Tangled in Tinsel (a holidates series)

Tangled in Tinsel: Part 1 – Chapter 12

My body’s quivering as Jace’s lips snake over my skin. But nobody moves. They watch.

It’s indescribable—the attention. I feel greedy and powerful. Sexy and wanted. But most of all, I feel turned the hell on.

And it’s making me feel like I’m going to explode. My body’s aching to be touched.

Jace lowers his hands, gathering the hem of my shirt, his deep voice vibrating off my goddamn bones.


Without hesitation, I gently raise my arms. But my stomach is doing flips. This feels so surreal.

His eyes never leave mine as he drags the fabric inch by inch, letting it scrape over my pebbled nipples. I suck in a breath, exposed before the shirt covers my face, leaving me blind for only a moment until I’m blinking again.

My head twists to the side to shake my hair out of my face, but Reed reaches out, brushing the errant strands away.

“You’re stunning, sunshine.”

I can’t help but look between them, trying to commit this moment to memory.

“Agreed.” The back of Cole’s knuckles run down my jaw as I lean into it.

Cole’s touch is so gentle, as is the feeling of my breasts palmed before Jace teasingly pinches my nipples. It makes me shiver, partly from nerves, the other part pleasure. Truth be told, I don’t even know where to focus because it already feels like too much to process.

“You’re made for this, Samantha.”

I whimper, feeling hands stroking my body just as Alec’s eyes find mine.

He’s taken a step back to watch. Slowly rubbing himself over the front of his sweatpants, making his hardening cock take shape through the fabric.


The way he’s staring, devouring the scene in front of him. It makes me feel heady with desire. It makes me want to put on a show. Make him hot watching the ways they destroy my body.

This is amazing.

He tilts his head, lips parting as his eyes peruse my bare breasts. I’m staring at Alec as I lift my hands to Jace’s shirt, beginning to bunch it on the verge of saying, “I want everyone naked.”

But Jace grabs my wrists, holding me in place, smirking.

I look up at him, confused but not speaking. But it’s Reed’s voice that goes first.

“Make room for me, J.”

Huh? Jace tightens his hand around my wrists, lifting my arms just as Reed leans down, taking my nipple in his mouth, sucking the tender pebbled flesh.

“Oh my god,” I gasp, stomach caving in.

Reed pulls away, letting me go with a pop as he stands up, licking his lips.

“Thanks for the assist.”

Jace nods, lowering my arms again but not before kissing my hand. Jesus, I don’t even know what’s happening anymore. But call me Oliver Twist because please sir, can I have some more.

“Stand up, baby,” Jace croons.

Can I? My legs are already untrustworthy. I can feel my chest rising and falling too fast as I stand on wobbly limbs.

These guys are making my head spin.

Not in the pass-out way, but more like I can feel their desire. I’m surrounded by it. Engulfed. And I can’t take it all in fast enough. Or think about what to do myself.

Except, somebody give another assist because I definitely want that again.

My eyes close, trying to unscramble my thoughts as I draw my bottom lip between my teeth, letting it drag out slowly before my eyes open and I whisper, “Are we going to…you know…now?”

“Shh,” Jace shushes. “Let’s focus on getting you out of those pants.”

I bite my lip again. Reed’s already undoing the buckle, making my waist jut forward as he loosens them.

“You okay?” Jace whispers, and I nod because words feel like too much to even say.

I’m shimmied out of the pants as they’re tugged to my ankles. Jesus, my heart’s racing. I take a slow breath standing in front of them, my body on display, stripped bare and being ravaged by hungry eyes.


I swallow.

There was a time in my life when standing naked in front of my bosses would’ve been a silly nightmare. And then there’s now—Dear body, please don’t have a heart attack when my dreams are about to come true.

My lips part as I start to say something. What, I have no idea, so I close them again.

Cole turns my face to his, cradling it, running his thumb over my lip. He’s staring down at me, unwavering, and all the edges begin to blur. And it all hits me.

