Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

Chapter 20

“There he is,” Maynard spotted Thiago before us. We rushed over to him and found him in his pants on ly. His shirt had been ripp
ed apart due to what seemed like to be transition and the fight he had with the others.
“Is he breathing?” Lazlo asked getting near Thiago. He was grunting and groaning, even coughing and this dude was focusing o
n the breathing.
“No! that‘s a volcano
erupting from inside him,” Maynard glared at him for being silly. The two knelt down with him and supported his body to sit him str
His handsome face was covered in marks and blood. His black hair was all messy and the crystal gray of his eyes was shining.
“Are you alright?” I ignored the two and sat down in front of him. I know the others were once again passing me quizzical stares
but my attention was stuck on Thiago.
They were focusing too much on my every little action to the point that they started to bother me with their stares.
“Thiago!” I whispered his name to get his attention. He raised his face and our eyes met, he was suffer ing from the wounds.
“We should take him home,” Maynard suddenly spoke up, breaking our eye contact as he wrapped Thi–
. ago‘s arm over his shoulder. Lazlo did the same and soon they had him on his feet.
We rushed out before we could cross paths with Argo. I had no clue what broke down this fight but all i know is that I was hurting.
My mate was in pain and it was aching my soul too.

We carried him back to our room without getting caught and laid him down on the bed. Now we had more concerns developing.
“Does anyone have medicine?” Lazlo inquired indirectly from me.
“You guys don‘t have any?” I asked instead of responding to him. I didn‘t bring anything with me when I was kicked
out. Even when I received my stuff, there was a lot missing.

“We are Alphas, we don‘t walk around with an aid box,” Maynard scoffed ignorantly.
“That‘s why you are now asking an Omega for
help,” I said under my breath. The two were so con cerned that they didn‘t feel like arguing with me.
We weren‘t going to heal that quick because the rogues had fired some arrows laced with wolfbane at him. He was in a pretty m
essed up condition. The arrow was shot from the back of his shoulder.
“That arrow,” I pointed out one that was still sticking around his shoulder. We hadn‘t been able to pull that one out, it was just ma
king us uneasy.
‘azlo gestured at
“We need to take it out. It is silver and laced with Wolfbane. A very deadly coi Maynard to help him hold Thiago in a sitting positio
“Let me help too,” I rushed ahead and sat in front of Thiago. Maynard was in the process of giving him support when I took over.
I was also ignoring the two as they kept noticing my concern for Thiago.
“I will try to pull it out, you hold him still. Once the
arrow is out, put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding,” Lazlo told Maynard, whose first reaction was to look around for so
mething to hold it against his wound.
“Here!” without any hesitation, I took
off my shirt. I can‘t believe I did that. I was wearing a crop top un derneath with a deep cleavage but it didn‘t bother me at that tim
I was so deadly concerned about Thiago that my own condition mattered nothing to me. Maynard
clearea nis throat wnen snatching the shirt from me and Lazlo kept his eyes at Thiago‘s shoulder.
‘They need to hurry up. This needs to
be done quickly, Nia interrupted and stole my attention. I had a feeling she had something to say but I didn‘t interact with her for

“On the count of three,” Lazlo said in a bland tone, “1, 2 an–—,” Lazlo
pulled the arrow out before he had even counted to three. The pressure and the pain Thiago felt were so much that he grabbed
me and hugged me tightly.
I know he was not in his senses and unintentionally he was now hugging me and putting all the pres sure on my body. I noticed t
he others have gone silent. It took me a second to turn my face
and look at Laz lo, he was staring at my face with a mixture of emotions.
As for Maynard, I found him getting up from the bed and walking behind me, from where I couldn‘t see his face anymore.
Either they were acting weird now or I was just noticing too much detail.
It was all unclear to me.
As for Thiago, his touch
was strong and firm but full of feelings. My body being pressed against his was a comfort I have not felt in ages.
him back so that we can treat his wound,” Maynard told Lazlo, who didn‘t wait for a split second and tucked Thiago away from m
| awkwardly stood up from the bed and felt a hard push to the side from Maynard, knocking me out of Thiago‘s sight.
“What? go ahead and do whatever you do around this time,” Lazlo raised his voice and eyed me to let them be.
I listened to them and ended up walking into the bathroom. I wore a shirt to cover my body while they were ailing him outside.
They are both very sexy when they are pissed off,‘ Nia said with a hint of triumph in her voice.
‘I don‘t get it. What are they so angry about?‘ I asked her since she must have felt something more than what I felt

