Teach Me (The Wolf Hotel Book 3)

Teach Me: Chapter 2

“Everything’s all taken care of for the day.” Jean wipes the sweat from his weathered brow onto his forest green work pants. He’s shown up to work here in those same pants and burgundy plaid button-down every single day for years. The outfit’s always clean in the morning and filthy by day’s end. Either he has several pairs of the same, or he makes his poor wife do laundry every night.

“Thank you for keeping the farm going while we were away.”

He waves my words away as if it’s nothing, but the poor man looks exhausted.

“How’s Isabelle?”

Mention of his granddaughter seems to brighten his spirits a bit. “She’s a sweet little thing.” He beams. “Looks like her mother did when she was a baby.”

“Tell Jennifer I said hi.”

“Will do.” He ambles off toward his truck, an old red Ford pickup full of dents and dings.

And I sigh, taking in the view of the farm I’ve known all my life. It’s my favorite time to be here, when the air is warm and smells of freshly cut hay, and the grass is a dark green; when the flowers surrounding the vegetable gardens are lush and colorful. We cut them every week to dress the church for Sunday service.

I always found comfort here. Until this past February, that is, when I caught Jed cheating on me. After that, I dreaded coming back here. I flew all the way to Alaska just to avoid it.

Now? I don’t know what this feeling is. Nostalgia for a childhood gone, perhaps. The double-story farmhouse I’ve called home all these years sits ahead of me to the left, quiet and worn. It’s over a hundred years old, built by my great-great-grandfather and home to several generations of Mitchells. I can see that a few shingles are missing on the east side. Likely on account of a big storm that rolled through here a month ago, according to Mama. She mentioned damage to a barn roof, too. I’ll have to go and check that out.

We have three barns and four silos. The original barn, dating back to the same time as the house, is farther off to the side, some five hundred yards from our home. We use it for equipment now. That’s where I also make my soaps during the warmer weather, in a small workshop equipped with an electric stove and several tables.

The other two barns that house the animals and hay sit side by side, not too far from the house.

I make my way toward the front porch, dragging the backpack that I stuffed haphazardly in my rush out of Wolf Cove alongside me. While I had a shower at Henry’s, I wouldn’t say that time was spent actually getting clean.


Jed is jogging toward me from the path between our houses, his calf muscles straining as he navigates the uneven ground. He’s always been fit, but I would never have called him muscular, not like Henry, or even the outdoor crew guys. He’s obviously been going to the gym, though.

What else he’s been doing this summer, I have no idea. He was quiet on the drive home from Pittsburgh, sitting up front with his dad while Celeste sat in the back and made painfully polite conversation, filling me in on all the happenings in the community and the church since I’ve been away.

She didn’t once ask about Alaska.

When Jed reaches me, he’s out of breath. It’s a good quarter mile between our two houses. “Dinner’s gonna be at five thirty tonight instead of six. Dad’s got some catch-up to do for tomorrow.”

“Oh, I’m good, thanks.”

He frowns. “What do you mean? It’s Saturday night.”

And every Saturday night, we go over to the Enderbeys’ for dinner. That’s just the way things have always been around here.

Not anymore, though. At least, not for me. “I’m pretty tired from the last few days, so I’m just going to pull something together here and then go to bed, I think.”

“Oh.” He brushes his blond hair off his forehead. It’s longer than he’s ever had it before, and slightly tousled. “But she’s making roasted chicken. And a strawberry pie, just for you. She’s already rolling out the pie crust and everything.”

My favorites.

“You have to eat, and she’s going to all this trouble.”

I sigh, feeling the noose tightening around my neck. I can’t very well get out of this one, especially since the Enderbeys dropped everything in their lives to rush to Pittsburgh. They sat with Mama all day when I couldn’t.

“’Kay. I’ll be there.”

Jed’s face splits into a wide grin. “Great.”

“You know you could have just texted me instead of running all that way.”