My body is about to be the center of their universe. I’m about to have sex with four guys.

Oh my god. Falalala fuck me in the ass.

A smile starts to peek out from my lips but Cole says nothing as he stares down at me.

He’s so intense, as if he’s cataloguing all the ways he’ll defile me. My tongue darts out, licking my dry lips. Jesus, how does he make just a look so fucking hot?

I swear this whole room is feeding off his energy, off the buzz of taunting our sexual restraint. It’s like waiting for a dam to break.

Except I’m already a gusher.

Cole leans down slowly, taking my lips with a soft, chaste kiss, making me melt.

“Soon,” he whispers.

Wait, what? Dams are supposed to be breaking. Soon…uh-uh, now.

My eyes flutter open because Cole’s hand draws away before his mouth goes too.

“Come on, baby,” Jace whispers, drawing my eyes.

The guys step back, Alec and Reed watching me intently. Jace is still holding my hand as he motions with his head for me to follow him. I lift one foot at a time from my pooled pants, keeping my hand in his, before walking next to Jace towards the bathroom.

My mind’s racing, wondering what’s coming. What did “soon” mean? Wait, are they going to bathe me? Is that like, standard practice? I kind of thought that would happen after.

I almost glance over my shoulder to ask as we stop at the doorway. Because there’s so much I still want to say, to ask, but I can’t.

It’s like I’m on a sexy sensory overload.

My mind’s diving into every dirty possibility while still trying to process each touch and every filthy word. And my body’s tingling, aching, bursting with need but my mind is a jumble.

Until a soft touch runs down the slope of my back over my ass, making me suck in a breath.

“Gorgeous,” Alec breathes.

Jace smirks at me. Probably because he sees I’m blushing.

“Come on, Sammy. It’s time to get you nice and clean,” he teases.

My eyes grow wide as I cross the threshold. I was right.

Jace reaches for the door, adding, “Don’t worry. They’ll be waiting.”

But I blink, glancing over my shoulder, confused as the door closes quietly, leaving the others on the wrong side.

“Umm…are they…waiting in line?”

Jace gently tugs my hand, chuckling as he leads me to the bath.

“No, cutie. We’re just gonna talk first. Me and you. Go over the rest of that list.”

Oh. Right. Totally. That makes sense. There are still unanswered questions. I’m equal parts disappointed and relieved.

Just like when I was in high school and thought the song “Pony” by Ginuwine was about riding horses. It’s not, which was sad, because I love horses. Although thank god, because the way I would sweat when that song came on the radio made me think I was going to need therapy. A lot of it.

Only the soft sounds of footsteps and a drip from the faucet echoes off the walls as Jace stops us next to the tub, smiling gently at me.

“I know this is a lot. And I know you still have questions and maybe questions on top of questions. It’s all over your face. So we’re gonna soak.” He lifts my hand, kissing my fingertips, and I feel my shoulders relax. “We’ll let our fingers get all pruney until you’re comfortable and back to rambly Samantha. Take a deep breath because I’ve got you. In every way, cutie.”

The side of my lips tilt. Because Jace has managed to master the art of sweet and spicy.

I mean, I’m standing here in my birthday suit, and yet I’ve never wanted to hug someone more. But after that hug, I’d like to drop to my knees and deep throat his dee-yuck.

Sweet yet spicy.

Instead of doing or saying that, I take that deep breath and peer over into the tub. I saw he was drawing this bath earlier. But never realized he was making it fancy for me.

“The water’s pink.”

He grins. “Whaddaya got against pink?”

I shake my head, still smiling, mouthing nothing as I bat my lashes. He’s helping me get in, and I don’t know why but suddenly I feel shy. Or maybe now I just realize I’ve been feeling that way. But not shy to show my body, more like all of this feels so intimate. More than just kinky sex. They’re kind of romantic and kind of swoony.

