Tattooed Luna by Mrs Smith

Chapter 25

Chapter 0025

“So much!” I smiled big at him. I looked out the window as everyone was talking loudly


“That was really impressive shot work!” Jasper yelled at me.

Turning around, I had opened my mouth to respond but the yellow eyes running toward us

caught my attention. “COLT!!!! ROGUES!” Right has it was out of my mouth, the rogue

smashed into the vehicle. There was enough forced that the SUV fl*pped on its side. The

passenger side slid a ways till it rammed

into a tree. I felt the broken glass pepper my b*dy as my ribs protested.

Something warm trickled down my face but my adrenaline started pumping. A rogue was

trying to rip the windshield out. Thankfully, I managed to get my feet up and land a kick

right to its nose, forcing it back. As quickly as possible, my wolf came forward. Shifting

into a beautiful silver beast. Her name was Sierra and she was fierce. From what I could

see, all the rogues were not as rabid as I would expect. They

weren’t foaming at the mouth but their actions were wild.

Some of the guys made it out and had started fighting. The rogue that was coming after

me had lunged. Sierra dodged the attack before jumping on his back. Bitting’ down on his

shoulder, she ripped a huge

chunk of flesh away from the bone. Blood coated her mouth as his howls of pain caressed

her ears. As

she was about to go in for the kill, absolutely massive pitch black wolf came over and

snapped his neck. Sierra was not impressed. Almost to the point that she wanted to nip at

the black wolf. Her eyes didn’t

get to linger long.

More rogues had shown up. Emmy was just as fierce as the guys but Jacob’s woman

looked scared. Sierra pushed her behind a tree and stood guard. Colt was fighting two

rogues but seemed to be doing. okay. The wolf who I knew as Jacob was playing with his

rogue and Ace had his kill and was looking

around for more. I assumed the stu pid other black wolf was Alec as his movements were

as precise as

he was. Sierra was slightly drooling over his wolf. I assumed the other one was Jasper and

he was

looking around too. It looked like we had got them all or was finishing it. They f ucked with

the wrong


Finally, the rogues were killed. Colt shifted back and opened the back of the SUV. Pulling

out a duffle bag, he tossed me two shirts before handing out shorts. Emmy and I went

behind a tree and shifted back. The t

-shirts were massive and covered the main parts but I still felt exposed.

“You okay?” I asked the chick Jacob brought with us. Her tiny figure was crouched down as

if trying to

look like the dirt she was laying in. Two leaves covered her face.

“I-i t-think so.” She was shaking as she was going into shock.

“Come on.” Helping her stand, Emmy and I walked her over to the SUV and sat her down.

Her back was

“S hit, you okay?” Jacob came over and looked concerned.

“She is going into shock.” Frowning, there wasn’t much I could do for her here.

“Cr ap.”

“Injuries?” Colt yelled.

“Ice is bleeding.” Jacob looked at me. Touching my temple, I felt the stickiness of blood.

“S hit, Ice, you got glass every where.” Ace had come over and examined me. His hands

grabbed my

shoulders and forced my head upwards to his.

“There are tweezers in the first aid kit.” Colt yelled. Sighing, I sat down on a turned over


“I’m not getting service. I’m going to run ahead and get help. Are you guys okay?” Colt


“Colt, you can’t go alone.” I was scared there was more out there. Pushing Ace away, I

leaned around him

to look at Colt. His phone lit up his face as he tried to look for a signal.

“I’ll go too.” Ace sighed as he reluctantly handed over the first aid kit to Jasper. I saw his

eyes twitch to


Colt and Ace took off running. “I’ll do it.” Alec sighed. Emmy had been bitten on her ankle

and was

struggling to stand. Jasper was looking between us so when Alec said he would take over,

a clear relief

filtered across his face.

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