Taming the Billionaire CEO ( Daniel Monroe )

Chapter 6

6 Blushing Bride 

“I guess Renee and Daniel were right.” 

Anna glanced away from Renee and focused on the new voice she had just heard and frowned. 

“Now what are you talking about, Mary?” she asked. 

It was Daniel’s mom who had spoken and was now staring at her with hatred in her eyes. 

“You are a gold–digger,” Mary replied. 

You married my son because of his money and you divorced him hoping he would give you some of his properties but he didn’t.” 

“When you realize your plan has failed you decide to trap another innocent man into a marriage that 

could ruin him.” 

“I feel for you, Mr. Solorante,” Mary finished. 

Anna laughed when she was done talking as she stared at Davis, 

“Hey love, I believe Mary just stated that you can’t make decisions for yourself using your heart,” 

Anna smirked. 

Davis nodded, “Indeed. I would like to let you know that I don’t take kindly to insults.” 

“No, Mr. Solorante, I would never insult you. I’m just concerned,” Mary replied. 

Davis arched an eyebrow at her and Anna could see he was enjoying himself. 

“Why are you concerned?” 

Anna saw the smug grin break out on Mary’s face. She’s probably thinking she’s about to reveal Anna’s deepest secret thereby ruining her. 

“You see Anna is a manipulator, I would know because my son was married to her.” 

“They divorced a few days ago because she tried to kill Renee.” 

Davis decided to indulge her so he faked a gasp and stared at Anna. 

“Is that true?” he asked her. 

Mary, thinking that she was succeeding in disrupting the newlyweds, continued. 

“She would never admit it, but Daniel saw her push Renee into the pool. He was there just in time to 

save her because Renee can’t swim.” 

Davis nodded and stared at Anna. 

“I would see why they were so desperate as to believe her because she chose the one thing everyone knows she can’t do. You didn’t stand a chance.” 


Anna nodded, “Yeah, I didn’t even know she was gonna do it.” 

Mary frowned as she stared at them, “Okay, what is going on here?” 

“Oli sweet Mary, you think he’s going to leave me because of what you told him? He knows, that’s how we met,” Anna smiled. 

Mary was dumbfounded as she stared at them before glaring at William. 

“How can you sell the house without telling anyone?” 

William looked terrible. He looked like he wanted to say something but just didn’t know how to say it so instead he kept quiet. 

“I can’t believe you, Dad. You won’t even say anything?” Daniel asked. 

Anna was surprised too; she had no idea how Davis had managed to convince him to sell his house and why he wasn’t saying anything. 

“Fine. If Dad isn’t saying anything I’m not going to stay here with this slut called Anna. I will be sleeping at the Five Seasons Hotel till I get a more permanent place,” Daniel’s sister, Kyra snapped. 

Davis’s eyebrows were arched as he stared at William calmly

“Call your daughter to order, William. I don’t want to have to call you to order. An insult to my wife is 

an insult to me.” 

William looked like he’d rather choke on his spittle than say the next words he said. 

“Silence everyone,” he ordered. 

“Davis and Anna have just gotten married and though they purchased our house they were kind. enough to let us stay. 

Daniel scoffed, “Is this actually happening?” 

“Do not question me!” William thundered, “And don’t you dare interrupt me. 

“No one would leave this house. We will all stay and be civil towards them and if you decide to leave you will lose all your inheritances from me!” 

Everyone in the sitting room was too shocked to even say a word as they stared at William, wondering If he’d gone bonkers. 

Anna and Davis exchanged a look and she smiled. They might not be in love but she was loving how he had put them in their place. 

“Do I make myself clear?” William asked in a strict voice. 

“Yes,” they all replied in unison. 

“Good, now let’s leave the blushing bride be. Please enjoy your new home, Anna,” William smiled through his teeth before he walked out of the sitting room. 

6.Blushing Bride 


William walked faster as he needed to get away from there. Every cell in his body was screaming for him to strangle Anna’s smiling face but he had to keep his cool. 

He couldn’t afford to lose control not after the knowledge Davis possessed. 

He walked into his study and pulled out the documents from the office. Specifically the documents he had signed with Davis. 

“Dad?” Daniel called out as he entered his study. 

“Shut up, Daniel. I don’t want anyone to know I’m here,” William snapped. 

Daniel shut the door and stared at his father

“Are you alright, Dad?” Daniel asked. 

“Aside from combusting with anger, I’m fine,” William replied, flipping through the document. 

“There’s nothing wrong with admitting it, Dad,” Daniel said. 

William stopped flipping through the pages and stared at him. 

“Admitting what exactly?” 

“Admitting defeat. You’re terrified of Anna,” Daniel sighed. 

“Tell me exactly what she has against you.” 

“Foolish boy!” William snapped. 

“Why would I ever be terrified of Anna? Unless” he trailed off, his eyes widening in fear. 

“Unless what, Dad?” Daniel asked. 

“You have to get closer to Anna,” William replied. 

What?” Daniel asked, confused. 

“Yes, she still loves you, I’m sure of that,” William sald. 

He stood up, walking around the room as he tried to figure out his next move. 

Dad, what exactly are you talking about? I’m married to Renee now, remember?” as 

“I know that. Just use her affection towards you to our advantage.” 

“Unto what end?” 

“To find out if there’s anything she knows about this family or if she can get some Intel on Davis‘ plan,” William replied. 

Daniel frowned, his father was sounding very erratic like someone who was running away from something. 

“Dad, what exactly are you talking about?” Daniel asked. 

6 Blushing Bride 


“You are my son. It’s time to prove to me that you are capable of taking care of this family and the company when I’m no more,” William replied. 

“You know I would do anything to protect this family and our company,” Daniel said. 

“Perfect because Davis holds a terrible secret that can ruin this family and destroy our business.” 

“What do you need me to do?” 

“You’ll start with the blushing bride. No matter what, she still loves you, Daniel. And she’s acting out right now because she doesn’t have your love.” 

“But what about Renee, Mom, and Kyra?” 

“They can’t know until we have use for them.” 

“You have to find out if our blushing bride knows about this same secret or if it’s just Davis.” 

what if it’s only Davis who knows about it?” 

William crackled. He honestly hoped it was only Davis who knew about it then it would make things easy. 

“Whatever you do, Daniel, know that you have to do anything necessary to gain Intel on them if not everything we’ve been working for all these years will be in vain.” 

Daniel nodded, “I understand, Dad.” 

William stared at the document on the table as Davis’s voice resounded in his ears

I know what you did thirty years ago. 

His hands hardened into fists as he stared at Daniel, a menacing look on his face. 

“Whatever the cost, son. We start with the blushing bride first.” 

Act Fast: Free Bonus Time Is Running Out! 

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