“Yeah, I know. But I wanted to see you.” His gaze skims over me, stalling first on my chest, and then on my thighs.

“If I’m gonna make it there in time, I need to go shower.” I start to climb the stairs.

“So it was him who answered?”

“What?” I ask, though I already know what he’s talking about. The guy who answered my phone when Jed called to tell me about the accident. I was wondering when this would come up.

“Yesterday morning. When I called you. When you were asleep.”

No, that would be Ronan, who happened to be there consoling me over Henry as a genuine friend. But I’m not going to tell Jed that.

“It’s not really any of your business.”

“How is it not? Come on, Abigail! You’ve known the guy for a few weeks. We’ve known each other our entire lives. We grew up together, we know each other’s secrets.”

I glare at him pointedly. “Yes, because I walked in on one of them accidentally.”

“It’s over between Cammie and me. That’s out of my system, completely.” He takes a few steps toward me. “I was stupid and selfish and I took for granted the best thing in my life. You.” He pleads with his eyes. “I love you, Abigail. And I’m gonna spend the rest of my life proving it to you.”

Oh God. “It’s too late, Jed. Move on.”

“No, it’s not.” He has that stubborn set in his jaw. I used to think it was adorable.

Now I can’t help but laugh. “I’m in love with Henry!”

“Your boss?” He sighs. “Abigail, that’s not gonna last. Seriously, think about it. He’s this rich hotel owner and you live on a farm. It may have worked while you two were together, but outta sight, outta mind with guys like that.”

“That’s not how it is with us.”

“Oh yeah?” He folds his arms over his chest. Somehow it’s so patronizing. “Then how is it?”

“We’re… seeing how it goes.”

Jed gives me a knowing look, and I want to slap him. “How old is he, anyway?”


“He’s ten years older than you? Why would you even want a guy that old? That’s halfway to your parents’ age.”

Because he’s gorgeous and sexy.

Because he knows how to touch me.

Because he’s all I think of when I go to sleep and when I wake up and every hour in between.

“Gotta go now. I’ll see you for dinner.” Unfortunately.

“Just remember, I’ll be right here, waiting for you. Just come back to me when you’re ready. We’re meant to be, Abigail.”

“It’s Abbi, and no, we’re not.” There’s no point arguing with him. Sometimes I think Jed and my Mama are too similar.

I make it up one step when he calls out, “Oh, my mom forgot to ask. Since you’re back in town, would you be able to help out with the first of the month food drive? You remember what needs to be done, right?”

“I think I can manage.” I’ve only been running it since I was seventeen.

“Great. Oh, and the charity BBQ. She’d love your help with that, too.”

The creaky porch steps hide my sigh. Just like old times.

~ ~ ~

I flop onto my bed, my stomach swollen from Celeste’s cooking. I may not have wanted to go and face the Enderbeys for what was bound to be more awkwardness, but at least I’ll go to bed full.

Sliding my phone from my pocket—the Reverend doesn’t allow phones at the dinner table and it was absolute torture every time my phone vibrated in my back pocket—I smile at the group message from Ronan and Connor.

The Cove isn’t the same without you.

I do the math. It’s only four o’clock there.

Are you guys still working?

Yeah, it’s pissing rain. We could have used you here.

I roll my eyes at Connor’s not-so-subtle reminder of our one time together, that day in the truck, even as nervous flutters stir in my stomach. I still can’t believe I left for Alaska a heartbroken virgin and returned with not only three notches in my belt, so to speak, but the memory of a threesome with two gorgeous men.

That’s never going to happen again, but how do I tell Connor that without telling him that I’m with Henry now? That my heart has always been with Henry. I’m not sure what Henry wants shared with his staff.

Ronan knows, even though we’ve never once come right out and said it. He’s always known. But I can trust him not to say a word. Connor, on the other hand, can’t be trusted to keep quiet.

Send me a picture of our spot on the bay. I want something to remember it by.

