Taunt Her: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rebels at Sterling Prep Book 1)

Taunt Her: Chapter 20

“We need to talk.” Hadley is waiting for me as I climb out of Conner and Cole’s car.

“Thanks for the ride,” I say. “I’ll see you later.”

“Don’t be a stranger,” Conner calls after us.

“Where the hell did you get to all weekend? And don’t feed me that ‘I was studying’ bullshit. You were not studying.” Her eyes narrow and then widen. “Holy shit, you got laid… Ace?” His name is coated in disbelief.

“Ssh,” I hiss, pulling her away from the crowd filing into school.

“You did, didn’t you? You totally gave it up to him.”

“Will you stop, already? I did no such thing.”

“But you did something?” Her brow quirks up, and I feel my cheeks flush.

“Busted! I knew it. Spill, girl. I want details. All the glorious, dirty details.”

“Who are you right now?”

Sadness flickers across her face. “Someone who hasn’t had it in far too long.”

“Hadley, we’re seniors.”

“Yeah, well some of us started young.” She shrugs as if it’s no big deal. I guess she has a point. “So… deets.”

“And then can I go to class?”

“Yes,” she shrieks with delight.

“Okay,” I glance around, checking we’re not at risk of being overheard. “I stayed over at the pool house with him… all weekend.”

“You did not.” Her lips form an O, and I nod.

“Holy crap, that’s huge. It’s huge, right?”

“Something is huge,” I smirk.

“Oh my god, you’re so bad. I love it.” Hadley claps. “So, are the two of you together or casual or…”

“We’re… us.” It’s my turn to shrug.

“What does that mean?”

“It means I don’t want to jinx it. Ace isn’t exactly the relationship type. But there’s something there, Hads.”

“And the shit with Michaela was, what exactly?”

“The equivalent of him pulling my pigtails, I guess.” The memory of him touching her leaves a sour taste in my mouth, but it wasn’t her in his bed all weekend.

“He’s probably just scared of his feelings for you. You know how crazy guys can get about stuff like that.”

“I guess.”

“Your mom is gonna freak.”

“She already did. James too. I don’t know everything that happened, but Ace moved into the pool house after he and his uncle got into it.”

“So now you can sneak in for sleepovers whenever you want.”

“You can’t tell anyone, Hadley.”

“Who am I going to tell? Oh wait,” her eyes light up, “I could tell Michaela, knock her down a peg or two.”

“Don’t you dare.” Ace is right. Going public will only paint a bigger target on my back. Besides, there’s something thrilling about the idea of sneaking around.

“My lips are sealed. Unlike yours, apparently.”


“Like you don’t love it. It’s about time you got some. You’re a catch, Remi. Don’t let anyone ever tell you any differently. Just be careful, okay?”

“Not this again,” I grumble as we finally make our way inside the building.

“I’m just saying have some fun, enjoy the perks of being with a guy like Ace,” she lowers her voice, “but don’t let yourself fall too deeply.”

“I know.” Heeding her warning would be the sensible thing to do, but Ace makes me reckless. He makes me want things.

Things with him.

“Slow and steady, I promise.” I force a smile in her direction.

Even though I’m lying to her.

And myself.

My body tingles with anticipation as I stalk the door, waiting for him to arrive.

Ace finally enters the room and everyone falls silent. Even the teacher stops and gawks. I shake my head with silent laughter.

A week later, and he still has that effect on people.

He doesn’t take the empty desk beside me. Inside he walks to the back of the room. Disappointment snakes through me, but I know I wouldn’t be able to resist him if he were next to me.

The teacher starts the lesson, and my cell phone vibrates in my pocket. I discreetly dig it out, burying it in my lap.

Ace: Are you wearing any panties?

Remi: Behave!

Ace: With you, never.

By the time the bell goes, I’m a tight ball of restless energy. I slip out of the room and melt into the stream of bodies. Ace passes me, his low whisper hitting me right in the stomach.