“You guys are literally ruining women for everyone else. You know that, don’t you?”

I gasp, feeling the warm water. It’s just hot enough to make my skin prickle.

“Too hot?” he breathes out, halting me.

But I shake my head again, lowering down. “Too hot? That’s not a thing.”

He chuckles, approving of my joke. My hands drift through the water as I lie back, knees peeking out from the top.

He’d said we’d soak. But Jace is just standing there, a grin on his face, admiring the view. So I say, “You’re not coming in?”

Jace reaches behind himself, dragging his shirt over his head, and tosses it aside.

Oh, he’s fucking delicious. I’ve thought about those tattoos since the day he showed them off, all the intricate designs highlighting the contours of his muscles.

Jace is a fucking work of art. But my favorite part, besides the obvious, are those piercings.

My chin lifts.

“Did that hurt?”

His eyes glance down to the steel bars punctured through his nipples.

“Yes”—he winks—“but you can kiss it better.”

My lips fold under my teeth, and I look up through my lashes as Jace hooks his thumbs inside his sweats and yanks them down. Holy shit. His cock is on glorious display.

Before my brain can communicate properly with my mouth, I say, “Wow.”

Out. Fucking. Loud.

I squeal and immediately sink under the water because who says that? Except I’m hauled back up, laughing as I spit water when my face breaches the surface.

Jace’s eyes twinkle, looking back at me.

“Wow, huh? I’m happy you’re impressed.”

I shrug, wiping my hands over my face, my lips barely above water.

“Well, I’m a virgin, remember? No real comparison. You could be small to average size for all I know.”

He splashes me with water, making me laugh again.

“Scoot, liar.”

I push myself back, feet pressing against the bottom of the tub as Jace’s body sinks down, making the water spill over the edges.

“Oh no. We should let some out. It’s too full.”

His eyes drift down to the tops of my breasts.

“There’s no such thing as too full.”

I blink, suddenly unaware of how to breathe because Jace isn’t talking about the tub. We sit, me staring back at him over cloudy pink water as he swipes wetness over his chest.

How is this a reality? And how did he know this was exactly the breath I needed to take?

“Hey,” I whisper.

He nods.

“Thank you…for taking this slow.”

He licks his lips, leaning forward, tucking his hands under my arms, sliding me closer.

Another shriek, then laughter pulls from my chest as I’m held, almost straddling him. Our legs are entwined, mine draped over, his hairs tickling me.

“You’re welcome,” he says, hands lazily stroking my back. “Now spill all those thoughts. What can I kiss and make better?”

I narrow my eyes playfully because I could say a ton of dirty responses. But I know he’s just asking to soothe my worries. So I take a deep breath before I speak, looking down at the wings imprinted along his throat, tracing my wet finger over them.

“I guess I just don’t know how it all works. I mean, I know how sex works.” I chuckle softly. “But I’m obviously a newbie at”—I peek at him, grinning as I add—“multitasking. I don’t know what the rules are. What’s my role? Will you take turns?”

Damn, this suddenly feels dirty. This is when my thought-to-mouth malfunction would be handy to have around. I’ve never been shy about sex. But we’re so intimate right now, it’s making me short-circuit.

I focus on the art as he answers, but I know he’s staring at me.

“Sometimes we take turns. Sometimes not. What would you like us to do?”

My finger pauses. I search his arm, thinking, because I’ve always envisioned being devoured, but what does that really mean? I bite my lip, knowing.

“I’d…ummm—like the sometimes not.”

Jace leans forward, his fingers swiping wet hair across my forehead.

“You’d like to take two people at once. That’s what you mean. How about having someone in your mouth too?”

I audibly exhale, nodding. Jesus. My hips rock forward involuntarily just thinking about it. He smiles, running a hand down my back, cupping my ass.

“Practice using words, Sammy.” Jace pulls me closer between his legs. “They’re important, baby. We need to know when it’s too much or not enough. We want your pleasure, remember?”