A few minutes later, I get a selfie of a grinning Connor stretched out on the sand at the staff beach, shirtless, a beer in his hand. Several other staffers are around him in bikinis and trunks. Allowing these kinds of texts is probably wrong.

I thought you said it was raining?

He’s a drunken, horny liar.

Ronan’s been pretty quiet in this text exchange. Then again, he’s always been kind of quiet in comparison to Connor.

A few minutes later, I get a separate text from Ronan with a picture of Kachemak Bay, the dark blue waters rolling in soft waves, the tree-lined shores stretching as far as the eye can see. I curl up on my pillow and study it, my sadness suddenly overwhelming.

As much as I need to be here for my family, I want to be back there.

What happened with Wolf?

I sigh. It’s the first time he’s ever outright asked about him and I can’t lie to him.

We’re seeing where things go. He’s on his way back to the Cove tonight.

I take it he knows about us?

He knows enough.

Henry never asked for specifics. If he ever does…. My stomach tightens with the thought of giving them to him. What would he say?

Do C and I need to worry about our jobs?

No. I made him promise. Just maybe help Connor find another “interest” so he doesn’t keep sending me these kinds of texts.

I don’t know that Connor’s even capable of having a normal, non-sexually charged conversation, and if that’s the case… I feel like I’m saying good-bye to two really good friends who got me through one of the hardest times of my life. In a way, I guess I am. I think Ronan feels it too.

Keep in touch.

I snort. The exact words Henry used.

You too, Ronan. And thank you.

I let the phone fall to my pillow beside me as I take in my my dusty rose-and-white room. It hasn’t changed since I was ten, when Mama last updated it. I even have the same antique furniture and bedspread, ivory lace with pink rosettes. My collection of porcelain dolls, handed down by my mother and her mother before her, are lined up on my dresser, staring at me.

Is it too soon to text Henry? He left nine hours ago now. When he said to keep in touch, did that mean I could text him whenever I wanted? He should be landing in Alaska soon. I can’t help myself anymore.

Let me know when you’ve landed.

I grab a book from the nightstand—my copy of Wuthering Heights—and blowing off the dust, flip it open and try  to distract myself with words while I wait for the ones I truly want to read.

An hour later, they come.

Just got in.

I miss you so much already.

I don’t care if that makes me sound like a whiny little girl.

Do you have the iPad nearby?

On my nightstand.

Open it up and connect it.

I do, and forty seconds later, there’s an incoming call. I hit Accept and I’m treated to Henry’s handsome face.

“I hate texting,” he mutters through a sip of Scotch, his drink of choice. He’s sitting on the white leather couch in Penthouse One, his legs spread in that relaxed way. He’s still wearing the jeans and t-shirt that he left me in.

“This is definitely better,” I agree, though I much prefer in person, when he’s looking me straight in the eye instead of at my image on the screen.

“Hopefully the connection holds.” His eyes flicker beyond his iPad camera. “There’s a big storm rolling in.”

“Really? It was sunny there not even an hour ago.”

“Who told you that?” His jaw tenses, like he knows exactly who told me and he’s not the least bit happy about it.

“They’re just friends. They wanted to know how my dad was doing.”

“Have you told them about me?”

“Ronan already figured it out, but he won’t say a word.”

Henry seems to consider that, but the tension hasn’t eased from his jaw. “Are you in your bedroom?”


“Who’s home with you?”

“Just Flipper.”

Henry frowns.

“My dad’s farm dog. But he’s an outdoor dog. He likes to roll in sheep manure.”

“Lovely.” Henry’s lips twist. He leans forward until his elbows are resting on his knees. “I’ve changed my mind, Abbi.”

His words feel like a punch to my stomach. Oh my God. After all that, it’s over already?

“I need to know what happened with you and Michael, and you and those two….” He shakes his head, sighing to himself as that glint of anger in his eyes flares. “Outdoor crew guys.”

It takes me a few moments to realize that he’s not ending things, and another few moments to calm the nerves in my stomach, the relief overwhelming.

He’s not ending things yet.