“Tonight,” he whispers, “leave your window—“

“There you are.” Michaela’s dulcet tone rakes up my spine. “I was hoping we could hang out at lunch.”

Forcing myself to move around them, I head for my locker, watching the two of them out the corner of my eye. Michaela is in her full cheer outfit, complete with a Seahawk blue bow in her high ponytail. She looks so sweet and innocent, like butter wouldn’t melt. I know she’s all salt and acid, though.

Her eyes flick to mine and she shoots me a wicked grin, making a show of curling a perfectly manicured hand around Ace’s arm.

And I hate it.

“Hey,” Hadley says as she reaches me. “What is… oh. What’s that all about?”

“I have no idea.”

“And you’re okay with that?”

“Of course I’m not okay with it, but what can I do?” Ace isn’t encouraging her, but he isn’t exactly pushing her away either.

Pulling out my cell phone, I type a message to him.

Remi: Should I wear my old cheer outfit later?

Ace’s lip curls as he scans the text.

Ace: Jealousy looks good on you, Princess. Maybe you should steal your step-sister’s outfit and I’ll eat you out in it later?

Heat floods me as I glance over at him. He’s watching me, his eyes dark and hooded, as if he’s imagining doing just that.

“Yeah, you’re doing a great job of being discreet.” Hadley chuckles, snapping me out of it. “Good luck with that.”

We head for our next class, and all I can think about is whether or not I should break into the girls’ locker room later.

The rest of the day isn’t much different. Me and Ace text back and forth, teasing one another with promises of things to come. There’s a constant queue of girls all vying for his attention: Michaela, Lylah, even some brazen juniors follow him around, batting their eyes and pouting their lips. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me jealous, but I know it’s not their bodies he’ll be touching tonight.

Conner is waiting for me when I exit school. “Princess.” Her smirks. “Your chariot awaits.”

“Is Cole at practice?”

He nods. “So it’s just you and me.”

“I can hardly wait.” I roll my eyes playfully as I climb inside.

“So you and my brother, what’s up with that?”

My spine stiffens. Conner likes to tease me, but usually Ace and Cole are around to rein him in.

“You should ask him.”

He chuckles. “Is that your way of saying you have no fucking idea?”

“We haven’t labelled it.”

“You know my brother doesn’t date, right?”

I’m not sure what we’re doing constitutes dating—that would involve leaving the bedroom, which we never do.

But I don’t want Conner to know that.

“He took me for pizza,” I say, instantly realizing how dumb it sounds.

“Yeah, I heard all about your little trip to the Heights. Dumb move, if you ask me.” Conner puts his foot down on the gas the second we’re off campus.

“Do you have a problem with me?” I ask.

“Nah, we’re good. I’ve just never known my brother so worked up over a chick. Not even Kelsey—“

“Who is she?”

“You know about Kelsey?”

“Cruz mentioned her.”

“Cruz? You’re even starting to sound like him.”

“I’m not…” The words dry on the tip of my tongue.

“Look, if you two want to bump uglies, that’s none of my business, but I know Ace, and he always has a motive. And you seem like a nice girl, Remi. I’d hate for you to end up hurt.”

My eyes narrow as I try to figure out if he’s being sincere. “So this little TED talk, it’s for my benefit?”

Conner shrugs, running a hand down his face. “Just watch your back. It’s obvious you like him.”

“So what if I do? Is that such a crime?”

“Ace is never going to change. The Heights is in his blood. You don’t just leave that behind because you go and get yourself a prep school princess.”

His words hurt, but I don’t let him see it. Gazing out of the window, I swallow down the building tears.

I know Ace is a dark soul. I know he’s done things—scary, inexcusable things. But I also see the boy carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. He’s tough because he’s had to fight to survive. He’s cruel because no one taught him how to love. And he’s cold because it’s easier than letting people in.

