Tattooed Luna by Mrs Smith

Chapter 41

Chapter 0041

“Did you invite the Midnight Moon pack to the kids party?” Dad asked.

“I did. It was the polite thing to do.”

“How st upid could you be? His son has threatened Kristen!” Colt blew up.

“Don’t forget who you are talking to!” An n shrieked.

“AN N!” Dads voice boomed. “This is serious. He threaten to challenge whoever is mated

to Kris. This is a

big f ucking deal!”

“Who knows, maybe he will be her mate. Plus, she wanted out of here so badly, go be with

him. I hear he

travels a lot. Besides, having a firm mate will be good for her”-

The room was quiet. Everyone’s jaws dropped. I’m not sure what happened. I was looking

out the window one second and the next… I had walked up to An n, looked her in the face

and slapped her as hard as I possibly could. Arms wrapped around me instantly and pulled

me back. No one comforted An n. She was on the floor bleeding but Colt stood between


I wasn’t fighting whoever was holding me but my fangs and claws were out, ready for a

fight. “An n, go to the hospital and get checked out. I command you to not tell a soul what

happened.” Dad sighed as he didn’t move from his seat. An n got up and left the room


Only after she was gone, did dad stand up and walked in front of me. He put his hands on

either side of let go. I felt my face and looked at me. “Calm down. Breathe.” Dad nodded

as whoever was holding me him taking a few steps back before dad put his arm around

me and sat me in An ns seat. Looking over, it was Ace that stopped me. His eyes were slits

as he stared at the ceiling.

“Nothing we can do now.” Dad muttered

“It will start a war and we need to play nice. See what his next move is. They are a wild

card.” Alpha Marc


“We are bigger than him!” Jasper cracked his knuckles.

“We don’t want a war. We need to play this correctly. So far, it was just talk. He violated

the treaty by

going Into

your shop. I’ll call Alpha Rip and have a word with him “dad sighed.

“What about Kristen’s safety?” Colt started.

“He isn’t going to school. Keep doing what your doing. So far, other than threatening to

challenge her mate, he hasn’t threatened her.” Dad started.

Dad! No! She can’t go to school!” Colt continued on..

“I can and I will.” The room froze as they looked at me.

“I’ll accept your protection but I will not allow him to stop my life. I will not hide out in my

room like a scared little girl. No, I am an Alpha female, daughter of Alpha Brian and I will

not be scared so easily.” My voice sounded much more sincere than my heart felt.

“Kris, think about this.” Ace pleaded.

*I have. You guys have no idea what it’s like for a girl. Everyday we are S**ualized, treated

like dirty

because we aren’t as strong. I am not the lay down and take it type of person. I will not

allow him to think

he can get away with being inappropriate to me. He will not have that affect on me. I will

gladly die before

I allow an

any man to think he is above me!” Slamming my fist down, dads desk cracked down the


I could tell they weren’t happy but I didn’t give them a choice. “If he threatens her safety,

she stays put.”

Ace stood up like he had any say in any of this.

“I don’t think it’s her safety we need to watch out for. It’s the physical aspect that is in

question.” Alec

spoke up.

Ace puffed out his chest like it is a competition. Alec responded and stood up too. “Either

is none of you concern. Last I checked, she was still a member of this pack.” Ace stated.

“For now.” Alec was taller so Ace had to look up.

Mrs. Smith Author

Thank you all for reading! I will be busy tonight to I released the chapter earlier, so you

didn’t have to wait!


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