Teach Me (The Wolf Hotel Book 3)

Teach Me: Chapter 13


His chest heaves with a sigh. “Why didn’t you answer your phone?”

“I didn’t hear it. I thought you were leaving for Beijing in the morning?”

“I am, but….” His gaze skates over my lips. “I needed to see you.”

I don’t care that we’re in the middle of Billy Bob’s and it smells like beer and, because we’re near the restrooms, faintly of urine. I throw myself against his body, tears threatening. “Why wouldn’t you just tell me? Why do you keep doing this?”

His brows spike with amusement. “What? Surprising you? I thought that was a good thing.”

From inside the pool room, someone lets out a guttural cry.

Henry’s eyes narrow. “What the hell is going on in there?”

“I’ll explain. In my truck. Outside.” Far away from here. I push against his chest, urging him on. “Please. I don’t want to be here.”

He’s as easy to move as a concrete block. “Did someone hurt you?”

“No. It wasn’t like that.”

He hesitates. “Did someone touch you?” There’s an edge of danger in his voice.

“No! Please. I’ll explain, but not here. Just please, trust me.” I’m not sure who’ll be in bigger trouble—me or Declan and Gunner. If it’s the latter, then it’ll inevitably mean Henry getting hurt, because as strong as he is, he can’t take on a horde of guys.

Henry takes a deep breath.

And then he barges in.

I hold my breath as he turns to where the couch is. He simply stands there for a few seconds, watching.

“Get the fuck outta here!” Declan roars.

I rush forward, to stand next to Henry, averting my eyes from yet another full frontal view of Declan. “He’s with me.”

Declan grins. “Oh hey, Double D. Does that mean you’re gonna join us now?”

“Can we please just go?” I plead to Henry.

He turns to glare at me through hard eyes, then shifts his gaze to Veronica. “You have ten minutes to finish up and get outside.”

“Can you make it twenty?” Veronica leans forward and runs her tongue up Declan’s shaft, all while her eyes sit on Henry.

He doesn’t turn away. He doesn’t flinch. He watches her swirl her tongue around Declan’s tip for a good five seconds.

“Twenty minutes, or you find your own way home.” He ushers me out of the room, pulling the door shut behind him. Grabbing me by the arm, he leads me out of the bar, shouldering aside anyone in his way. Several turn to say something to him, but one look at his face and they back away, glancing at me with pity.

“That wasn’t what it looked like, Henry. I promise.”

“It looked like you were sitting in a pool room watching a group fuck.”

I cringe. Okay, maybe it was what it looked like. “I wanted to leave!”

He disarms the black Suburban parked right beside my truck. “Get in, Abigail.”

I scramble into the passenger side, my fists balled tightly with anxiety.

He slams his door shut and tosses his keys to the console. His broad chest heaving up and down.

The front row has a middle seat, allowing me to shimmy closer to him. I open my mouth to start explaining.


Tears begins to spark. “You’re mad at me.”

He turns to glare at me. “Furious.”

“I didn’t—”

My explanation dies at my lips as I watch him unbuckle and unzip his jeans and push his briefs down, seizing his rigid cock in his hand. He may be furious with me, but he’s also turned on.

He hooks his hand around the back of my head and pulls my head down, into his lap. I open just in time, as he thrusts himself in past my teeth and fills my mouth. What turned him on like this? Was it that pool room back there? Was it Veronica, teasing him?

Whatever it was, he’s now fucking my mouth with abandon, slamming into the back of my throat each time, his fist wrapped around my hair at the back, using it as leverage. His zipper is irritating my neck. I tug at his jeans and he finally relents, lifting his hips just enough to let me push them down.

He comes without warning and without making more than a grunt, shooting into my mouth with warm streams of cum. Not until he’s done pulsing does he release my hair. I pull away to swallow and wipe my mouth with a tissue. When I turn back, he’s already tucking himself back into his pants, his eyes on the darkness beyond the window.

Finally, he heaves a sigh. “You asked me to trust you, and let you explain. So here I am, trusting you. Now please, explain.” There’s iciness in his voice, but also something else.


I force down the painful knot growing in my throat.

And then I tell him exactly what happened.

Every last detail, delivered in a rambling, incoherent mess of words, right down to the pool cue.

“I was afraid to leave them at first, but as soon as I realized they were going to be fine, I ran out. That’s when you got there. Nothing happened.”

