Tales of temptation Greeds unlikely love

Chapter Ties that bind (greeds pov )

My realm in the underworld beckoned, a place of order and purpose—a place where the sin of greed found its definition. As I embarked on my duties, the echoes of our shared night lingered—whispers that painted my thoughts with her presence, her touch, her lips.

But the tranquility of my realm was short-lived, shattered by an unexpected intrusion. Pride, my brother, approached—a figure whose presence bore with it an air of authority and curiosity. His words were sharp, his questions pointed—a questioning that I hadn't anticipated, for pride had always been the one who projected an aura of self-assuredness.

Maintaining a neutral façade, I met his gaze, my voice measured as I replied, "Where I've been and what I do is not your concern, brother." My words were a declaration—a boundary drawn in the sand, a line that separated the territories of our existence.

Pride's motivations remained shrouded, his interest in my affairs an enigma that defied easy explanation. But as he persisted, his eyes searching mine for answers, I felt a surge of defiance—a refusal to let his inquiries breach the walls I had erected.

"Why is it so important that you and Lust decide to place yourselves in my business?" I questioned, a hint of frustration creeping into my tone. The ties that bound us as brothers were complex—woven from the threads of our shared existence, yet tinged with the individuality that defined our natures.

As Pride stood before me, his expression unyielding, I couldn't help but wonder about the forces that had set this encounter in motion—forces that pulled at the very fabric of our relationships, forces that threatened to disrupt the equilibrium we had maintained for centuries.

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