“Because I need to know. Exactly how it happened. And exactly what happened.”

My mouth drops. Exactly? “I… I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m…. I guess I’m afraid that you’ll judge me. Or leave me.”

“I won’t judge you. Or leave you. Not because of something in the past. But I need to know. We can’t have a future if I don’t. How exactly did you end up with Michael? I saw the video feed, of you going into your cabin and then running out a few minutes later.”

“Right.” That night. “I walked in on Ronan with Rachel and Katie, in the middle of… things, so I left. That’s when I ran into Michael. He asked me if something was wrong and I started to bawl my eyes out. It was raining, so he took me to his cabin.” I hesitate.


“I changed into his dry clothes and curled up under his covers because I was cold. He tried to make me feel better by working out some knots in my neck. Then his roommate came in with his girlfriend—Lorraine, my roommate—and we had to lie there and listen to them have sex.”

“And then Michael made his move.” Henry’s mouth twists with disdain. “I should have fired him.”

“No. He didn’t, actually.” I stare at my fingers, my guilt heavy on my chest. “started it.” I’m the one who took his hand and slid it down into my shorts. “I couldn’t get the image of you and Roshana and her friend out of my head. I knew—or thought—you three were in your cabin together and it was driving me crazy. I felt so horrible about myself and I wanted to not think about that anymore.” I can’t keep the tremble from my voice.

There’s a long moment of silence, until I’m forced to look up to check that the call hasn’t been dropped. It hasn’t. Henry’s still staring hard at me.

“And the other two?” he finally asks.

“That didn’t happen for a long time. Seriously, only like a week ago. They were always flirting with me, but they also took good care of me, Henry. They’re… friends. They didn’t let anyone else make so much as make a lewd comment about me. They made me feel really good about myself after the way you and I ended things.”

“So you fucked them both?”

“No. Just Ronan.”

“How many times?”

“Twice.” I swallow hard. “Connor watched once.”


“Once, in your family’s cabin.”

Henry’s hard frown of disapproval makes me wince. “And?”

“And in a work truck. We were caught in a rainstorm and we pulled over. It… it just kind of happened. And I let it.”

God, he’s so angry. I can see it in the set of his jaw. It’s making me want to cry.

“Take your clothes off.”

What?” I wasn’t expecting such a sudden change in direction, but I should know by now that Henry likes to do that. I don’t even know if he realizes it, or if his mind is just working that fast all the time.

“You heard me.”

“You’re angry.”

“Yes, I am. And I need to feel something else besides this anger, or I’m going to go over to the staff lounge and rip their fucking heads off, so set your iPad where I can watch and take off every last thing you’re wearing. Right now.” He says it so smoothly and calmly, it’s all the more scary.

With a slight tremble in my hands, I set the iPad down on the dresser, then I start to peel off my t-shirt and shorts, followed by my bra and panties, dropping them all to the floor. It feels weird, standing naked in my room with Henry watching me from over four thousand miles away.

“Get on your bed, on your knees,” Henry demands, raising his glass to his lips. He hasn’t moved a muscle except to drink.

I scramble on top of it.

“Now tell me exactly what happened in that truck.”

I close my eyes. He’s forcing me back to that day—a day I don’t regret but one when I definitely wasn’t myself. Or at least not the Abigail Mitchell I’ve known all my life. But I’m not really her anymore, am I? Still, I definitely tested boundaries I’d never thought I’d push with those two loveable deviants.

It’s not hard to remember details of what started out as a playful kiss and turned into three naked, sweaty bodies. It was so organic too, nothing rushed, no pressure. From Ronan kissing me, to removing my shirt and bra for Connor to catch a glimpse. And then it all went to hell. Or heaven, depending on who you’re asking.

“So he’s had his tongue in you?”

I nod. “And then I… for him. But we didn’t have sex.”

“But you did with the other one.”

“Ronan, yes.”

“While the blond watched.”

I hesitate, but then I finally nod. “But I don’t want them, Henry.”

