Taming the Beast

Chapter 64 (Caroline)

Night came sooner than I thought it would. We were having the ceremony to join the surviving pack with ours. It was really interesting to watch. All of the people from the other pack were dressed in something white. They all cut their hand and let the blood drip into a giant bowl that also had Keegan and I's blood in it. Afterwards there was a celebration. There was a stage set up with a DJ, and once again, the backyard was used for dancing. I smiled and moved to the beat as Keegan spun me in circles. People often came up and greeted us but I felt like everyone would get along fine.

The music died down and everyone looked towards the stage where Gregg was tapping on a mic. I could only imagine what he was up to, but I could feel that his intentions were pure.

"Hi everyone, enjoying the party?" he asked. A lot of people cheered before growing quiet to listen to what he was about to say. "Well, I'm here to let you guys know that I found my mate. Mallory Hogan is my mate. Now I understand that she used to be the Omega of your last pack, but now, she's the Beta's mate. So if I so much as see anyone looking at her the wrong way-" Mallory ran up on stage and touched his arm gently. He looked at her lovingly, calming down, before he sighed. I chuckled and shook my head as Keegan's arms went around my waist to rest on my stomach.

"It's so cute watching Gregg get all possessive," I muttered to Keegan. He only replied by kissing my neck gently.

"Anyway, Mallory is my mate, and I expect her to be treated as such... Enjoy the rest of the party," he summarized before Mallory dragged him off of the stage. We all laughed while some people cheered. Watching them was a sight to see. I laughed and turned to face Keegan. He kissed me gently, sending that familiar gut-dropping feeling through my body.

"I love you," he muttered as he pressed his forehead to mine. My smile only widened as I pecked him again.

"I love you more," I whispered. His hand rubbed over my taunt stomach as he smiled at me lovingly.

"I don't know how, but you tamed me, you know," he admitted.

"You mean to tell me that you weren't always this cuddly Alpha before me," I joked. He chuckled and shook his head at me.

"Only with you," he shrugged.

Alpha, Luna, something is wrong with Wes, I heard the doctor's mind-link. Keegan and I both looked at each other before I took off for the infirmary. I ran down the stairs and straight to his room. I burst through the door to see Wes. He looked like a skeleton with skin. He coughed and raised his eyes to look in my direction.

"My daughter," he said weakly. His breathing was labored and it looked like it took him a lot of effort just to keep his eyes open. I lunged forward and held his hand in mine with tears in my eyes as I sat next to his bed.

"You can't leave us... you can't leave me, please... Dad," I begged, my voice cracking on the last word. He smiled and rested his hand on my stomach.

"That baby is going to be special, just like you my darling," he said instead. "You and you're child are destined for greatness. The child of a turned wolf will be more powerful than you can ever imagine," he said His breathing was becoming harder and harder for him. I felt Keegan place a hand on my shoulder as my tears trickled down my face.

"Please don't leave me. I need you," I sobbed. He squeezed my hand the best he could before lifting his eyes to Keegan.

"My son, take care of your family first, and then your pack. You will be a great leader. I know you will. You have already made me so proud," Wes said. I looked up to find that Keegan was trying not to cry. He nodded once but never took his eyes off of Wes.

"I love you," I cried before I kissed his hand. Wes's eyes shifted to me again.

"I love you too, Caroline," he said hoarsely. Keegan's mom came in with tears already streaming down her face. She flung herself onto his fragile body and just sobbed. Keegan pulled my shoulders around so I was crying into his shoulder. I clutched onto him tightly and sobbed. I was never good at saying goodbye. Keegan tried to comfort me by whispering sweet nothings but all I could think about was the first time I met Wes.

"It's okay, dad. I'm not mad. I know... I know that it's inevitable; it's just... I'm not ready to lose you," Keegan said softly. I tightened my arms around Keegan's waist.

"I don't want you to go either. I really like you," I muttered into Keegan's shirt. Both men chuckled at me until Wes broke out into a coughing fit. It calmed down before he let out a breath and laid back against the inclined hospital bed.

"I hope to see you again soon, Caroline," he said with a smile. I let go of Keegan and went over to hug Wes. His arms went around me gingerly. In the short time I'd known this man, he already meant something to me. He'd accepted me with no question.

"I'll make Keegan bring me every week," I whispered to him. Wes chuckled and I swore that I heard Keegan chuckle a little too.

"Good," he whispered back. I let go and kissed his cheek before I walked back over to Keegan. Keegan held his chest and pretended to look hurt.

"Why don't I get a kiss?" he asked. Even though his question made my heart flutter at the thought, I smirked at him.

"You're not as cool as your dad," I said before I stuck my tongue out at him. Wes laughed. The sound was magic. It made me feel comfortable and at home with the two guys. I knew from that moment on, that had to spend as much time with Wes before it was too late.

"Caroline, he's gone," Keegan said, with his voice cracking. I didn't turn to confirm what Keegan said; I only clutched to him tighter. Lena's wailing confirmed it for me anyway. It sounded like someone had just tore her heart out and I couldn't take it. I couldn't even imagine loosing Keegan. I pulled away from him and ran out of the room. Before I could reach the stairs, Keegan's arms wrapped around my waist and stopped me. I turned and beat my fists on his chest.

"It's not fair!" I sobbed. I finally gave up and fell into Keegan. My legs couldn't hold me up anymore. Keegan shushed me as he held me up.

"I know," he whispered. He scooped my up bridal style and carried me up the stairs to our room. He laid me down on the bed before laying down next to me. He pulled me into him and kissed my head. There was a knock on the door before we heard it open.

"What happened?" I heard Aiden ask. I looked up at him to see his concerned eyes canvassing the room.

"Wes is gone," I sobbed. Aiden

sighed before going to the other side

of the bed. With Keegan's

permission, he sat next to me and held my hand. Five minutes later, crying tena entered the room and laid down next to me in between Aiden and Keegan. Keegan held his mother's hand. We all laid there with Lena and I crying and the boys watching over us. I cried till my head started pounding and I eventually passed out.

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