Tales of the Rope

Chapter 28: Halloween Tricks and Treats

Chapter 28: Halloween Tricks and Treats
Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. There is something so exciting about a time devoted to scary things, and when
people can run around dressed up in outlandish costumes and do outrageous things. I have many fond memories of Halloweens
past, including many bondage adventures, starting when I was very young.
On that Halloween I dressed up as a cowgirl including western boots, a brown skirt with fringes, white blouse, brown leather vest
with fringes, a cowboy hat, and a holster with toy cap pistol. When I left the house I was carrying a big candy bag and looked like
any other child going out for trick or treating. But a few houses away I met up with some of my friends and put my plan into
action. One of these friends was a nice boy named Billy. We often played together and he had agreed to go along with my
scheme. He had agreed to dress up as an Indian complete with war paint on his face.
From my bag I took the two pieces of rope hidden there. Billy then tied my hands behind my back. I’m afraid that my wrists were
only crossed; I hadn’t gotten into being bound with elbows touching behind me yet. The second piece of rope had a loop at the
end and was noosed around my neck.
We then went trick or treating. Billy held my tether in one hand and his candy bag in the other. I held my bag in my hand and
every time we were to get candy I would turn around and stick out my bound wrists for the person to put the candy into my bag.
This was about the first time I had been displayed in front of adults in public while in bondage and I was having a ball. Billy
seemed to like leading around the captured cowgirl. I’ll bet that wherever Billy is today, she’s got a wife who spends a lot of time
tied up. No one had a negative word to say about our little game. Indeed, we got a few comments about how clever it was to
have an Indian with his captured cowgirl.
As usual, we ran between houses to cover more ground because more houses equals more candy, and had ridiculously filled
bags when we finally had to quit. Before we got home, Billy untied my hands and I hid the rope in some bushes in front of our
house. I knew that I couldn’t get away with sneaking rope into the house in my candy bag. Mother always dumped out all my
candy on the dining room table so she could inspect it for anything suspicious. She would throw away any candy that wasn’t
wrapped. She said it was for my protection to check all the candy. but I think she was searching for Mounds and Almond Joy
bars, her favorites. Those bars always seemed to disappear from my candy bag almost immediately after Halloween.
But Halloween isn’t just for kids. Costume balls give an adult with a twisted sense of the perverse a great time to run free. One
Halloween a few years ago sticks in my memory because it involved bondage. I had a boyfriend then named Edward. And he
always insisted on being called Edward, never Ed or Eddy. So I’m going call him Ed in this story. That’s to get even for the time

he left me tied in a chair to watch as he ate both his and my chocolate éclairs. When you read this, Eddy, you’ll know who you
Well, Ed and I went over to a friend’s house for a Halloween party. Since this couple were also into bondage, it was only natural
that I went as a prisoner. I got one of those prisoner costumes, the ones with large black and white strips. We added a pair of
handcuffs and a pair of legirons and my costume was complete. It wasn’t really a costume party but I enjoyed the chance to go
out in public wearing a pair of handcuffs. They were locked in front of me as we thought that being locked on behind my back
might be a little too much for some of the public.
The legirons were a pair that Ed made for me. He took a normal pair of handcuffs and cut the link between them. Then he added
a short length of chain, about twelve inches, and closed the end links onto the handcuffs with a pair of small locks. The chain
links were solid enough that I couldn’t pull the links open no matter how hard I tried. My ankles are slender enough to easily fit
into a handcuff. That easily, we had a pair of legirons. Some other time I’ll tell you the usual purpose they served, but for that
night they were a part of my Halloween costume. I thought that the legirons went well with the fishnet black nylons and the black
high heels.
The costume itself was a sexual turn-on. It was made of rather thin material, I guess since it was meant to be put on over regular
clothes. It felt like lounging pajamas. Of course I wore nothing underneath, a fact that more than a few people noticed. More than
one pair of eyes stared at my nipples poking against the thin cloth. If they suspected that I wore no panties underneath, then
good. Gave them a little joy in their drab lives.
We stopped at a liquor store and Ed insisted that I went in while he picked out some wine to take with us. I stood by the register
while he selected (a process that took far longer than it should have) and endured the stare of the owner and customers. I told
the clerk I was on the way to a costume party but he didn’t look like he believed me. I think it was legirons. I had to take short
steps and the chain clinked when I didn’t keep my feet pulled apart the foot or so they were allowed.
The other customers, mostly males, gave me some funny stares but nobody said anything. Finally I shuffled my way back to the
car. Ed insisted on fastening the seat belt over me. For safety, of course. He managed to grab a handful of breast while doing it,
too. I had been embarrassed a bit in the store but also excited. Most women like to show off their bodies for male approval. I
certainly do. And to show it off in any form of bondage is exciting.
The party was in a private home and trick or treaters were at the front door every few minutes. For a while I handed out the
candy and showed off my shackles to the kids. But with two men present, it wasn’t long before my prisoner shirt was unbuttoned
and pulled down over my arms. When the doorbell rang, I hid behind a couch while the door was open. Then the other man got

an idea. Quickly both his wife and I were stripped naked and being tied into kitchen chairs in the middle of the front room.
Whenever trick or treaters came to the door, a blanket was thrown over each of us. All the kids could see was two lumps in the
middle of the room. One of the lumps was usually giggling because she thought this was pretty funny.
It wasn’t too long before we were both lashed firmly to the chair, extra tightly in my case because I got lippy and told them that if I
could get free I would run out and go trick or treating while naked and shackled. Then, for almost two hours, we sat in the front
room in our chairs. When the door wasn’t open, our blankets were off and we were being teased by the males. When the
doorbell rang the blankets were tossed over us. I wonder what those kids thought was going on but doubt any of them could
have guessed that there were two naked and bound up women under the blankets.
Later, after the kids stopped coming, we were untied from the chairs and some serious bondage games began. I recall spending
some time in a hogtie on the dining room table, and engaging in a four way bout of oral sex where both us girls had our arms
tightly bound behind their backs.
It was well after midnight when we drove home. I was back in my prisoner costume, of course. And the handcuffs and legirons
were back on, the handcuffs in back. By then I didn’t care if anyone saw me with my hands locked behind my back.

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