“Did you enjoy it?”

I hesitate.

“Be honest with me.”

“Yes. But not like I do when I’m with you,” I quickly add. “It was just sex. And I trusted them not to hurt me so it was easy. There were no feelings involved there. Not like with you.” We all used each other, for one reason or another.

“Did talking about it now make you wet?”

“I….” I look down at my naked body, on display for him. “I don’t know.”

“Check.” I don’t hear the same anger in his voice that I did moments ago, so that’s good. Maybe being naked is a good distraction after all.

He clearly wants to watch me touch myself.

I can see myself naked in the small square at the bottom of the screen, which means Henry is getting a full view. Reaching down, I run my fingertip through my slit.


I do as asked, pushing my finger in, touching myself where Henry invaded me just this morning. I’m still a bit sore.

“Are you? Don’t lie to me.”

“Yes.” Not a crazy amount, but more than enough.

He tips his head back, showing me that sexy neck and the Adam’s apple jutting out. If I were there now, I’d run my tongue along it. Just the thought is bringing heat between my legs.

“I want you to bring me closer to you on the bed, and then I want you to fuck yourself for me. Right in my face.”

I don’t know if it’s even the words he says anymore, but the way he delivers them, his voice gravelly and demanding, makes my thighs squeeze.

“Come on, Abbi.”

I’ve only ever touched myself once in front of him, the night before I found out about his ex-assistant and everything started going to shit. We’re not even in the same room together this time, making it slightly less nerve-racking.

I reach for the iPad and then slide back all the way until my back rests against my pillows. Spreading my legs, I prop it upright in front of me. “Is that good for you?” I ask shyly.

“Open up wider.”

I stretch my legs until my feet are hanging over either side of my bed.

And then I reach down to slide my finger over the wet, pink folds I see on the screen.

Henry sits unmoving, watching as I take turns rolling my fingertips back and forth and around my clit, then pumping them in and out of me, like he would do.

“We need to get you some toys to help out,” he murmurs, taking a sip of his drink.

“Why don’t you join me?” I ask softly. Now that I can see precisely what I’m doing, I stretch the skin around my opening out a bit, teasing him.

He merely smirks through another sip of his drink.

And watches as my folds begin to swell and glisten, and my fingers become slick. Finally, I pass that point of caring who’s watching, a point when I know I’m about to come. My muscles begin to contract.

“Fuck,” I hear him hiss through my cries, my head hanging back as I ride the euphoric waves.

I reach for the iPad, pulling it up to my face, just the tops of my breasts visible to him now. “It’s your turn now.”

“You’re right, it is,” he says so calmly. “And you like to watch, don’t you?”

“Yes.” I love to watch. I love seeing Henry undress. I love seeing him naked. I love seeing his erection, long and thick and sliding through his fist.

He reaches back over his head to pull his t-shirt off. That perfect, cut body is beneath, his shoulders strong and rounded, his collarbone jutting out. If he were here in front of me, I’d be running my hands along the curves of his biceps right now

I bite my bottom lip, waiting impatiently as he unfastens his belt with leisurely fingers.

My nipples begin to pebble again as he draws his zipper down, allowing me the first glimpse of his erection below, stretching against his gray boxer briefs, desperate to get out. I can even see the wet spots where his precum dampened the cotton.

I won’t be able to resist touching myself again before long.

He slides his hand down past the elastic band and I sit up to watch as it curls around his length, the lightest sigh escaping my lips. And then he smirks. It’s a wicked smirk. “Good night, Abbi.”

The connection cuts off.

I just stare at the screen. Did he just…?

I fall back into my pillow with a groan. That son of a bitch. Grabbing my phone, I text him.

Please call me back.

It takes hours for me to fall asleep that night, with no message from Henry.

~ ~ ~

I know I’m not supposed to check my phone in the middle of Reverend’s Enderbey’s service while in church.

But I also know that it could be Henry making my phone vibrate in my purse, and Henry trumps pretty much everything.

