Taunt Her: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rebels at Sterling Prep Book 1)

Taunt Her: Chapter 25

It might be two days later, but the moment when I saw the figure on that check signed by James fall from the card is on constant replay in my mind.

The second I stormed out of that restaurant, I was gone. It didn’t matter what I was wearing, I took off running even before James had a chance to try and dig himself out of the hole he’d already landed himself in.

He tries to make out like he’s the decent guy for taking us in, giving us all the things we deserve and missed out on, but the only one he cares about is her.

It should be us. He was the one who ruined our life. He’s the one who ensured we grew up without a father and with a junkie whore for a mother.

It. Is. All. His. Fault.

As I walk back into the pool house, the anger swirls in my stomach as if it happened only moments ago.

I don’t want to be back here. I want to stay in the Heights and drink and smoke myself into oblivion, but I’ve got a plan to see through to the end.

James thinks he’s winning right now. But it’s time to pull out the Ace card and send him tumbling to his fucking knees.

I make quick work of tidying the place up so it looks like I’ve made an effort. I even put a few fucking candles around the bedroom in an attempt to make it all romantic and shit. Shaking my head at myself, I cuss under my breath. I’ve never made this much effort for a girl before. Ever.

I usually give them what they need and send them on their way. But Remi is different. She needs more of a gentle touch. And after all, it is her fucking birthday.

Pulling the cake from the bag it was dropped into when I left the store, I push a couple of candles in the top. It’s not exactly a brand new car or a free ride to the college of her choice, but it’s the best I can do.

Her real present will be here tomorrow.

Conner let slip that Sarah has planned a surprise party for her here tomorrow night. Somehow she’s invited our entire fucking class without Remi finding out. Although, I’m not sure why I’m surprised, it’s not like she actually talks to any of the kids at school. Sarah’s about as oblivious to her daughter’s life as James is to what I know. At least she means well; James is just a manipulative cunt.

I shower and dress. I told Remi to meet me here after the game, knowing that everyone will be heading for the first after party at Bexley’s. Part of me wants to turn up to that thing just so I can ruin it before his eyes, but I’ve got my sights set on Remi tonight.

She boldly told me what she wanted for her birthday, and fuck me, am I going to deliver.

My cock stirs at just the thought of what tonight is going to hold. It almost makes coming back here worth it.

I slip out of the pool house ten minutes before the game is going to start. I have zero interest in football or the Seahawks, but there’s no fucking way I’m missing Cole’s first game. I might keep myself hidden in the shadows where no one else can see me, but I’ll be there, and I know he’ll know too. It’s no easy task keeping my focus on the game, though, not with the anger that’s eating me from the inside out as I stand in the darkest spot I can find.

Only a few people see me, but no one dares talk to me.

No doubt the rumors of what happened in that godforsaken restaurant is hot gossip around here. After all, no one behaves like that in a place where dinner costs more than a half-decent car in the Heights.

I shake my head. These fucking idiots don’t have a clue what real life is like.

It’s not very often I feel anything but anger, frustration, or disappointment, but as I jump on my bike to head back to the pool house to wait for Remi to appear, I swear a little excitement races through me.

It’s just because I’m going to finally have her, I tell myself. But I fear it’s more than that. And it’s that little bit of fear that has me questioning everything I’ve spent the last couple of days planning.

Remi is the main player in this game she’s unknowingly involved in, but equally she’s my biggest weakness. With one wrong—or maybe right—move, she could put an end to all of this. I have no doubt she could hold that much power over me if she really put her mind to it.

But I need to resist.

I need to fight her large doe eyes that see more in me that anyone else ever has. I need to resist her kind and encouraging words, and I need to resist her lies that she doesn’t want James’ car or money, because who in their right fucking mind would turn something like that down?

Someone who isn’t like the people of your past.

I push that little voice down and lock the door behind it. Now is not the time for doubts. Now is the time to see this motherfucker through to the final play.

As if on cue, the click of her heels on the path leading to the pool house ring out, and in only seconds she pulls the door open and steps inside.

I’m in the bedroom waiting for her. I’m too fucking impatient to wait any longer than necessary.

“Ace?” she calls, her voice quiet and unsure.


Her footsteps draw nearer, and I swear to fucking god I’m nervous for those few seconds. But all the nerves, excitement, and uncertainty fall from my head. “Fucking hell, Princess.” My chin drops and my eyes widen at the sight of her.

I know I said to dress sexy, but fuck me sideways, I was not expecting this.

She stands before me with her hair in pigtails, her natural curl twisting the ends, wearing a blue and white Seahawks cheer uniform.

“Do not tell me that’s Michaela’s.”

A shy, mischievous smile tugs at her lips as her hands come to rest on her hips. “You set me a challenge, Ace. And I do hate to disappoint.”

“You stole her fucking uniform.”

“Yeah, well, she must have a million seeing as it’s the only thing she wears, so I doubt she’ll miss it.” Remi shrugs.

“Do you have any fucking idea how sexy you are right now?”

Color stains her cheeks, spreading down her neck and onto her chest.

Before I know I’ve moved, I’ve crawled off the bed and I’m tugging on one of her pigtails. “No one else had better have seen you like this.”

“Why, Ace? Jealous?”

“Fucking right. No one sees you like this but me.” Reaching behind my head, I pull my shirt off and drop it to the floor. “I can’t fucking wait to get this off you.”