Some of the tension seems to have eased out of his body. “I warned you to stay away from those girls, didn’t I?”

“I know! I should have listened. I was just so upset, I couldn’t stay home. But then the second I got here, I wanted to leave.”

“And yet you ended up in the private room of a dirty biker bar, watching people fuck on a couch.”

I roll my eyes at myself. “I don’t know how these things happen to me.”

Finally, Henry chuckles.

And I can breathe again.

“If you enjoy watching, I’ll take you somewhere much better than Billy Bob’s.”

“I don’t want that!” I deny, feeling my cheeks burn.

In the darkness of the parking lot, I can just barely make out his knowing smirk. Suddenly he’s grabbing one of my thighs and pulling, until I’m sliding across the seat toward him. He reaches between my legs and without ceremony hooks his fingers around the crotch of my panties. With a swift tug, the yanks them off until they’re halfway down my thighs.

Blood instantly rushes to my exposed core.

“These are soaked, Abbi,” he murmurs.

“Because of you.”

He coaxes my legs up so he can slide them off the rest of the way. “You’ve been scared shitless since you saw me. These?” He holds them up to his nose and inhales deeply. I feel my cheeks heat. “They’ve been wet for awhile.”

“I….” How do I explain that? I guess I must have been a little turned on by what I saw? All it would have taken was imagining Henry doing those things to me while I watched. “I don’t want anyone but you.” I slide the rest of the way forward, pressing myself up to his side, my arms wrapping around his shoulders. I reach up to touch the hard lines of his jaw with my fingertips first, then my mouth.

He doesn’t make a move for me, but he also doesn’t pull away. “I believe you. You were angry with me when I got hard watching Joel and Margo.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“I got hard watching them for the same reason you got wet watching tonight. Same reason you stayed and watched your roommates with Ronan for almost two minutes before you ran out that night. I know because I’ve seen the surveillance videos. Same reason you were turned on listening to that couple having sex next to you when you were with Michael. There’s nothing wrong with it, Abbi. Not if we’re doing it together.”

I frown. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that all you have to do is ask. We need to talk about these things, openly.”

I hesitate. “Do you enjoy it? Watching, I mean?” Or was it just Margo he enjoyed?

“Watching, being watched….” He chuckles, his gaze drifting over to the drunken crowd lingering on the porch. “There’s a lot that I enjoy, Abbi. And there’s not a lot that I haven’t done at least once.”

The few times I’ve tried to talk to him about women and his past, he’s shut me down. He said he won’t talk about previous women with me. Now here he is, divulging details. Not many, but some.

Somehow his words reach down and slide right into me. My thighs tighten. “Veronica was teasing you tonight.”

“She was.”

“Did you enjoy it?”


Jealousy flares in my stomach. “Do you want her?”

“No. I want you. I want you doing that to me.”

Okay, I understand that. That’s what I’m inevitably always thinking about—what it would feel like to have Henry touch me like that, kiss me like that.

Push himself into me like that.

I swallow my nervousness. “What else do you want?”

A ghost of a smile passes over Henry’s lips. “You really want to know?”

I take a deep breath. “Yes.”

He runs his tongue along his bottom teeth, his gaze locked in the distance. Sliding out of the driver seat to the middle, he shifts my body onto his lap with ease—my back to his chest, my legs splayed on either side of his thighs. I instinctively grind my ass back against him and moan at the press of his erection against me.

But then he adjusts my body forward, out of reach of his dick. He holds me firmly in place, his warm hands running up and down my thighs, never quite reaching all the way up.

A soothing gesture.

And also torturous.

“The two walking out now.”

I frown, spotting the couple from the jukebox earlier walking down the steps, the guy’s arm hanging languidly over her shoulders. “What about them?”

“They’re going to fuck beside that rig.” He points to the transport truck parked across from us. “And you’re going to watch them.”

“No, they’re not.” I shouldn’t be surprised if they do, considering what else I’ve seen inside tonight, and yet there’s no way he could know that.

Henry chuckles. “Care to place a bet?”

“Sure. It’s your money, either way.”

He slaps my bare thigh playfully. “How about something other than money.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know, but you’ll have to agree when I come to collect.”

The vagueness of that makes me a touch nervous. There’s no doubt in my mind it’s something sexual. But this is Henry, I remind myself. I’ve never not enjoyed anything he’s pushed me to do. “If you win.”