I’m in the first pew as usual, but thankfully in the far right corner and against the wall, so not directly under his nose. Still, there are eyes practically burning holes into the back of my head with their intensity. I hear the questions in everyone’s thoughts as clearly as if they spoke them out loud.

Has she forgiven him?

Are they back together?

Jed didn’t help matters by insisting on sitting right beside me. Celeste is on the end, hanging on to her husband’s every word. It’s just like in the old days. I’m even wearing one of the modest Sunday dresses that Celeste—a master seamstress—made for me years ago. It’s a pale yellow knee-length sundress with cap sleeves and a high, round collar. It’s nice. It just… not me anymore. I had nothing else church-worthy, though.

Finally, I can’t take it anymore. As covertly as possible, I slip my phone out and tuck it next to my thigh.

Sleep well?

“You….” I press my lips together before the “bastard” slips out.

Jed leans over. “What’d you say?”

I shake my head at him and turn my focus back to his father, my hand covering my phone to hide it from view.

“…this is a new world and with each passing day, it becomes harder and harder to guide our youth. Temptation is all around us—in the movies we watch, in the music we listen to. This world of technology is a hub for the darkest, most depraved sorts of acts. The violence… the alcohol and drugs… the materialism… the type of casual relationships that weaken family values.”

I drop my gaze to my lap as I feel the Reverend’s judging eyes pass my way.

“It becomes hard to judge what’s right past what feels good, to understand what’s smart past what’s risky and fun. We need to lead our children back, away from that temptation to what we know in our hearts will always be the right choice….”

He turns to the other side of the congregation and I quickly type out:

Fantastic. You?

Henry responds almost immediately.

Never better. You home?

Why? You want to make up for last night?

Actually, yes. Before I have to start my day.

I grit my teeth. This sucks.

“Abbi!” Jed elbows me in the arm. The reverend is still talking, only I’m not listening anymore, unable to shake the image of a naked Henry tangled in his white sheets, grasping his erection. What I would do to be there beside him right now, to watch him do that. To help him.

My palms twitch at the thought. I’ve never actually spent an entire night with him in bed, I realize. When will we get that opportunity? Will we?

My phone vibrates again, but this time it’s with a call. Henry thinks I’m home.

“Dammit,” I mutter under my breath, hitting Decline. My ears perk up when I hear Reverend Enderbey saying Daddy’s name.

“You’ve all been asking, so I thought I’d tell you that, by the grace of God, the swift actions of the Greenbank ambulance services, the exceptional care in the Pittsburgh hospital, and all of your prayers and thoughts, Roger will pull through.”

Not a single mention of Henry’s help. He thanks everyone else but not Henry? No doubt Mama told the Reverend about how Henry brought in Dr. Eisenhower, because she seeks counsel on everything. That he has not given thanks to Henry at all tells me that he doesn’t want Henry being a part of my life any more than Mama does. That irritates me.

“Roger has a long road to recovery but he will get there with the help of his wonderful family and friends, and this congregation.” He gestures toward me. “His daughter, Abigail, rushed home to be by his side. I know I speak for myself and Celeste, and especially our son Jed, when we say how happy we are to have you back home with us. We feel complete again.”

I offer him a tight smile as my cheeks burn from the unwanted attention. Thankfully the organ music begins then, signalling the end of his sermon and the continuation of the service.

It takes a few minutes for my nerves to calm before I dare check my phone again.

Why aren’t you answering?

A thought comes to me and I can’t resist. Making sure Jed’s not watching over my shoulder, I quickly pull up the picture I took last night, of myself lying in bed, waiting for him. It took thirty tries but I finally managed to get one that I think I look decent in. Even sexy. I intentionally kept my face out of it though. I don’t have the nerve for that.

I’m busy.

I attach the pic and send it, then turn my phone over.

He tries calling three more times, and each time I decline. Not until the service ends and I scoot out the side door, avoiding the crowd milling out the front doors, do I check again.