We ride the rest of the way in thick silence. Conner’s words weigh heavily on my heart because I know there’s some truth to what he’s saying. Society will never accept Ace, and they’ll always frown at a girl from Sterling Bay being with the boy from Sterling Heights.

But I don’t see things so black and white. I see all the shades of grey.

I see Ace

And none of it changes how I feel about him.

Even if it’s foolish.

Even if it makes me a stupid girl blinded by a wolfish grin and a body made for sin.

Conner rolls to a stop alongside my house. “Listen, I’m sorry if I overstepped. I just don’t want my brother to end up doing something he’ll regret, and I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“I appreciate your concern,” I say as I shoulder the door. “But maybe you should have a little bit more faith in Ace. People can change, Conner. But you need to give them a chance to.”

“Shh.” Ace covers my mouth with his hand as he works his fingers underneath my tank top. It’s the third night this week he’s climbed through my bedroom window. We spend our days pretending we’re nothing to each other, saving our truths for moments like this, in the cover of darkness and safety of silence.

“God, I missed these.” He lifts my tank, dropping his head to my breasts, licking and squeezing, nipping and stroking. Ace only has to touch me and I melt.

“You only saw them two nights ago.” Last night he couldn’t come. James insisted the four of them go out to celebrate Cole’s spot on the team. Ace hadn’t wanted to go, but he did because despite what people think about him, he always puts his brothers first.

I never told him what Conner said to me, and he hasn’t mentioned anything, so I’m guessing his brother didn’t come clean about our conversation. I still ride with them, but it’s not the same. Conner looks at me with disappointment in his eyes, and I reflect it back at him. He thinks I’m foolish for believing Ace can change, and I think he’s an asshole for believing his brother can’t.

“I almost stabbed Lylah today. ‘I’d love you to help me with the assignment, Ace,’” I mock. “Thirsty bitch.”

His hand slides up my throat, pinning me to the bed. “God, I fucking love it when you get jealous.” Ace stares down at me, eyes full of fire. He works his hand down my body and dips a finger inside me. I inhale a sharp breath at the sudden intrusion. “One day, that’ll be my cock. I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around me, squeezing me.”

“God, Ace…” My eyes roll as he begins dragging his thumb over my clit with so much pressure I don’t know whether to scream at him to stop or cry for him to continue.

Lowering his face to mine, he watches me intently. I’ve noticed it’s something he does now. As if he can’t quite believe I’m here. As if he’s expecting me to disappear at any second.

His intensity is overwhelming, but I’m addicted to the rush.

“More,” I beg. “I need…”

“Ssh, Princess.” He drags his tongue up my cheek. “I know what you need,” another finger enters me, “and I’m going to give it to you. Come on my fingers, Remi, baby.”

His dirty words make me shatter, waves of pleasure crashing over me. I cry out as he doesn’t let up, but he swallows my moans, pushing his tongue deep into my mouth.

“Fuck, you’re so fucking sexy.” He strokes my face, planting tiny kisses all over my lips. “I can’t get enough of you.” His expression darkens, and he shifts his gaze away from me.

“Ace, what is it?” I slide my hand against his stubbled jaw.

“Nothing. I’m just thinking I’m an asshole for not taking you anywhere.”

I rear back. “You want to take me somewhere?”

“Well, isn’t that what girls what? To go out?”

“I like what we do just fine.” But I can’t deny the butterflies taking flight in my tummy.

“Don’t look so worried, Princess, I’m not suggesting we go to some stuck-up rich people’s place. But we could hang with Cruz and D.”

“You want to take me to hang out with your friends?”

“Fuck, I don’t know… I’m just saying we don’t always have to do this…” His eyes are wild, clouded with uncertainty, and it’s so cute seeing him like this.

“Is the big bad Ace Jagger asking me out on a date?”

“I don’t date, Princess.”

“Will you pick me up from my house and bring me home at the end of the night?”

He nods, his Adam’s apple bobbing nervously.

“Then,” I grin, “it’s a date.”

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