Taming Faye

Chapter 104

The sound of her moans of pleasure and the feel of her teeth biting into his skin threw him into a new height of fulfilment, he kept
pounding inside her until he released everything inside her. Rolling off her he drew her info his arm, she was a very sexual being
and enjoyed sex as much, if not more than he did. Daylan worried at times if he would be able to keep up with her when he gets
older, in the years that they have been married he knew he had slowed down a little.
The next morning he had to laugh to himself when she was too tired to get out of bed, she played with fire when after the
amazing sex they had she climbed ontop of him and dared him to take her hard and fast, he gladly did it with a promise that he
would make sure she would not be able to get out of bed in the morning and here she was lying on the bed too tired to get out of
bed. He gave her a night of passion that he knew she would never forget.
Making sure the kids are being looked after he headed to his office downstairs to read over the paper Stefan had given to him
before going for his honeymoon. Picking up his phone after going through the papers he made a call to the P.I he hired a long
time ago,
" Jaden I have some new information and iam going to send it to you now, I want you to check it out and don't leave any stone
unturned, kept me informed as soon as you find anything no matter how small, okay?" He ended the call and made another call
to the new manager of the hotel he owned in Paris
"My wife and I are coming for a visit next month, make sure the suite is ready before we arrive" he hung up immediately he saw
Faye entering his office.
She walked over to him and sat on his lap, putting her arms around his neck " iam sorry I missed breakfast with you and the
He had a smirk on his face when he answered her "well you were pretty workout from last night, iam actually surprised that you
can even walk this morning"
"I manage" she said, letting out a small laugh, " now did I hear you saying something about Paris?"
"Aww you were not supposed to hear that, it was going to be a surprise"
"You might as well tell me now" she said, nibbling his ear.
He could never resist when she nibbled on his ear " okay, iam taking you to Paris for a couple of weeks, I have some business to
attend there so I thought we might as well take a mini vacation, just you and I. We will stay at our hotel when we get there"

"That is great, when are we going?" She asked.
"We will wait till Stefan and my mother are back from their honeymoon, in two weeks time"
"That would be great" she said, resting her head on his shoulder.
"I also have arranged a for a special surprise for you when we get to the hotel"
She lifted her head up, her eyes twinkled with excitement " surprise? What surprise? Oh Daylan you know I can't wait two weeks
to find out what it is"
He slid his hand slowly up her leg, " well baby I will not tell you until we arrive the hotel" he watched as she batted her eye at
him, giving one of her seductive smiled as she swiped her tongue over her buttom lip, Daylan shook his head.
"You can stop now angel, this time I will not give in" he told her with a smirk on his face.
She jumped off hs lap, crossed her arm and gave him a stink eye " Mr sage you are atimes so damn stubborn, perhaps a few
days of no sex might loosen up that tongue of yours"
Daylan gave a hearty laugh " oh angel, you know you love sex as much as I do, and there is no way you won't miss and want
me" he winked.
Faye huff in annoyance and walked out of his office, she knew there was no way she could resist his sexy voice and skillful
hands when they make contact with her skin, nevertheless she was determined to teach Daylan a lesson.
The day came when Daylan and Faye were leaving for their trip to Paris, he had booked them in first class, his business
associate always teases him about not having his own plane despite being a billionaire.
He could have bought one, hell! He could have bought a fleet of them but he never saw the reason for it, anywhere he wanted to
go he could and without stress of owing one, just because he is a very wealthy man doesn't mean he had to flaunt it, Faye taught
him that.
He also enjoy the simple life but will always require the best when needed, after giving the children hugs and kisses Stefan drove
them to the airport.
Faye could never get enough of flying, she always sat by the window looking bout at the big fluffy cloud, she felt like she was in
heaven and seeing the cloud to her was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen.

"I will never understand what you find so fascinating about clouds" Daylan said, when he saw her staring out of the window.
"They are beautiful Daylan, I wish I could reach out and touch one. If you use your imagination you make out all kinds of different
things, faces, animals and people. I keep seeing the face of a woman, she is smiling at me. It is so magical" she said smiling at
her husband, then turned to continue looking at the cloud.
Daylan smiled looking at her " would you like something to drink?"
"Yes, I would love a glass of white wine"
He waved at the flight attendant and asked her to bring over two glasses of white wine, he ignored the woman when she secretly
placed he hand on his arm obviously flirting with him.
The moment he got together with Faye and was determined to marry her he never looked at another woman, finishing her wine
she rested her head on his shoulder, snuggling up to him. He smiled at her when he saw she had fallen asleep.
They had made good time arriving nine hours later in Paris, there was a limousine waiting for them when they landed and
departed from the airport, the driver was one of the men that he had hired to be their bodyguard since Stefan and his godmother
were at home looking after the kids. Although he did not tell Faye, not wanting her to worry.

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