Do you really want to play this game with me?

I definitely know I don’t want to play any game with Henry because he will most certainly win and from four thousand miles away, I will most certainly suffer.

I’m not at home. I’m at Sunday church. I took that pic last night while waiting for you.

Absolving yourself of your sins with all the other sinners?

Henry’s already made it pretty clear that he’s not a fan of the institution of the church.

Yes. Though it may take a lot longer, now that I’ve met you.

Based on what I heard last night, I think we’d both agree that you’ve done pretty well on your own.

I grit my teeth against the dig. He said he wouldn’t judge me for it, but I’m not entirely sure.

Be home and awake for midnight your time.

Or what?


Will you play fair this time?

I guess you’ll just have to find out. See you tonight.

I smile.


I stuff my phone in my pocket just as Jenny Shoemaker trots up. “It’s so good to see you!”

It is? Jenny and I haven’t talked since elementary school. She, Veronica Flynn, and Beth Pruitt formed this tight-knit clique freshman year that didn’t let anyone else in. Then Beth started flirting heavily with Jed, so I’ve just stayed away from the lot of them. “How long are you staying for?” She tucks strands of her long blonde hair back behind her ear. She’s always been really pretty in this wholesome way, with bright blue eyes and a wide smile. She’s wearing this retro-looking red dress with tiny white polka dots and cap sleeves. It’s feminine and to the knee, and yet somehow flirty on her.

“As long as it takes for my dad to get back on his feet.” A few months, at least.

“Hey, didn’t I hear that you were in Alaska, or something like that?” She’s playing it coy, but by the twinkle in her eyes, she knows I was and I’m guessing she’s heard about Henry.

“Yeah. Since May.”

“That’s so cool. I’d love to do something like that.”

Jenny was captain of the debate team and the Mathletes club. She dated Donald Munchauser, a skinny guy who has since left to join the seminary. I don’t know how well Jenny would fit in there. Probably as well as I did, which was not at all. “How’s college?”

“Great! One more year, then teachers college, and I’m done. Can’t wait. So, are you and Jed back together?”

I roll my eyes. I knew this would happen. “No. Absolutely not.”

“I was wondering! ’Cause I heard you were dating your boss. That Wolf guy.”

“He’s not my boss anymore.”

Her brows spike. “So, you were dating him though?” There’s definite scepticism in her voice.

Henry didn’t tell me I had to keep this secret. He just didn’t want to put a label on it. “We are together, yes.” That seems safe enough. And, to be honest, I don’t want to hide it. I want to scream it from the rooftops.

“So, when are you going to see him again? Is he going to come here?”

“I don’t know. He’s really busy.”

From the look on her face, I don’t think she believes me. I’m not at all surprised, but that irritates me. Plus I’m still annoyed that the Reverend didn’t mention Henry at all in his thanks. That spiteful streak that used to be nonexistent flares deep within me. “But probably. I mean, he calls me every night.” Every night equals one night so far but she doesn’t need to know that. “And he flew here with me on his private jet, just to get me here as fast as possible.”

“Really?” Jenny’s blue eyes widen. “That’s kind of romantic.”

“It is. And did you hear that he made the best trauma surgeon in the country drop what he was doing to come to Pittsburgh and fix Daddy, all without even telling me? Henry’s a big reason why Daddy is alive. He’s incredible.”

Jenny’s hand settles on her chest, over her heart. “Oh my God. That’s so sweet!”

“It is.” Now go and tell everyone.

“When he comes in next, we should all go out.”

“Sure.” I smile. There is no way I am sharing my time with Henry with Jenny or the other two, which is the only reason they’d want to hang out with me. “I’ve gotta go. Lots to do on the farm.”

“Of course. See you around.”

I make my way through the parking lot to my old truck, a thirdhand hand-me-down from my dad that I’ve been driving since I was seventeen.

And I count down the hours until I’m with Henry again, even if it’s just on a screen.

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