He chuckles again. “You in?”


“Good. Now sit back and enjoy the show,” he whispers, leaning forward to catch my ear with his mouth. Unable to resist, I turn and press my lips against his. He relents, giving me a single kiss before breaking free. “Watch.”

The couple doesn’t seem to be in any rush, their pace slow, their steps a little staggered. She’s laughing at something he said, her hand pressed against his chest, those hot pink nails visible from here as they keep walking and walking… walking.

Around the back of the truck and up along the side. They stop halfway up, his arm falling from her shoulder to wrap around her waist and pull her into him for a kiss. The woman breaks free long enough to glance around her, scanning the cars across from her, including ours. She slows over ours.

I’m already still but now I freeze. “She can see us.”

“No, she can’t. It’s pitch black over here.”

The woman turns back to kiss the man some more, only this time she’s also fumbling with his belt.

“What will I make you do…,” Henry teases, and it’s like a deep purr, rumbling deep in my belly.

The woman drops to her knees. I can just barely make out the guy’s dick before she takes him in her mouth. “You could still be wrong,” I mumble, watching her head bob up and down, feeling like a pervert. The guy leans back against the truck, his hands weaving into her hair. I can’t help but lick my lips, still tasting the salt from Henry coming inside my mouth.

“You like watching them, don’t you?” Henry murmurs.

Is it wrong?


“Maybe,” I admit shyly.

Henry’s fingers curl around my skirt, pushing and tugging at the material until it’s bunched on my lap and the cool night air is chilling my sensitive skin.

I swallow against my building anticipation as his hands slip around to pull my thighs farther apart. But he doesn’t otherwise touch me yet.

I look down to see myself bared wide. “What if someone looks in?”

“We’ll see anyone before they get here. Now watch them, Abbi.”

The woman is back on her feet, pressed up against the guy and kissing him again. They both do a quick scan around them once again, and then the guy reaches down to hike the bottom of her dress up over her hips. She’s not wearing anything underneath.

I startle as a finger slides over my clit and down through my slit.

“Stay still.” He makes another pass, and then another one, and I can feel myself growing wet again.

I let out a small moan and try to adjust myself back. I want to feel Henry hard against me.

“You’re not going to do as I ask, are you?”

“I’m watching!” I insist. The couple trade places, and the woman turns to face the truck. She spreads her legs apart and bends over, her hands bracing against the truck’s frame. The faint light cast is enough to highlight her ample ass. “See? He’s getting a condom out of his wallet.”

“I see that.” Henry pushes his thumb deep inside me, drawing a gasp from my lips. “Lean forward.” I do, and he pulls his hand away, only to slide it in from behind, his long fingers easily reaching my clit again.

“If you squirm back again, it’s going to be onto this.” He prods against my tight hole with his thumb, slick from being inside me.

I flex instinctively.

“Now… watch,” he hisses, running his fingertips over my slickness again.

I affix my eyes to the couple, waiting quietly until the guy has finally managed to roll on a condom. He positions himself behind her and then thrusts up and into her. She looks over her shoulder at him but it’s too dark to see her expression. I find myself wishing I could see it.

Wishing I could feel that, only with Henry bending me up against the truck like that.

Henry groans. “Bullshit you don’t like to watch. You’re dripping.” He holds his fingers up. I can just barely see the slick coating in the dark.

“That’s because of you, not them.”

With his free hand, he pulls one strap of my tank top down, over my shoulder and down around my elbow. He does the same with the other side, and then unfastens my bra, leaving me completely topless.

I tense as I look down at myself again, basically naked except for the skirt around my waist. There are about fifty people standing around the front of the bar and the row of bikes. What if Henry’s wrong? What if they can see back here?

“Relax, they can’t see you,” Henry assures me, reaching up to slide a slick finger over my nipples a few times before shifting his hand back to my clit, though at a torturously languid pace.

“Faster,” I whisper, doing my best to forget how vulnerable I am as I watch the couple fucking beside the truck.

He usually gives me what I want but this time, instead of speeding up, he stops all together. I let out a small mewl of complaint.

And he chuckles.

