Tattooed Luna by Mrs Smith

Chapter 14

Chapter 0014

“Oh, I don’t know. Around 11:30ish?” Emmy tried to remember, that wasn’t far off from

when he dropped

me off. “Why?”

“No reason, just curious why he was so pis s y.”

“Who knows.”

“What do you want to do today?” I asked as I yawned and sat up.

“Any tattoos today?” Emmy asked.

“This afternoon I do. Nothing this morning.”

“Good, lets go shopping for a dress tonight and a dress for your birthday party!” Emmy

looked way too

excited. 1

“Oh joy. Can’t wait!” I said sarcastically. Getting out of bed, I tested my range of motion. It

was better but

still tender. My phone dinged so I grabbed it as I made my way to the bathroom. Looking

at it, I had two


Ace: hey, how are you feeling today?

Alec: sorry about last night.

Hmm, not ready to dive into that. Instead, my hair needed attention. My energy level was

low so putting it

in a messy bun and grabbed joggers and a crop top, I was ready to go.

“Very attractive.” Emmy said as she looked me up and down.

“I tired” grabbing my purse, we headed out. 1

“I’m so excited!” Emmy squealed.

As we got to the lobby, Colt, the gang and dad were there. I was excited to see then but

then An n stepped

out from the kitchen. (1

“Where do you think you are going?” An n spit out.

“Shopping for a birthday dress.” I answered honestly.

“There has been an increase of rogue attacks. Maybe a guy should go with you girls.” Dad

said looking concerned.

“They will be fine. She needs something nice to wear.” A nn gave me a look as she

assessed my outfit.

“Maybe I can go for a bit?” Colt suggested.

“We don’t need protection.” I said annoyed. “I have the same training as them.”

“Emily…” An n said her name in a disgusted tone, “might. Her now pack will be upset if

she gets hurt under

our watch.”

I really hated her. “She’s not wrong. Alpha Marc did the right thing about Angela.” Colt

agreed to my


“Ace will go with them.” Dad said finally

My heart sank. I was wanting some space. “Sure.” Ace was leaning against the door

frame. His eyes

instantly went to mine as he spoke.

“Let’s go.” Emmy said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door.

“I’m driving.” Ace said as he got into his own sports car. Emmy automatically got in the

back, leaving me

the front seat. Awesome…

“To the mall!” Ace nodded as he stepped on the peddle. Emmy’s phone rang. As she

talked on the phone,

it left us alone.

“You didn’t answer my text.” Ace said in the mind-link.

“Sorry, Emmy was forcing me to get out of bed. I’m feeling okay. Still sore but not bad.”

“You been avoiding me.” It was a statement, not a question.

“You’re putting too much thought into it.” I had to resist the urge to bit my fingernails 1

“Stop lying. You only started acting this way after Alec showed up. Is there something

going on there?” He sounded annoyed.

“No! Yes, no. Its not Alec it’s the fact I will be 18 soon and the reality is just sinking it. We

may not be mates and if we aren’t, what happens if he thinks there is anything romantic

between us.”

“How do you feel about me?” Ace asked in a tone I couldn’t read.

“I mean… Your a great friend. We had an agreement, it was only make out sessions and

that’s it. No feelings and if one of us caught feelings, we were suppose to end it. Do you

have feelings?” I’m not sure I wanted to hear what I already knew.

“You dam n well know I do.” He is full on anger now.

Thankfully Emmy got off the phone and started asking me questions. “What kind of dress

do you want?”


“This is a black tie event. Well, that is until 11 when the party starts!” I looked back and

smiled at her.

“Exactly. I want an all black number with sparkle.” Emmy showed a sweetheart or just

strapless dress

with her fingers.

“I’m not sure I have a preference. Just something I can dance in.”

“Well, it better now be too trashy or Luna An n will have a fit.” Emmy rolled her eyes. “So

do it!”

“Ha! I was actually thinking of showing up in a scarlet red dress. Just to stand out and

make a statement.”

Emmys eyes got wide. “That would make a statement.”

We had just pulled into the parking lot. “Or maybe a white dress?”

“No, save that for your Luna Ceremony.”

“Luna ceremony? Did you forget Colt is older and taking the spot?”

We got out of the car and started walking in. Ace stayed behind us. “I still think you will be

mated to an

alpha. Preferably Alec so we can still live in the same pack!”,

“I highly doubt I am mated to him. No, my luck I will be stuck in this pack for the rest of

my life.”

Ace held the door open for us as we walked in. “I’m sure your mate will want to travel!”

Emmy tried to

back peddle. My eyes glanced over at Ace who had a frown on. If I was mated to him, he

couldn’t travel

with me but he also told me he wouldn’t keep me here if I was. Though, he wouldn’t let An

n hit me



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