I swallow before whispering, “Yes.”

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, I’d like to be fucked by everyone, all at once.”

Jace closes his eyes for the briefest of moments before hauling me onto his lap.

Oh my god. He’s hard.

His arms wrap around me tightly as our mouths hover but don’t connect. His breath is warm against my skin, our noses brushing.

“Tell me more,” he whispers before dipping his head and gently dragging his lips over my neck. “Ask me everything.”

My arms are resting over his shoulders, breasts pressed against his hard pecs as we explore each other’s bodies. My elbows bend, fingers weaving through his tousled black hair.

“I’m worried I won’t know what to do. I don’t want to be bad at this.”

He growls into my skin, and my head tips back, giving him room to lick over my throat as he speaks.

“Just give yourself over and trust us. That’s all you have to do, baby. That and be the dirty minx I know you are.”

His wet hands come to the nape of my neck, curling against my skin, pulling my hair with them. My head falls back, so I’m looking him in the eyes.

“Can you do that, Samantha? Can you let us have you the way you want?”

He’s right. I know what I want, and now I get to have it.

“Yes,” I exhale, arching my back to be closer to him.

Jace tightens his grip on my hair, staring at me with a smirk.

“Prove it. Tell me how you like to be touched.”

I lick my lips. “What are my choices?”

Fuck. The look on his face is so seductive. It’s the way he stares intensely into mine with all his intentions pouring out of him. They say eyes are the windows to the soul. I think Jace’s soul wants to fuck mine. I grin. He’s a soulfucker.

“Well, there are all kinds of touches. Like soft ones.” His fingers from his free hand trail over my back softly. “Do you like that?”

“Yes,” I rasp, but he keeps speaking.

“And then there are touches meant for teasing.”

Jace lets go of my hair, dipping his hands in the water before bringing them to my arms. Water beads, rolling droplet over droplet as he traces a path up my arms, tickling over my collarbone and down my breasts.

I swallow, breath hollow as he runs circles over my nipples.

“I like to tease,” he breathes out. “I love to make this part last before we take you to heaven. Do you want to be teased?”

I nod, but he raises his brows. Because Jace already knows the answer, he’s just teaching me to say it.

“Yes,” I rush out, almost panting, “I want to be teased.”

He smiles, dipping his hands under the water and caressing my thighs. And my eyes almost roll into the back of my head. The sensation is heady. The constant rhythm of his hands, rubbing and kneading my thighs, makes my pelvis tilt forward, asking for more. For him to move closer.

“Jace,” I pant. “I want you to touch me. Please.”

But he says nothing. His thumbs brush up and down my skin as his hands move agonizingly slow toward my center. I grip his shoulders, writhing in small undulations over his hard cock as he pours his words over me like hot molten lava.

“I want your body to quiver, Samantha. To beg for the feel of our hands.” He leans in, kissing me, pulling my bottom lip between his and sucking before he draws back. “I want your pussy to soak my hands even in this water because you’re fucking spun.” His tongue glides inside my mouth, circling my own before I’m left cold again. “I want to take my sweet time until you can’t take anymore.”

I gasp, eyes closed, as his finger runs straight through the seam of my pussy, parting the dark curly hair.

“Oh god. Yes.”

His touch is so soft, barely tracing the mound of my clit that I lift, trying to get more friction. Holy shit. He glides through my lips again, this time with two fingers, spreading me open to the warm water.

My body shudders.

“Fuck,” I moan, trying to open my legs wider, hitting the porcelain tub instead.

Jace closes a hand around my throat, pushing me back so I’m leaning away as his palm runs up my stomach and back down.

“Do you trust me?”

“Yes,” I whisper.

“Then ask for what you want.”

My mouth falls open, fingernails digging into his skin as husky wanton words spill out of my mouth.

“I want you, Jace. I want you to go down on me while Alec watches.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.