Tangled in His Obsession Series

Chapter 449

Chapter 449
In over two decades of life, Seraphina had never witnessed an actual surgery, except for the dramatized versions on TV and
movies where the operating room was a hive of tension. She had heard, however, that in reality, the atmosphere in the OR was
often surprisingly relaxed, even filled with lighthearted banter among the medical staff.
Yet as she donned her scrubs and entered the OR, she was met with a profound silence, punctuated only by the sounds of
surgical instruments.
The doctors were intensely focused on the task at hand, operating on Leandro, and only a couple of nurses spared her a brief
glance before swiftly returning their attention to their work.
Standing quietly at the perimeter of the sterile theater, Seraphina observed Leandro lying unconscious on the table. Though
under the heavy veil of anesthesia, his brow was still furrowed with tension. She couldn’t fathom the pain and struggle his body
was enduring, but she knew it had to be unbearable. After all, hadn’t his life been a series of hardships?
Lost in thought, she found herself drawn closer to the operating table, standing right at the head where Leandro lay. One of the
assisting surgeons suddenly looked up and locked eyes with her. “Mrs. Reynolds,” he said, his tone laced with a stern warning.
Seraphina knew what he meant. She had promised not to interfere with the surgery. So she simply stood there, silently watching
over Leandro, the man who often held her in his arms, refusing to sleep. How could he willingly close his eyes in her presence
unless he was utterly exhausted?
She believed that if he sensed her presence, he would somehow find the strength to open his eyes, no matter what.
After a long moment of contemplation, she bent forward, kissing Leandro’s forehead through the mask. The action drew a few
glances from the medical team, but Seraphina held her position, unwavering.
And then, as if nothing had happened, the OR returned to its previous rhythm of quiet efficiency.
The surgery lasted a grueling eight hours.
At four in the morning, Leandro was wheeled out of the OR and into the ICU. Seraphina followed alongside his bed until they
reached the doors of the intensive care unit.

The hallway was already crowded with concerned faces-Bruce and Keen, who had been there from the start, Leandro’s friends
who had arrived later, and members of the Reynolds family along with several executives from Reynolds Group who had turned
up at some point.
Despite the surgery being tentatively successful, the concern was palpable on everyone’s face as they peered into the ICU at
Leandro, his body a maze of tubes and wires, almost afraid to breathe too loudly.
Seraphina was escorted by Andrea to change out of her scrubs and upon her return, the heavy air of anxiety still hung over the
Herman, spotting her, paused before approaching. “You should get some rest,” he suggested gently.
Seraphina shook her head with a wan smile. “I’m fine. You all have been so busy, and it’s late... You should get some rest.
At the sound of her voice, the others turned to look at her. Victor and Edgar offered words of comfort just as Leonard stepped
forward, his gaze heavy on Seraphina. “Come with me,” he said, heading toward the elevators.
Andrea gripped her hand, shaking her head as if to warn her, but Seraphina reassured her with a pat, then followed Leonard.
Silently, the members of the Reynolds family and the high-ranking executives from Reynolds Group trailed behind.
Andrea watched as Seraphina was enveloped by the group, her brow furrowing in concern.
Herman, with an inkling of what was to come, followed at a distance.
Sure enough, Leonard confronted Seraphina about her decision to involve the police with Gloria’s situation.
“What were you thinking?” he demanded. “Wasn’t the last incident enough? With Leandro in this state, and his mother taken by
the police, how do you think it looks for the Reynolds family? Do you have any idea how this could affect the Reynolds Group?”
Seraphina had tired of these accusations since the incident with Valerio, but she listened patiently before responding. “What
happens to the Reynolds family is not my concern, nor is the Reynolds Group my responsibility. All I know is that if someone
commits a crime, they should be held accountable.” That’s Leandro’s mother! No matter the issue, it’s a family matter for the
Reynolds family!” Leonard retorted. “You grew up with the Reynolds family, you married Leandro, you are one of us. Every action
of yours should consider the family. If you can’t see that, why should the Reynolds family accept you?”

