Taming The Casanova

Chapter 72

Sahil's POV

"Mohit stop this nonsense right away or I will kill you. I swear, I would not work with you." She glared at Mohit, caught my hand and pulled me to a room.

"You stay away from Manyata... "I said glaring back at Mohit, while I followed her.

I was going mad with rage and at the same time, my heart was pounding in a different manner. My wife was pulling me to a room.

I wish she does not have very good intentions regarding me. I would not mind anything she planned to do with me.

Shut up Sahil... You are a pervert.

"What was that?? Why are you not letting me talk to that tailor?" I asked her as what Mohit said, bothered me.

"He is an idiot... there is nothing to talk about. "

"Ok, but right now, I need to talk to that idiot and settle this matter, once and for all."

"No, you will not talk to him.


"Sahil, he was not serious. Let it be..."

"What was he saying?? He proposed a wedding to you?? I will kill him. " I turned to go and beat him.

"No, calm down." She said and pulled my arm again to stop me.

I was furious, but the feeling that she was pulling me towards her was amazing. It was working as chilled water which was making my temper go cool. Oh, God !! I will lose my mind like this.

"Give me one good reason to stop me," I asked her, looking into her eyes.

"Because I am requesting you..." She said sweetly.

Ok done... My angel requested me, how can I refuse but...

"Ok, but you don't listen to my request."

"What request??"

"To come on a date with me.

Ugghhh... These are two different matters.


"Let's negotiate... You come on a date with me, I will not kill the tailor. "

"Fine..." She said.

What?? Seriously?? Was it so easy??

"Ok, but still, I need to tell him, that you are my wife... " I said and started walking outside.

"He knows... " she said.

"He does??" I turned towards her. I was shocked.

"Yes...I told him. "

"So, why did he propose to you?? Does he love you?" I was getting angry again.

"He does, but only as a friend..."

"Only a friend, doesn't propose his friend. I will break his face. How dare he?? "

"Sahil please listen to me... It's not like what you think...

"What is there to think?? He proposed you, that means, despite knowing that I am married to you, he did that. It is clear that he is interested in you.

"He is not interested in me."

"Are you out of your mind?? He proposed you knowing that you were married to me."

"Trust me, he is not interested in me. Actually, I told him, the situation we got married and he said that if I would have told him he would have got married to me. he proposed that I could get the papers ready again and after the divorce, he would have married me, just to get me out of the unwanted marriage, we were forced upon."

"Whatever... But he is interested in you, that's why he said that.

"Oh, God!! He is not interested in me."

"Then why would he marry you, just to get you out of this?" I was very angry now. I wanted to kill him.

How dare he do that?? How dare he think about my wife in that manner?

I wouldn't let her work with him. In fact, I would kill him.

I was about to go out when Manu came and stood between the door and me

"Please get a side..."

"No... Calm down. "

"You want me to calm down?? What do you think, I am?? He proposed my wife and you want me to calm down? How can you expect that from me? I am trying my level best to mend our relationship and all the mistakes I made in the past and your best friend proposes you and you still are friendly with him. You still want me to calm down ?? No, I will not calm down. I will kill him today and then only I would calm down. "

"Sahil... Please listen to me... He is not interested in me at all. "

"Oh please... Get aside. And stop saying he is not interested in you... Are you blind?? So that's why you didn't want me to talk to him?? Scared of watching a face-off between your husband and your best friend, who is interested in you??"

"He. Is. Not. Interested. In. Me. He. Is. Interested. In....'

"Interested in



"YOU..." she said.

What?? Has she gone mad ??

"What?? Kutchh bhi... (Rubbish) " I was shocked.

"He is not interested in me or any other girl. "

"What?? What?? He is gay??"

"B... bisexual. "

"What?? Seriously?? Or are you saying that for trying to save his life??"

"Sahil, I am serious..."

"Bisexual ?? But that still means that he could be interested in you as well."

"No, he is more interested in men. He said he found you h..hot. I told him what happened and he said that..."

"That what??" I was going mad.

"If I am not interested in you, then he was. He said he would p.. persuade you to.. try...

"What nonsense?? Is he mad or what?? I am not at all interested..."

"I know..." she said and closed her eyes. She looked so red.

Was she blushing?? How cute and pretty...

"What do you know?? " I said going closer to her.

She took a few steps back. I was loving the way she was behaving.

Was she trying to protect my virtue from her best friend?? How cute.

My knight in the shining armour. My beautiful wife...

"Tell me what do you know??

"That... you are not interested in him."

"So, whom I am interested in?" I closed the distance with one long stride.

"I don't know..."

"Seriously? You don't know ??" I caressed her red cheeks with my the back of my hand.

" Sahil... I need to go. Everyone is outside. Please, I work here."

"Let me tell you, I am interested in my beautiful wife. Only her. "I said and kissed on her swan-likee neck.

As usual, she shuddered. I swear, I wanted to take her in my arms and make her shudder, till I make her mine forever.

She tried pushing me but I took her arms and put them around my neck and pulled her further into me. Her soft body was pressed against my hard one.

I placed my lips against hers, kissing her with intense hunger. I was kissing her as if my life depended on that kiss only. She was shocked at my sudden action but she didn't stop me. I could hear her heartbeat loud and clear. Her fingers were touching at my nape and they started touching my hair tentatively.

Oh, God !! I wish there was no one here.

I showered butterfly kisses on her face and neck. She kept her eyes closed.

She looked like an angel. Satan's angel.

I smiled and then reluctantly loosened my arms. I had to use every ounce of my self-control to let her go. I had to...

I turned to go out, but she caught my hand again.

Was she trying to kill me??

"What??" I said smiling.

"Don't say anything to Mohit, please."

"No, I can't promise that he proposed to you."

"Sahil, Please... Be serious. "

"Ok. But if he is interested in men, why did he want to marry you?"

"I asked him and he said that the marriage would have been to satisfy just his and my parents. We could have an open marriage. "

"He is insane... What did you say??"

"I refused... But please don't kill him. He is an idiot but is an excellent friend."

"Hmm... But, what if he tries something with me and Samar??


"What ?? He won't. "

"What if he does?? He has been trying to take me or Samar to his cabin. What if he tries to take advantage of us?

"What nonsense??" She said but I know she was trying to control her smile.

"Then you would have to save our virtue from your best friend. "I said and she smiled and nodded, while I was controlling my laughter.

"And we are going for a date. " I asked and she nodded again.

Perfect... Thanks, tailor...000

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