‘They were heating up, of course. You are their mate and you were in
the arms of Thiago. Don‘t you think that will affect them?‘ her statement was true, they must but why is it even a case with them?
– 11.
‘Maybe you are forgetting they didn‘t even want to talk about the mate bond with us. They are ashamed of being seen with me. I
rolled my eyes at how they have avoided the topic and now all of a sud den, they are all about mate bond:
‘Fine, let‘s forget about them. Tell me how you felt being so close to Thiago?‘ I saw that coming from miles apart.
‘It was weird,’ I commented,
‘How so?‘ she asked curiously. I know she felt a lot, she just wasn‘t sure how I was going to define that feeling,
‘It was like the whole
world is on fire and the only comfort I can find is in his a la place filled with fire, his body felt like a cold and cozy heaven,‘ I finish
ed after recalling his scent.
‘I felt the same, she agreed.
I wondered how It will feel like to be in the arms of my other mates?
But that worry was for some other day because I had to go out and check up on Thiago.
senses now.
“But what happened? Please don‘t tell us you got yourself in trouble with those powerful villains?” It was Maynard not ready to he
ar otherwise.
“They attacked me first. I was just on a run to calm myself down,” Thiago‘s voice was raspy and deep as always.
“Did anyone who saw you get out alive, who can tell Argo about you?” Lazlo questioned in hopes of hearing a good news.
“You think I left anyone alive there?” The cocky tone Thiago used met with an eye roll from me.

“That‘s good, I guess then we are somewhat fine,” Maynard let out a sigh of relief but I don‘t know how long this issue will stay
under the rug.
As far as I have heard about Argo, he would look for the ones who wiped his army of crazy villains clean.
“I am starving,” Thiago then let out a sigh while resting his head back against the wall.
“I will go get you some food,” Maynard staggered up on his feet but when walking past me, he elbowed me purposely.
Tignored him because how much can I argue with an Alpha.who has a mentality of a four–year–old?
“I will go change,” Lazlo lowered his face, scrutinizing at the blood on his shirt. As he walked past me, he shoved me to the side ru
I remained calm because right now was not the time to get into an argument with them. I had my eyes on Thiago, I wanted to mak
“Are you alright?” | asked, expecting a shut down from his side.
“Aha! Do I not look fine?” instead of being grumpy and rude, he was super soft with me this time.
“I got so worried
when I heard you have gone missing,” his response had given me enough courage to sit in the bed with him and speak to him cal
“I knew you were there in the woods with them. You really came there to look for me?” the crystal in his eyes made me wonder wh
Is it blue?
Is it gray?
Or perhaps a mixture of both of them.
Such a pretty pair of eyes he had with a sharp jawline and handsome features.
“You know what lurks around in the woods at this time, you still accompanied them?” he asked again, being very polite.
I don‘t know if it was the medicine or the pain he was feeling that he wasn‘t beii
essive with me.
“I had to come or else my wo—“| stopped but he knew I was going to mention my wolf.

“Thank you,” he whispered, making me raise my face and stare at his gorgeous face for a moment.
“For what?” I inquired in a soft tone. My heart was doing all sorts of flips inside my chest.
“For lending your shirt and your arms to me,” he tilted his face while he examined my reaction and a sweet smile covered his lips

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