I gasp as he’s suddenly pushing three fingers inside me, stretching me wide and filling me. There’s a spot deep inside that he always seems to know how to touch, massaging against it with this delicious pressure that makes me start panting and my blood start rushing. I use the dashboard to brace myself as I grind against his hand. The fact that my breasts are on display for anyone nearby is no longer in the forefront of my thoughts.

Each time I bear down on his hand, Henry’s thumb applies just enough pressure on my other entrance to make my muscles tense. Soon, I find myself wishing he’d push harder.

The guy pulls out of the woman.

“Is he done already?” I whisper.

“Doubt it. He’s drunk. He’s just getting started.” Henry slides his fingers out and pulls them backward, smearing me with sticky liquid all the way along my crack, before pushing his fingers inside me again. “Take a deep breath.” I do, and I feel the burn of his thumb slipping past the ring of muscle.

I swallow hard, waiting for my body to adjust to the intrusion. Ronan did this to me once before, but it was in the middle of sex, and I wasn’t practically naked in a parking lot of a bar watching two other people have sex.

This seems so much more intense.

Maybe because it’s with Henry.

The guy yanks the woman’s top down, letting her breasts spill out. He spends a few minutes with his face in them, while his hand rubs her between her legs. She’s pointing to a spot about twenty feet away from the truck, to where the gravel changes to grass.

Closer to us.

He nods and they stumble over to lie down together. The rig may still block them from view of the people on the bar’s porch, but they’re now in a stream of light.

I feel an odd mixture of dirtiness and thrill as she straddles his hips. She has large, heavy breasts and they bounce wildly as she starts riding him in the grass. She slows just long enough to glance around her—checking to make sure no one has wandered back here from the bar, I’m guessing—and then she starts bouncing again, this time reaching down between her legs.

“Make me come,” I hear myself whisper out loud.

“Not yet.” Henry forces his thumb in farther, countering the burn with his fingers deep inside me. I hold my breath and push against him until I can’t take it anymore, earning his hiss. “Slow down. Fuck.”

I reach down to grasp his wet hand, pushing against his fingers and grinding against him. “Please.”

I hear his sharp inhale. “Okay, Abbi.” His belt buckle starts jangling and I can’t help but turn around, wanting to catch a glimpse of his beautiful cock before it’s in me.

A dark, calculating look fills his eyes. His gaze drops to my lips and he smirks. “Admit you enjoying watching.”

I do, but I won’t admit it. Not just yet. I turn away from him to hide my smile.

The couple is changing positions again. She’s now on her back with her legs splayed out on either side of his body, and he’s lying on top of her. All I can see is his ass bobbing up and down as he thrusts into her, his pants bunched around his ankles.

Henry slips his fingers and thumb out of me, leaving me feeling oddly empty.

“Legs up,” he commands, guiding me until my knees are bent and my legs are tucked back underneath me to either side of his body. He grips my hips tight, lifting me up just enough to line up his shaft against my opening, and then he pulls me down over him. I’m so wet that my body gives no resistance, accepting him all the way in.

I let out a small cry as I grip his legs and set to grinding against his cock, reveling in the fullness of having him inside me again. It barely lasts though, before he’s seizing my hips and lifting me off him. “Lean forward.” My mouth drops open when he grasps my ass, spreading my cheeks wide apart. A moment later, cool liquid drips along my crack.

“What is that?”

“Something to help ease me in.” He shifts his hips a little to rub his smooth head against my entrance, smearing the liquid around. “Trust me?”

I swallow. This is really happening right now?



“Take a deep breath.”

With a hand gripping his cock, he starts to push me down.

It’s ten times as intense as his thumb was, going in, even with the added help of the lube.

“Okay, just relax.”

I let out a shaky laugh. “I don’t know if I can handle this, Henry.”

He answers by reaching around to start rubbing my swollen clit. “How badly do you want to come?”

“So badly,” I moan.

“Take a breath.”

I do and he inches himself a little farther into me.

I close my eyes against the burn, focusing on his fingers sliding against my clit instead. When I open them again, I find a new view of the couple, of her on her elbows and knees, her ass in the air, and him behind her, fumbling with something.

“Looks like he has the same idea.”

I watch as he tears a packet open and begins squeezing something out onto her backside.


I nod, and Henry pushes in farther.

I focus on my breathing as Henry rubs me off and we watch the drunken guy line himself up with the woman’s ass. She must have done this before because she’s already bucking against him in no time. Meanwhile, the burn inside me is just barely fading.

