
Chapter 425

425–Her Ugly Creatures


“Every–fucking–time–you–show up–you bring nothing but bad news,‘ she hissed, delivering one blow after another while caught mid–transition between her forms. She didn’t let her wolf out entirely because how else will she yammer her nonsense. I had been dodging her hits nonstop and I could tell that was angering her.

“I should have believed my wolf and killed you that day properly,” she hissed as she recalled the day she had pushed me off the cliff.

She was blaming me for all her misery. Of course, I expected this. I had been foolish to protect her, even after all her attempts to destroy my life.

As she lunged at me again, I sidestepped, sweeping my claws in a smooth arc. They crackled with energy as they cut through the air, grazing her shoulder and leaving a trail of blood. She howled, her wolfish snarl twisting into something almost human with pain. But she didn’t slow down. She charged at me, over and over.

I dodged her strikes with precision, each one met with the power I wielded a force far greater than hers. Greater than anything she could ever hope to become.

The rain poured harder now, drenching us both, turning the road into a slick, treacherous surface. Thunder rumbled overhead as the storm unleashed its full wrath. But even nature’s fury seemed small compared to the energy swelling inside me.

“And what about you? You played your part in wrecking my life. You tried to steal someone who was never yours to begin with,” I growled, watching her eyes widen.

“He was always mine and always will be!” she screamed. She swiped at my chest, but I slashed hers first a horizontal blow that left her stunned.

If I had aimed just a few inches higher, she’d be bleeding out on the ground right now. I could see the realization dawning in her eyes.

Daphne lunged once more, but this time, I stood my ground. I planted my feet firmly and braced myself. As soon as her claws got close enough, I released everything I had been holding back.

A violent surge of power exploded from me, a crackling wave of raw energy. I drove my claws into her stomach and shoved her backward. Daphne tumbled across the road, crashing into the unforgiving pavement.

For a moment, the world went still. The rain fell in heavy sheets, and lightning flashed in the distance, illuminating her crumpled form. Slowly, she shifted back into her human shape, her breath ragged, her body bruised and broken.

But even then, she glared up at me, defiant. Blood dripped from the corner of her mouth as she struggled onto her knees. Her eyes no longer glowing – still burned with the same hatred, the same desire to destroy me.

“Ever since you came into our lives–you’ve ruined everything,” she stammered, spitting blood. Her hand clutched her wounded stomach.

“If you had just left me alone-,” I shook my head at her in disbelief. I never wanted harm for anyone.

They couldn’t expect me to do nothing while they kept attacking. At some point, even a baby would fight back.

“Ha!” she scoffed, her breath ragged. “You think that’s all there is for me?” she sniffled, slowly lying down on the road.

“Nora! Are you okay?” The brothers had arrived. Ryker was still missing, but with her so badly injured, I was sure he’d be able to escape the weeping guardians.

“I’m fine,” I reassured them as Cain approached, gently cupping my face in his hands to check on me. I let him.

“You need to stop putting yourself in dangerous situations,” Silas added, holding my hand to check my pulse. I was shocked to see him join the team.

“I’m really fine,” I said, rolling my eyes, though I wasn’t being snarky- just playful and grateful.

“If she had hurt you–I would’ve killed her entire family,” Nash growled.

As soon as he came into view, Daphne lifted her head, her eyes filling with tears.

“Isn’t it sweet?” she sniffled again, tears finally rolling down her cheeks as Nash hugged me quickly, showing how much he cared.

Our attention shifted back to her as she managed to stand, though she looked broken and utterly defeated.

“Two lovers, reunited so tenderly,” she laughed bitterly. “I was right. He left me for you.”

There was a sarcastic smile on her face, but she was crying hysterically.

“I tried everything,” she choked out. “I even tried to become like you, tried to get rid of you, but it turns out, these assholes knew the whole time. They just played along to keep you safe. Why? Why do you need protection? You can save yourself, but no! Poor little Nora has to get all the attention,” she mocked me, though I didn’t sound anything like that.

“I’ve told you this before,” Nash stepped forward, avoiding his brothers‘ eyes. “You were comparing yourself to the wrong person. You can never replace Nora in my life.”

“Is it because she’s sweet, kind, carefree? What if she was touched by malice? What if she became the ugly version of herself? And everyone who comes into contact with her becomes a target? How about that?” she asked in a flat tone, but a smirk started to creep onto her lips.

I wondered what she was planning.

“Creatures, make Nora one of you,” she ordered.

Her command was met with immediate obedience as the creatures began to reappear behind her.

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