out at him.
lan sighed as he turned to me, "Emma, this is Hailey.My sister,"
Hailey and I smiled at each other as I said, "Nice to meet you, Hailey,"
"Nice to meet you too, Emma.I have a feeling we're gonna be great friends,"
lan rolled his eyes and whispered to me, "Just ignore her,"
Oh, but I like her already.

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