Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

Chapter 14

We have returned to our rooms a few minutes ago and the boys hadn‘t stopped talking about the whole incident. It was a good th
ing since I got to see what I was dealing with.
“They should have made her reject one way before they started this twisted three-
way thing,” Lazlo commented while looking through his closet for a clean shirt for the morning class.
“Why does one need a mate anyway.” Thiago
shook his head in disbelief, ‘There are other things to do than to fall in love with your mate and then spend the rest of the life tryin
g to tail them around,” He scoffed, giving me an idea that he was not at all in favor of having a mate. –*
So, I guess it will be easy to decide which one to reject. ...
“Actually, I don‘t know why they made such a huge fuss about it. They could have just done it together,” and then Maynard added
his two cents. I was so happy that at least he wasn‘t my mate.
It would have been hell if Maynard was one of the mates I had. He was truly into some weird kinks that I was not into
“Anyway, she did him dirty. She should have been punished instead of him getting mocked and rejected in
public,” Lazlo was a bit aggressive, that‘s all I could learn about it.
“No need to get punished, they could have just made her do with them at the same time. That would have been the best revenge
,” once again, Maynard explained why he acts so messy. His brain functioned differently, I bet. He cared about fun and entertain
ment at the expense of others.
“I don‘t know. I would have reacted even violently.” Lazlo shrugged his shoulders. I was sitting in my bed in awkward silence and
watching them get all hyped up.
“He is going to be selecting an Omega as a toy tomorrow,” it was Maynard who recalled the last words of Mr. Tripper.
“I hope it is that Omega she–
wolf, what is her name who acts like she is everything?” Lazlo snapped his fingers trying to recall someone.
“Poppy? She is dating that crazy Omega guy, Oswin,” Maynard rolled his eyes at the mention of those two.
“It would be fun when she will get snatched away from him. He is just an Omega and getting under our nerves so much,” he conti
nued to add. They were getting worked up because two omegas were in love with each other. It just showed how narrow their thi

nking was when it came to the happiness of Omegas.
“What did he do this time?” Thiago, who hadn‘t said much, asked. He was ready to disappear in the bathroom but wanted to hear
the gossip before he does so.
“The other day some girl was trying to tease his girl and he just misbehaved so badly. Everybody want ed to punish him but then
nobody wants their doors getting banged in the middle of the night,” Maynard ex plained what was exactly that they considered r
“By teasing you mean bullying her?” I finally asked. The silence took over and they turned their heads to look at me.
“You Omegas are sensitive as fuck,” Lazlo commented with a laugh.
“He is the one who knocks on the doors and ruins property?” Thiago didn‘t concentrate on me. His mind was still stuck with the t
hings he had heard from Maynard.
“Yeah! That crazy bastard. I just wish to get hands on him. He needs to mess with me,” Maynard bobbed his head angrily, I have
no clue what was so crazy about Oswin, but it seemed like he was not the type to stay silent about their mistreatment.
“Let‘s see what happens tomorrow,” Thiago got into
the bathroom and slammed the door closed. Now that Maynard and Lazlo had nothing to add, they began to take off their shirts
and get ready for the bed.
Thad been staying
here for a few days yet I haven‘t gotten used to the sight of their bare abs whenever they take off their shirts suddenly.
The night passed by and the morning came with the realization of yet another rough day for one of the omegas who would be forc
As usual, I left my room right after the alphas did so that I can somehow get some protection. Which wouldn‘t benefit me at all bec
Once I have reached the class and sat down in the backseat, I saw Mr. Tripper walking into the class with Jim behind him.
It was time that he picks himself a target.
I gulped,

“So,” Mr. Tripper stood before the silenced class. The betas and the others
kept turning their heads around to look at the Omegas in the backstreet and laugh at us.
I looked to my right side and saw Poppy and Oswin sitting together. I couldn‘t see the wrath taking over Oswin‘s face just at the th

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