“Oh yeah? And here I was thinking you didn’t want to see me again.” She tilts her head to the side and quirks an eyebrow at me.

“That wasn’t about you, baby. That was my shit.”

“I know, I just… I needed to talk to you about it.”

“I’m sorry,” I say, sliding my hand up her neck and gripping onto her nape. Pressing my forehead to hers, I drag in a deep breath.

“I get it, Ace. If I had any idea that James—”

“Don’t,” I say, startling her. “Please, this isn’t about him,” I say a little softer, focusing on her touch rather than my festering anger. “This about us. About celebrating your birthday the proper way.”

“Oh yeah? You still want to…”

“Oh, Princess. I’ve thought of nothing else,” I lie as I grip onto her ass and lift her to my body.

Her legs wrap around my waist and her heat presses right against my already semi-hard cock.

I brush my fingers over the bare skin of her ass. “You… you’re not wearing any panties.”

“I thought it would save you a job.”

I growl, dropping my lips to the soft skin of her neck and sucking it into my mouth hard enough to leave a mark. I want her to remember this night for a long fucking time.

Throwing her down on the bed, I watch her bounce. The second she settles, she parts her legs and shows me what she’s hiding beneath her skirt.

“Ummm…” I dive for her, pushing her thighs apart, wasting no time in pressing my tongue to her clit.

She squeals, her fingers diving into my hair to pull me closer. “Oh fuck, Ace.”

“You need this, baby?”

“More than you know.”

“Are you sure about that?” Reaching up, I squeeze her breast over the fabric of her top.

“Oh god. So good.”

I want to say all kinds of dirty things to her, but my need to keep tasting her, to drive her over the edge with my tongue, to get her nice and ready for my cock is too much to resist.

I keep up the pressure on her clit and slide two fingers into her wet heat. She groans and immediately tries to suck me deeper. Greedy little bitch. Bending my fingers, I find the spot that’s sure to make her scream, and in only minutes she falls over the edge and does just that.

While she’s still coming down from her high, I pull her skirt from her hips before sitting her up and dragging her top over her head.

“You seem to have forgotten to visit all your underwear drawers tonight, huh?”

“You don’t appreciate the easier access?” she asks cheekily.

“Oh, baby. I fucking love it.”

Crashing my lips to hers, I sweep my tongue into her mouth, allowing her to taste herself and to claim her once again.

Fuck. This girl is like fucking kryptonite.

Dragging my lips from hers, I kiss down her neck next before I lick down her chest to my favorite spot.

“Accce,” she squeals when I sink my teeth into the same place I did that very first day.

She squirms, telling me that my branding her turns her on as much as it does me.

I kiss down to her breasts and her back arches in my arms as I suck her nipples into my mouth and run my tongue around them teasingly.

“Ace, please. I need more… I need… you.”

Climbing from the bed, I push my sweats down my legs and kick them off.

“I’m not sure you were in any position to comment on my lack of underwear,” she quips.

“I’m all about an easy life, Princess.” I grab a condom from the box I left in my nightstand and drop it to the bed beside her.

She stares at it and swallows nervously.

“Are you sure about this?”

“Yes,” she confirms, sounding much more confident than she looks.

“I’ll take it slow. Make sure you’re ready.”

“I’m ready. I need you.”

“Fuck. Keep talking like that and there will be no going slow.”

“I don’t care, Ace. Whatever you give, I’ll willingly accept.”

“Shit, Remi,” I mutter under my breath. How the fuck was I lucky enough to find this girl?

I realize something in that moment as I stare down at her where she’s waiting for me with her legs still wide and her chest heaving with desire. I’m going to regret what happens here for the rest of my life.

But even with that epiphany, it’s not enough to stop me setting my plan into motion.

I crawl back between her legs and rip the silver packet open with my teeth. She watches intently as I blow the bit I tore off into the room and pull the condom out. Her teeth sink into her bottom lip as she watches me roll it down my length. Her neck ripples as she swallows her apprehension about what’s to come.

Taking myself in my hand, I lean over her and take her lips. I kiss her with bruising force as I run the tip of my cock through her wet folds. She’s so fucking ready for me it has my cock weeping with the need to sink as deep inside her as I can go.

Fuck, I want to be connected to her in a way that we don’t know where I end and she begins. I want to lose everything, forget everything, as I bury myself inside her.

Dropping to her entrance, I push inside ever so slightly. Remi tenses at the invasion, but her kiss doesn’t falter as her nails scratch down my back. Her walls ripple around me and I push further, my restraint already at breaking point. She moans, and I know that what’s about to come isn’t going to be pleasant for her, but there’s no stopping it.

“Last chance to change your mind, Princess. If you have any doubts, now’s the time to say,” I whisper in her ear.

“No. No doubts, Ace. I want you to be my firrrrst.” Her final word stretches out as I thrust into her in one smooth glide. Remi tenses beneath me, her breath catching in her throat as she tries to smother the small whimper of pain.

“Fuck, don’t move,” she says, her eyes squeezed tight as the pain subsides.

She’s still for a long, painful second before her eyelids flutter open and her mesmerizing dark eyes find mine. “Okay, I’m good. Do your thing, Ace.”

I want to laugh at the determined look on her face, but I can’t, because the sensation of her pussy squeezing me impossibly tight is the only thing I can focus on.

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