Taming the Beast

Chapter 52 (Keegan)

(Keegan's POV)

She looked so perfect.

She was perfect and she was all mine. How did I get so lucky?

Caroline slept peaceful almost the full day. I got up to make breakfast and take a shower before I hopped back in the bed and wrapped an arm around my fiancé. I planned on buying a ring as soon as we got back. Proposing to her was kind of 'spur of the moment' but it was the right time. Caroline could be Luna now, if the council didn't exile me for changing her in the first place. Caroline mumbled incoherently as her hand went to my arm. I smiled and kissed her head.

"I love you," I whispered to her. I swear I saw a ghost of a smile on her lips. My hand rubbed over her stomach. I couldn't wait until we started our own family. Caroline wanted to wait but werewolves normally conceive and start their families early. This was especially true for Alphas. We had to have an heir. It was easy for me to imagine her toned stomach protruding with my baby inside. It was easy to imagine a little Caroline or little me running around the pack house.

Caroline slept through the entire day. It was finally eight o'clock at night when she woke up. Her eyes fluttered open and she stretched before turning in my arms to look at me.

"Good morning," she muttered with a smile. I only chuckled.

"It's nighttime again, love," I smiled as I raised an eyebrow at her. Her face went to one of shock. "It's okay. You needed to rest after the change. It takes a lot of energy. I slept for a full 24 hours after my first change." I assured her. She sighed and sat up to stretch.

"Running with you was so much fun. When do we have to be back?" she asked as she laid back down with a look of pure innocent curiosity. I chuckled and pulled her body against mine, reveling in the intoxicating smell of her. She smelled like vanilla and raspberries. My wolf and I melted at the scent.

"We were supposed to be back by this afternoon. Besides the guys and my parents, no one is allowed to know about what we did, okay?" I said seriously, pulling back to look in her crystal blue eyes. She nodded slowly.

"What if I want to run" she asked. I sighed. I didn't think about that. I kissed her forehead and got out of the bed.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it," I sighed. I reached into my duffle bag and pulled on a pair of jeans over my boxers.

"What are you doing?" her sweet voice filled my ears. I didn't want to go back, but I had to before anyone picked up on us being gone. I pulled my shirt over my head before I went back to her. She was sitting up in the bed, holding the covers against her chest as she watched me with a pout.

"I meant what I said, love; we have to get back. If we're gone too long, people will start getting suspicious... no matter how much I want to take you all night long on this bed," I said, adding in the last part huskily. I leaned over and kissed her gently. Her hand snaked around my neck and she pulled me down to her. A groan escaped my lips at the unexpected move. I quickly pulled myself away and took a step back. She only pouted.

"Keegan," she begged. I shook my head.

"We have to get going. Maybe when we get back," I said. It was taking every ounce of self-control not to give into her every need. All I wanted to do was please her, but I knew that if we didn't leave soon, we'd be in big trouble. I turned back to my duffle bag and went to get my toiletries before zipping up the bag. Caroline only crossed her arms as she sat motionless in the bed. I had to keep from chuckling at her. She could be a child at times, but that's what I loved about her. She wasn't so corrupt; she still acted like a toddler at times, but then could turn into a sexy irresistible vixen or a mature adult. I grabbed Caroline's bag and placed it on the bed beside her. Her pout only grew as she looked up to me. I sighed and ran my fingers through my already tussled black hair.

"Caroline, please, love. We have to go. I promise to give you whatever you want as soon as we get back," I said. I knew I would regret agreeing to that later, but we really needed to go. Her lips turned into a mischievous smile as she perked up.

"Anything" she asked. I sighed before I nodded.

"Within reason," I added. She hummed thoughtfully before she smiled and grabbed her bag.

"Deal," she agreed.

The car ride back to my house was peaceful and beautiful. It was a quiet intimate moment between me and my mate and I couldn't have asked for anything else. I held her hand in mine tightly as I opened the door. Six heads looked at the door with an expression of nervousness and fear. When they saw Caroline, they all let out a breath of relief. My mom ran over and engulfed Caroline in a hug; her arm around her back tightly as her other hand held Caroline's head against her shoulder. My hand was released from Caroline's as she hugged my mother back just as tightly. Pulling away, my mother glared at me with tears in her eyes. I could see that a few had fallen already. She reached forward and slapped me on my arm. I looked at her shocked.

"What?!" I asked loudly and confused. My mother only glared at me.

"Where have you guys been?! We've been worried sick! You were supposed to have been home hours ago!" she yelled at me. Caroline chuckled and twirled her hair nervously.

"That was kind of my fault. I ended up sleeping all day," she admitted. My mother's face softened as she hugged Caroline again.

"It's okay sweetie. I completely understand. It's not your fault," my mother said quickly. I shook my head at my mother as my gaze turned to my relieved friends.

"Natasha and William have been wreaking havoc while you were gone. They went to a council in an uproar asking them to punish you for mating Caroline or have her... dismissed... for knowing about us," Gregg said carefully. I knew exactly what he meant by 'dismissed'. I found myself glaring and growling before tingles shot up my arm. I looked down to see Caroline touching my arm gently. She gave me a soft smile.

"It's okay," she whispered as her hand started rubbing light circles into my arm. It instantly calmed me down and I released a breath before I got angry again.

"That's it," I said, looking to my friends. I pulled away from Caroline and started pacing. I caught a glimpse of her hurt expression but brushed it off quickly. "The only reason we even stand her is because her father was my dad's beta! I've had enough! I'm exiling her from the pack, immediately." My Alpha voice snuck out, as everyone looked at me shocked.

"You know William will fight tooth and nail for his daughter," my mother said softly. I glared at her and stopped pacing.

"I don't care," I seethed before I was out the door, slamming it behind me.

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