Taming the Billionaire CEO ( Daniel Monroe )

Chapter 32


How does he know Davis and I aren’t truly a couple? Did Davis tell him? “That would explain why he keeps hitting on me,” Anna muttered as she scooped a spoon of cereal into her mouth. “But Davis told me to avoid me because he goes after women who are married… not his exact words, but it’s the same thing.” 

She leaned back on the couch and shook her head slightly, trying to focus on the movie she was watching. I’ll just have to ask Davis when we meet since Giovanni has refused to tell me how he knows.” 

Ugh! Why’s he suddenly acting like a Davis? 

She scooped several spoons of cereal in her mouth and angrily munched on it. 

“Was that hottie the one who gave you the car?” Kyra asked as she plopped down on the couch, next to Anna. 

Just when I thought my day couldn’t get more annoying. Anna rolled her eyes as she focused on her cereal and the movie. 

“I’ll take it as a yes since he drove away with it,” Kyra said with an irritated. undertone. She faced Anna with a sweet smile, “What’s his name? And will he be coming here frequently? Are you two close?” 

“I don’t know if his beauty blinded your eyesight to the extent that you can’t tell I’m watching a movie, but your ears are functioning, right?” Anna questioned with a glare before resuming her movie. “And I’m trying to eat here.” 

Kyra glared at her for a while, wanting nothing more than to strangle her, but she refrained herself. She still needed to know who the guy with the blue sports car was and she was going to find out. 

“If you hadn’t showed up, I would have approached him and now you won’t tell me what his name is,” she scoffed. “I wonder if you don’t want to tell me because you like him. I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised seeing how you were all over him.” 

Anna turned to her with a glare. “All over him? You know what? Suit yourself with whatever stories you please, I don’t care. Sometimes I wonder if you work, seeing as you’re always lurking around at home-” 

But again, I don’t care what you do. Just leave me so I can enjoy my cereal and movie, and stop butting in my business.” 

“Fine, I guess I’ll have to find out for myself,” she said bitterly as she picked up the remote and switched off the TV before walking away. 

Anna shook her head. “And this is exactly why she hasn’t found a husband yet… 

plus her tendency to change men like underwear.” 

Although she didn’t know Giovannt well, she couldn’t subject him to Kyra’s adoration, especially since Davis already let her know his type. 

A smile made its way to her face as she turned to face Kyra who was walking towards the exit with her bag. “I don’t like you, but I’ll give you a tip on how to get his attention,” She yelled and Kyra turned on her heels to face her. 

“And what is it?” Kyra asked, her eyes expectant. 

Anna smirked, “Get married. He’s only into women who are married. You think. you can fulfil that criteria?” Kyra gave her the middle finger making her burst. out in laughter. “That was a good one,” she said proudly when Kyra slammed the door shut. 

She picked up the remote to turn the TV on when her screen lit up with Lily’s name as her ringtone filled the living room. “Have you heard the latest news?” 

“I doubt so,” Anna said with a tired sigh. 

“Are you okay? You sound tired,” Lily asked, her excited tone switching to that of 


“Yeah, just tired,” Anna said with a yawn. “I think I need to sleep.” 

“How was the meeting with Davis? Did it go well?” 

Anna nodded, even though Lily couldn’t see her. “Well…” she explained all that had happened between her and Davis, including Giovanni and leaving out the part about her asking for Daniel’s company. 

“I think Giovanni likes you,” Lily squealed. 

“I think there’s something fishy between him and Davis,” Anna said, ignoring Lily’s words. Giovanni seemed sweet, but everything about him screamed: I’ll break your heart. 

“I guess so, but seriously, I think he might like you,” Lily giggled. 

Anna rolled her eyes, “I know it’s not fair to make assumptions about people without getting to know them, but I’m just going to stick with seeing him as a player because I’m not interested in a relationship with him or anyone for that matter.” 

“Including Daniel?” Lily asked seriously. 

“Especially Daniel,” Anna said leaning back in her seat. “Let’s forget about that and talk about the latest news you mentioned.” 

“Oh, yeah! Renee is going to be interviewed tomorrow on a popular TV show. I 

can’t recall the name but you can check the news online yourself. She said she’s going to reveal the truth around this and the role of the Monroes in it,she said without stopping for breath. 

Anna dropped her plate of cereal on the table. “Do you think she’s going to protect or attack them?” she asked, her brows knitted together in worry. They got out of their last scandal unscathed and she couldn’t let the same thing happen again

“Don’t worry about it, Anna. Regardless of what she says, she can’t get out of the fact that she lied about her pregnancy,” Lily assured her. “The recording shows she was well aware of what she was doing so there’s no denying it. As for the Monroes, they already suffered a huge blow to their reputation and that’s not going away-” 

“It might increase or reduce the heat on them, but I’ve got my guys ready to drop comments attacking her for lying and to remind everyone she had 

abandoned him once. Speaking of which, no one knows why she ran from the altar so I think that’s the next thing to look into.” 

Anna nodded in agreement, “You’re right. All I do remember is it’s not a reason Daniel is happy about… I mean, no one will be happy if they’re abandoned at their wedding altar, but the last time I asked him about it, he got livid. I thought he was going to murder me for asking.” 

“You think she ran away with a man?” Lily asked. 

“Who knows? Although that might be it… I recall hearing Kyra say something about her ex, but I don’t know. What I do know is that we can’t let them take a breather,” she said with a frown. 

“We’re gonna keep hitting them with storms, each one heavier and more concrete than the last, till they can’t stand anymore,” Lily cackled. 

Anna chuckled, “I don’t know if I should be worried about you or not.” 

“You should worry about yourself first,” Lily said with a chuckle, although she was very serious. “And when do we use the other half of the recording?” she asked. 

Anna thought for a while. “I don’t know, but we’ll have to find out who the doctor in the recording is and how he’s related to her.” 

“This is exciting,” Lily squealed. 

Anna let out a tired groan, “I know but it can be tiring, especially when my partner is such a jerk. But again, the contract doesn’t say he has to treat me well.” “I think you should give it a bit more time. From all you’ve told me about him, he 

seems like a really sweet guy who’s trying way too hard to be cold and mean for a reason known only to him,” Lily said with a sad sigh. “Just don’t give him reason to not trust you and I’m sure you two will hit it off just fine ” 

“I feel as though you’re shipping me with Davis as well so I’m just gonna end the call here,” Anna shook her head lightly as she hung up. 

“What a pain,” she clicked her tongue distastefully as she picked up her bowl of cereal. “Now it’s soaked,” she said with disgust and made her way to the kitchen. 

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