Tattooed Luna by Mrs Smith

Chapter 23

Chapter 0023

“Are we in a place I can joke with you and not get punched?” Jasper asked.

“Yeah, you’re good. Emmy is basically my sister so by extension, you can be my brother-


“So does that mean I get to use your brains too?” Jasper asked in a joking but serious way.

“HA! You wish!” It felt good to joke around and relax. Colt reached over and squeezed my

shoulder. Taking a deep breath, I nodded at him and smiled. It was our own language.

You twins are something else. Its like you have your own language.” Jasper noted

“You have no idea! It gets weird.” Jacob spoke for the first time.

“How?” I asked, looking back.

“It’s like you know what each other think without the mind-link. He can take one look at

you and know or

vise versa.” Jacob crossed his arms.

“Jealous I have a better connection with Colt than you?” Giving him a concerned playful

look, Jacob

looked sick.


We all were laughing when the SUV pulled into the club. It was still early so there wasn’t a

lot of people

here yet.

The bouncer nodded to use as we passed and went straight up to the VIP room. A waitress

by the name

Denise came over to get our drinks. 1

“What would you guys like today?”

“Jack Daniels on the rocks” I said, the thought of it made my mouth water.

“Miller bottle” Jacob said.

“Vodka and cranberry” Emmy piped up.

“Whiskey too.” Colt said

“Make that three” Alec said but was looking around and not really paying attention.

“Jim beam and sprite” Jacob said un a very flirty way. Denise even blushed.

“Whatever beer is on tap.” Ace muttered.

“Got it. Be right back.”

“Hey, Alec. Why is Alpha Marc so interested in Ice’s brains?” Jacob gave no s hit and we

could always

count on him starting the conversations.

“He was surprised by the fact she does all she does and then opening challenged Angela.

Not many girls

care about that in our pack.”

“S hit, all we have are whiny prissy girls that cry when a nail breaks.” Jasper got a

disgusted look on his


“Can we not talk about me?” I said in a more annoyed tone than I intended. Jacob had the

sense to drop

his head like he was getting scolded. My aura didn’t come out but it was showing itself.

“Sorry, Ice.” Jacob muttered.

“No worries.” It was hard to cut out the annoyance in my voice.

“What does our schedule look like these next few weeks?” Ace asked.

“Well, we have our birthday party on Friday. The challenge on Saturday. The following

Saturday is prom

and then the week after that is the carnival.” Colt said.

“Spelling bee is Tuesday after school but we dont have to go to that.” I added in.

“Did you turn in the words?” Ace asked.

“Yeah, they were all approved. We should be good to go. Polly finished my to-do list so I

got left is the


“And that is all yours.” Colt smirked at me.

“Gee, thanks!” It was sarcastic but I was smiling.

“Here we go!” Denise put our drinks in front of us.

“Might as well make me another one.” I said as I took a large gulp.

“Will do!” Denise swayed her hips as she walked away, leaving Jacob to break his neck


“Jacob, your hopeless” Emmy laughed.

“What can I say, I’m a ladies man!” Jacob cracked his knuckles like he was getting ready

to enter a fight. More and more people started filtering in. The boys were talking about

fighting stances so I maneuvered out of the booth and stood at the balcony. Looking down,

I could see the whole club.

“Here is a refill!” Denise came out of nowhere right as my drink was empty.

“Perfect, keep it coming.” It was hard for us to get drunk but we could ride out a buzz


“You okay, gir!?” Emmy came and stood by me.

“Oh yeah. These drinks are going down smoothly.”

“Yes they are! “Emmy started swaying her hips to the music.

“Colt thinks I should wear the red dress.” We had to yell as the music was getting loud.

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