Henry covers himself with more of my wetness, and then whispers, “Breathe,” a moment before he pulls me down farther.

I can’t help the slight whimper.

“Just relax.” His fingers run up and down over my spine a few times, before returning to my clit. “I think they’re almost done.”

The guy is leaning over her, reminding me of those nature videos of rabbits on top of each other. A few seconds later, he slows, getting the last few pumps into her before he pulls out and flops over, onto his back.

“I doubt he even got her off.” The scorn in Henry’s voice is unmistakeable, his own fingers working relentlessly. Though, if he had wanted me to orgasm, I would have by now.

“Do you still want me to watch them?”

His hot breath trails against my spine. “Fuck them. I want you to watch us.” He reaches up to angle the rearview mirror down, until it’s reflecting a shadowy glimpse of my heavy, swollen breasts, all the way down to his fingers against my clit.

He grasps my hips, lifting me a little, only to bring me down. I gasp at the strange pleasurable pain.

I check the couple. They’re on their feet, fixing their clothing and searching the ground—I assume for the woman’s purse that she dropped by the truck. They still have no clue we were here, watching the whole time.

“It’ll be good soon, I promise.”

I rock my hips back and forth against him, acutely aware of how he’s stretching me inside. It’s not long before the pain is diminishing though, replaced by an odd pleasure. Tentatively, I pull my hips up and then gently slide back down, just an inch or so at first, then a little bit more.

Henry hisses, his hands grip my cheeks again, squeezing them almost to the point of pain. He starts helping me, rocking his hips against me, thrusting gently but deliberately. “I’ve imagined fucking your ass for months.”

My muscles tense with his words, at the thought that Henry’s been picturing this. “What does it feel like for you?”

“Fucking amazing. Tight. Sexy.” His hands grip my rib cage and he starts thrusting in and out a little harder. I’m getting wet back there, too, now. I didn’t know that was possible. I steal a glance in the mirror again, to watch my breasts bouncing like that woman’s.

Everything within that SUV is so intense and intimate that I don’t notice the two forms heading toward us until they’re only twenty feet away.

“Abigail?” Jenny calls out.

I let out a cry of frustration and start to slow, to reach for my top.

“We’re not stopping,” Henry says through gritted teeth, pinning my hands down. “Where are your keys?”

“Clipped to my purse.”

He reaches over, slowing only to hit the automatic car starter and unlock the doors on my truck. After a moment’s pause, he starts the SUV, too. “They’ll figure it out.” He tosses my purse.

This is too much. I can’t focus. “Come without me. I won’t be able to.”

“I’m not stopping until you do. Lean forward. All the way.” His hand presses down against my back, forcing me forward until my chin is resting against the dash. He pushes my skirt up. “Fuck, this view….” He hooks his hands around my thighs and picks up his pace again. I cry out at the intensity, but he doesn’t stop, thrusting hard and fast into me, as I watch Jenny and Veronica open the doors of my truck beside us and look inside.

“Are the doors locked?” I manage to get out through a gasp.

Henry hits a button and a click sounds.

“Hello?” Jenny’s knocking on the passenger side window of the Suburban now. With the truck running, there are plenty of little lights on. It’s no longer dark enough to hide completely.

She cups her eyes and looks inside.

An odd mix of exhilaration and panic set in as I hear her let out a yelp and call Veronica.


“Almost there.”

Henry’s going to come inside me. Just the thought…. That familiar tingle starts at the base of my spine and begins spreading through my pelvis and between my legs.

Henry lets out a deep, guttural cry and I feel him begin to pulse inside me, setting off my own orgasm just as the passenger door flies open. With Veronica and Jenny standing there to witness, I scream as my wall of muscles spasm around Henry’s cock, tightening against him in wave after wave of near-crippling ecstasy.

A beam of light shines on us. They’ve found the flashlight I keep in my console for emergencies.

Henry pulls my skirt down and snaps at them, “Close the fucking door.”

They do, with a slam and a round of giggles.

“I’m sorry. I guess I accidentally unlocked it instead of locking it.” His hand rubs over my bare back soothingly.

“It’s okay.” I say that, even as an edge of shame creeps along my spine.

Henry sighs. “Where do you have to drop them off?”

“Just in town.”

He grasps my hips, ever so slowly sliding me off his cock. “You lead and then follow me back to the Inn.”

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