“Mr. Leonard, Herman cut through the crowd, sidling up to Seraphina without waiting for her to speak. He addressed Leonard
firmly, “The case involving Gloria is a criminal assault, not a Reynolds family affair. She has fully confessed to her involvement,
and I assure you, the police will handle this matter with absolute impartiality, without any special treatment.”
The murmur of the crowd surged as Gloria’s confession was mentioned, a clamor of voices rising in a cacophony of shock and
speculation. Seraphina listened quietly for a moment before finally speaking up. “What you’re all so worried about is the effect
this scandal will have on Reynolds Enterprises, right? You blame me, which means you blame Leandro. Because any impact I
have on the company will ultimately fall on Leandro’s shoulders, am I correct? Since Leandro’s out of commission due to his
injuries, unable to attend to the company’s affairs, this is your golden opportunity. Seize the chance to wrest control from his
hands, to take the reins for yourselves. As for who ultimately calls the shots at Reynolds Enterprises, that’s down to your own
skills and cunning, isn’t it?”
What are you insinuating?” Nanette Reynolds, her temper flaring, shoved Seraphina. “Leandro is still fighting for his life, and you
speak such words. What are you trying to say? That we all wish harm upon Leandro?”
“Aunt Nanette, perhaps you do hold some affection for Leandro, worrying over his fate,” Seraphina said, her gaze sweeping over
the assembled faces. “But how many here are itching to stir the pot, seizing the opportunity? They know it, and so do you, don’t
Nanette was taken aback, momentarily at a loss for words.
So, there’s no need for any of you to stand here and criticize,” Seraphina continued. “The choices I’ve made, I stand by them.
And any responsibilities Leandro must bear, I’ll shoulder them too. Do as you please. I only ask that you don’t disturb Leandro’s
healing and recovery at the hospital. Go and do what your hearts desire.”
With that speech, the crowd seemed even more indignant, their voices a babble of protest and confusion.
Having said her piece, Seraphina didn’t wish to linger on the matter. She turned to a nurse, “Would you mind asking these folks
to leave? They’re causing quite a racket.”
The nurse, already on her way due to the noise, promptly intervened. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is a hospital. The patients
need peace. If you wish to stay, please be quiet. If you want to argue, take it outside.”
Recognizing their social standing, the group quickly fell silent.

After exchanging glances, they filed into the elevator and departed in silence, leaving only Aunt Celeste, Nanette, Ferne, and two
other younger relatives behind.
Witnessing Seraphina’s deft handling of the situation, Ferne called out to her just as she was about to head back to the ICU,
Seraphina paused, turning back to face her.
After scrutinizing Seraphina, noticing her bloodshot eyes, Ferne let out a faint laugh, “It seems you truly care about my brother.
But do you have any idea how important Reynolds Enterprises is to him? You just casually handed over his control of the
company. Are you sure he’ll accept that?”
“I don’t care whether he accepts it or not,” Seraphina replied. “He’ll have to accept my decisions.”
Ferne found the notion laughable. “Do you really believe you’re more important to my brother than Reynolds Enterprises?”
“Why should I compare myself to Reynolds Enterprises?” Seraphina retorted. “I am far more important than the company, am I
Ferne, unsure how to confront such self-assurance, could only snort in response.
“Besides, him being ousted from the decision-making at Reynolds Enterprises is what you wanted to see, isn’t it?” Seraphina
shot her a glance before
Ferne’s expression shifted subtly as she watched Seraphina, “Why would I want that?”
“You know why, Seraphina said without elaborating further, then turned back to the ICU.
Ferne remained by the elevator, watching Seraphina’s retreating figure, eventually letting out a cold laugh.
Back at the ICU door, Seraphina thanked everyone who had come to see Leandro. Although he was still in critical care, the
surgery had been successful, and there was no longer a need for such a vigil.
She sent Victor and Edgar away first, then turned to Herman, “Please take Andrea home to rest.”

Herman glanced at Andrea, then nodded slowly, “Alright.”
Andrea tugged at Seraphina’s hand, wanting to say more, but Seraphina reassured her, “I’m not comfortable with you going
alone at this hour. Don’t give
me extra worries.”
Andrea responded, “I don’t want you to overexert yourself. Rest when you need to, don’t push too hard.”
“Don’t worry about me,” Seraphina said with a smile. ‘This is nothing. How could it possibly bring me down?”
Reassured, Andrea nodded, cast a glance at Herman, and headed towards the elevator.
Herman turned and followed Andrea at a respectful distance, both leaving the floor together.

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